Unity - Pizza Hot! [v0.12 Beta3] [Abelius]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the update 0.12 beta. I could see what people said about its grinding. It would've been good if dev provide a button to skip a week, because the new events with the landlord happen only on Monday evening. Otherwise, I had to click the bed a lot to skip a week to get the next event. The 12 events are sexual services the MC needs to provide the landlord for unpaid rent as previously advertised. As expected, each event is basically simple animations of sexual massage with conversation between naive MC and perverted landlord. Of course, in the name of slowburn, the final event didn't include actual sex, pretty unrealistic considering the previous radical progress. I gave it 3 stars as game did what dev promised but asked too much grinding with existing events not synchronized well with new events.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    That is what you get, when you give 5 stars "for potential". 2.5 year of development, and this game still has nothing but potential.
    Gameplay is simple and repetitive. No new ideas, everything as basic as it could be. No depth in it ever, levelcaps are around 20-30 out of 100 on every skill or parameter
    Story is not a story, but most basic box of cliches. Cringefest of dialogs, one -dementional characters - everything like we saw a hundred times
    An on top of that its disastrously poorly made. No optimization, even slightly.
    So do not expect anything. That was made for "potential" only. You are free to struggle with this undeveloped mess, and then masturbate to your own fantasy about how this game could've been
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I have about 14 hours into this game, and there has only been ONE (1) actual sex scene. This game has so much potential but is grindy as fuck for no reason. There is also no easy way to cheat, you have to edit your own save file. I tried to not use cheats, but raising some of the stats is just way too tedious for a porn game. Also, the scenes on the bus, you finally get close to seeing a sex scene, but then your stop arrives and your character rushes off the bus. Why? Let us make the choice of staying or leaving.

    Overall, I chose three stars because the art is very good and there is potential. I thought about giving it two stars but I decided three was more fair.

    I only recommend playing this game with cheating by editing your stats to max, and even then, only do so if you have a lot of time to spend for minimal sexual scenes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though it's bare bones, the potential is there. The choices, character editor, and style is enjoyable. Even though it's lacking in the sexual content, I did have fun with the waitress minigame and just exploring what I could do based around the MC's overall exposure to lewdness. While the updates are slow, I still believe in this project and am eager to see the day for more features and H genres.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, this game as ver 0.11g and 2y in development got: almost no gameplay - it's just unjustified grindfest, almost non-existent and silly story, and as a result of both bad game design and controversial priorities in development - both rushed and almost non-existent erotic content, too rushed to make any sense. That's impressive.
    The only reason I can't give this game 1 star is the art, maybe it's a strange thing to say, but I think there's some real love in it, sadly it has nothing to do with the dev himself, he just got lucky with an artist, that's all.
    I can't give this game more than 2 stars just for the art being good and the potential I don't see anymore. All I see now is a dull, boring and grindy barebone game with nothing on the horizon - the dev will probably add even more rushed porn in an attempt to compensate for the lack of everything else, just like he did with 0.11g.
    My main issue with this game is a generic, uninspired and predictable story.
    This got nothing to do with the game itself and more about non-existent expectations: It's clear to me that the dev don't want to reinvest in the game, at least for now, which means no changes in development speed and overall quality; the dev also act overly sensitive and unprofessional to criticism, which only means unwillingness to change anything at all. History of conflicts and drama in LOK Rebirth and abuse of power against supporters does not help.
    I maybe harsh but at least I am honest, as for the dev: "I work 12 hours, every single day of the week, to create a unique game, consistently five-star rated which only criticism from people seem to be they want to see more of it in a shorter period of time." - official information from subscribestar, and yes, I don't believe in exaggerations and hyperboles - it's straight-up lie and fraud, for me at least. Edit: He deleted the info from subscribestar hahah, but it's still here in Developer Notes: forever :BootyTime:.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Over 2 years of little to nothing new.

    Gameplay is a grindy mess that is reminiscent of games where repeated go-throughs of a generic groping scene has to be played to gain a few "levels" that would then unlock more scenes.

