Photographer's Delight - WIP Game Discussion

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
Just thought of a three part mini-presequel.. One for each of the daughters mothers

Called 'Tales Of Basile'

Still thinking of a main game name, had an idea for one but want to avoid using 'Lonresa' or any character name in the main title
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I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I like Kimmy, actually I like all these models.
hmm.. this have any merit?
I would disagree with some of the rpg stuff, but otherwise a sound opinion. The part about audio, character design and comfortable UI are particularly important for me, I hate games that require more clicks than they should, with small and scattered buttons or without keyboard support.

Just thought of a three part mini-presequel. One for each of the daughters mothers

Called 'Tales Of Basile'

Still thinking of a main game name, had an idea for one but want to avoid using 'Lonresa' or any character name in the main title
A prequel would be cool for more backstory and to solve potential plot holes about the past.

Naming is a pain :FeelsBadMan:. Yeah, avoid Lorensa is a good idea unless the main point of the game is city itself.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
A prequel would be cool for more backstory and to solve potential plot holes about the past.

Naming is a pain :FeelsBadMan:. Yeah, avoid Lorensa is a good idea unless the main point of the game is city itself.
I enjoy prequel content and added context / backstory. It would be a good place to do the meet cute, as it were, for the three girls and explain the application mix up in more depth. However... maybe get a v0.1 or engine test out for the game first to show what you plan to include in the main game before doing a solely narrative introduction... I just did the latter this week and boy are get getting a fair bit of feedback which, while most is fair enough, some is just not helpful like "it lacks choices... that's stupid." Perhaps should show what you intend to do game wise, then do setting / character introductions to avoid that miscommunication. Just my two cents going through it... though they;ll probably hit you with the opposite feedback of no content...

Basically, yes to backstory and context, just time it right.

... and yeah, the name is important. You only get the one shot so make it count.

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
yea.. i show that in your thread, got me thinking of making them short vn's with choices but still have a set end of each mother getting pregnant, might even give Sadie a dark themed mini-vn.. not sure how to go about that, but read some where around here on the site not to make your first game your 'dream' game.. so starting with prequels/mini-vn's will be a good test and skill building exercise :D.. and we'll be able to see what the mothers look like :D


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
yea.. i show that in your thread, got me thinking of making them short vn's with choices but still have a set end of each mother getting pregnant, might even give Sadie a dark themed mini-vn.. not sure how to go about that, but read some where around here on the site not to make your first game your 'dream' game.. so starting with prequels/mini-vn's will be a good test and skill building exercise :D.. and we'll be able to see what the mothers look like :D
That it is. It is always good to go with the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to start and test out all your engine elements early. It also helps to work out the kinks in the process (and work in the Kinks story wise... sorry, couldn't resist the pun) so I do recommend the process at some point. It also gives you a chance to do some narrative from other characters points of view without muddling it with the protaganist's during the main game. Really, apart form timing it right, I can't say anything against getting in some practice via minis.

The critics will fall off and the fans will stay, you just need to give it time. It's almost like a rite of passage for devs. That said, short stories do need to be given good attention just like any content. Its 'viable' which also entails that it is 'good' or 'worth it', focus on that part rather than the minimal.

Kane Salvatore

Salvatore Studios
Jan 2, 2018
Just thought of a three part mini-presequel.. One for each of the daughters mothers

Called 'Tales Of Basile'

Still thinking of a main game name, had an idea for one but want to avoid using 'Lonresa' or any character name in the main title
yea.. i show that in your thread, got me thinking of making them short vn's with choices but still have a set end of each mother getting pregnant, might even give Sadie a dark themed mini-vn.. not sure how to go about that, but read some where around here on the site not to make your first game your 'dream' game.. so starting with prequels/mini-vn's will be a good test and skill building exercise :D.. and we'll be able to see what the mothers look like :D
good idea.. not sure on 'Tales of Basile' though .. don't want to use 'Origin', 'Family', 'Father' or 'Daughter' as well.. and yea no 'Lonresa', 'Vincia' and 'University'. not sure on using character names either

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
Origins of The Basile Sisters: Hitomi's Conception
Origins of The Basile Sisters: Sierra's Conception
Origins of The Basile Sisters: Chione's Conception
Origins of Sadie: Bad Times
Origins of The Basile Sisters: High School Days

has a nice ring too it imo..
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Reactions: Kane Salvatore


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
good idea.. not sure on 'Tales of Basile' though .. don't want to use 'Origin', 'Family', 'Father' or 'Daughter' as well.. and yea no 'Lonresa', 'Vincia' and 'University'. not sure on using character names either
I would agree, marking it with incest words will only get you flagged in places like Patreon while place names don't really give a feel for the story / content. It does have to have a touchstone with the content some how though or it'll be too confusing. Imagine a TV show called "Living in New York" and then it turns out its about 6 friends who go to a coffee shop in a vague part of New York, or 4 women who meet up for lunch to drink and compare sex stories... or it turns out to be about a novelist who solves crimes with a cop from the NYPD. You get what I mean, you have no idea what you're getting into if you have your title so vague... it really is an art to create the right name

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
the prequel ideas atm are first three being about the girls mothers.. sadie's is before her slip into darkness, and the fifth is the girls in high school before going to there dads..

Kane Salvatore

Salvatore Studios
Jan 2, 2018
Why not think about each main theme of the prequels? This way you guys could set the names accordingly and have some uniformity, like a season for each one or a hobby or an object that was important to them.
the prequel ideas atm are first three being about the girls mothers.. sadie's is before her slip into darkness, and the fifth is the girls in high school before going to there dads..
still have to work on the idea tbh.. but yea, want to try and get each girls mother's backstory which will round out their own, sadie's is unimportant atm tbh, and the high school days should imo be about the girls finding out they share the same name/father and some common interests

Kane Salvatore

Salvatore Studios
Jan 2, 2018



Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018

Some of these look pretty nice. The last one in particulate for your female rival dean lady. Black if she's more conservative, ruby red if she's bold and forthright.

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
not to make your first game your 'dream' game
Tbh this isn't our 'dream' game either.. We have two still somewhat rough game/book idea's we have been working on for years.

This is however our 'dream' game since finding f95 :D

First idea we started in high school, a fantasy world mixing elements of The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Elder Scrolls, Dungeons & Dragons, Final Fantasy, Legend of the Dragoon, books by Robert Jordan and Terry Goodkind and some others.. That is still on paper with a hand drawn map.. Rough idea was a group of mercenaries that deal with any abnormalities in the world that normal armed forces cannot handle

Second idea came around in our brief time in college.. A huge Sci-Fi Fantasy idea mostly involving mixing ships\tech from Halo, Dead Space, Stargate and cannot think of the rest atm not at my computer, all the info for this one is in text files and images.. Rough idea was sort of like the Turbines from Iron Blood Orphans (show wasn't even around at the time :) ), other then a heavy incest element and immortality serums..

Can go into more details later if any one wants..