    Only major difference in terms of porn scenes between versions are the following:
    - few kissing, groping, and exhibitionistic scenes with the landlord (0.9)
    - a mooning scene where the roommate molests the mc (0.10)
    - an advanced bus groping scene that acts like the already available bus groping scene, but for coming home from work instead of going to work (0.11)

    This is Legend of Krystal level of scam.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following Pizza Hot! for over a year, both as a patreon and a fan and whilst it might be a slow burn, I have never been under any illusion that it wouldn't be. The consistent approach to developing an exciting, developmental, future proof game is brilliant to see and play.

    Version 11 is by far the best release so far! I know it took a while to get to this stage and I miss not being able to modify the stats which allowed me to get the MC to wear whatever I wanted to, but nevermind that. This game is brilliant and easily one of the best on the site.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Art style is the only selling point of this barebones corruption sim, grindfest and full of content drought. If not for the artist, this game would've been dead the moment it had arrived.

    The game you 'believe' it will be in the future is not real, it will never be real. The faster you realize this, the faster you will see the game for what it is... a mediocre side scroller porn game that has been in development since 3+ years with no porn in it. Do not be blinded by "potential"... you will be ultimately disappointed.

    A lot of early 5-star reviews say PH has immense potential, but you can look back on them and realize that this potential will never become a reality. The game is in the exact same state as it was in the early days but now with a few events and useless dialogue.

    The game doesn't feature ANY sex scenes as of 0.12 as you can tell by the lack of meaningful tags. Pizza hot is an extreme slowburn about the life of Jenny living in the big city... minus the freedom to do anything and minus what you can actually do or explore in the big city. Most places on the city map are locked and without any content.

    Every new version adds bare minimal content and updates are very far and few in between long periods of silence and nothingness and when a new version comes out, it's maybe 5 minutes' worth of gameplay... for something that took 3+ months to arrive.

    0.11 added groping after two years of game development. 0.12 added some foreplay after almost 2.75 years. Need I remind you that this an actual porn game that does not have any porn in it. If you wish for sex scenes, keep dreaming as they won't arrive before 2027 (or later) if I'm being honest.

    Even in the latest version, the game is largely filled with absolutely nothing sexual happening. Only certain points of interest like the massage parlor and the bus have a consistent NSFW outcome that you can 'enjoy' but everything else is either incomplete, locked behind some stat, RNG based or once that event is over, you can never encounter it again... No gallery or recollection room to have a quick enjoyment out of the game.

    The fault lies entirely in the developer Abelius who makes ~$7K every single month but his supporters demand no accountability from him, so he gets away with anything. Delaying for months, adding crumbs of content and no real story and character development in the past two plus years of this game and yet people keep funding his greedy behavior.

    Now the dev is looking towards using ChatGPT and AI tools to write the story and dialogue, talk about being utterly lazy.

    PH deserves the 1-star rating it currently has, it is irredeemable, and the dev is clearly milking the shit out of the game for the next several years because of NPCs who fund his bad habits and endless gluttony. He knows he isn't going to get another cashcow like PH so he is artificially extending the development time as much as he can.

    PH was a good game when it started, now it has clearly become a tool for the dev to relax at his home 24*7, answer to no one, use AI to add a few lines of dialogue and work on it for a few hours and call it an new version update, while fools will endlessly keep giving him money.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Weird strategy by game dev, almost 2 years of development and the only thing that makes this an actual porn game is the fact you can be naked in the shower or when getting a massage (I guess the new dream scenes too, but thats the laziest writting tool to use). Everything else is stuff you could find in a pg 13 game, mind you it wouldn't be one worth playing.

    Game play is actually pretty fun if you're interested in restaurant sims where you play as the employee and not owner.

    If this game wasn't marketed as a porn game I would probably give it 3 stars. I wish the developer as much luck and good will as they need to make the game they want to make, but as it stands, it's not a game that I personally see myself ever playing.

    2/10 - Longest Corruption route I've ever seen
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    v0.9b. There are basically no sex acts. There's an intro to a story and then it ends. What happens after is that you get to get settled in to a new house and then go on 3 side quests and they are all grindy. The payoff is going to be nothing because the protagonist still can't get laid. The game consists of walking left to right. You walk left to right in the house, and at the beginning of the day you walk left to right in the workplace, and then you go home and walk left to right until you click on your bed. A game this simple would presumably have alot of sexual content because it doesn't really have any gameplay.

    A small warning to people who want to subscribe. Forget about any mentions of 'technical' by the developer or his critics. The game has been like this for almost 2 years now. Even though it went from 0.1 to 0.9 the only thing that got added was some rubbing. To be fair to the developer, according to him it was supposed to be slow in the beginning, so maybe it will pick up pace now.

    My rating is 1 star for now because there is very little gameplay, VERY little porn, and there is very little story. Definitely would not recommend to download right now, but [probably?] worth checking back on.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Technically the game it's really well coded, fluid, with a nice graphics and animations. The envoirment looks rich with details, the server minigame it's well made, even overcoded for this kind of game. Dialogues are good written and even if the MC it's too naive the interactions are pretty legit. Some scenes create a really good and legit tense scenes, but

    There is actually not a single sex scene in the game.
    Under the excuse of "slow corruption" you end up facing a massive repetitive grind which doesnt lead to absolutely anything, you will farm hours to get nothing at all. I love slow corruption games to a point that when the game allow it i try to do a pure run, and i dont like the one that go full hardcore instantly but here you will face a massive grind and never get a single cookie in return, not even a kiss.

    In the end the game has an extreme potential, but is that kind of promising game with extremely slow developement where you are lucky to get one update per year which will add nearly nothing at all, having a cocky dev that does not accept criticism.

    Reading the drama, i hope the dev will understand that for making a profit a porn game should have sex, also not locked into a massive grind. Leaks are not the reson since plenty of totally free games sell very well.

    We play those games not only for the story or the gameplay, we play them for the porn inside them, and not everyone has the time for a 5 hours grind to get a softcore non porn scene and nothing else.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of the best h games I've played! I wish there were female NPCs other than the male ones, and also more stuff to do in the pizzeria's restroom like cleaning (and maybe an option to do number 2?)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Ever since I laid my eyes on this game I bookmarked it and decided to give it a year or two before I tried it. Well today, I finally decided to give it a go.

    Out of the gate the game looks beautiful. The art is amazing and the UI is simple and straightforward. Being able to customize the MC is also a good touch.
    The game itself is interesting. As other reviews have pointed out, it is a slow burn. MC comes from a very humble background and starts getting slowly corrupted by the new environment she finds herself in. Personally, i am a fan of female protag games where corruption is involved and this game does a good job of portraying that.
    The criticism I have of the game so far is also kind of the same as most reviews here, lack of content. LOC. After waiting a year or two, I was hoping to see a few sex scenes, but to my disappointment there aren't any. There is one dream sequence but that's about it. There aren't any notable scenes till date.
    But I still give it 4 stars, purely because making a game is no easy task. This isn't a studio project. It's an individual (i think) who is putting his/her heart and soul into it, and what I've seen so far in terms of art, mechanics and what it can potentially achieve, the sky is the limit. Good luck
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    For now I am enjoying the game, is one of those that the no-sexual part doesn't bother me that much, gives you something else to do mainly in this stage of development where there not that much yet.
    I am giving a 4 stars though because is easy to not really know what you still have to see in this version or how to unlock certain moments. I don't say a in-game guide but some hints somewhere could be a good idea.
    In terms of gameplay in the pizzeria part it would be good to have a way to cancel wrong pizzas or beverages even if that means a salary penalty because if for some reason you make the wrong pizza or pick the wrong beverage you will have it in the tray until the end of the day.

    A good game that I intend to return in a later stage to see the progress
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6158110

    Nice 2D arts and smooth UI operations. It also has interesting rewarding systems. But OMG, its click-hogging is intolerable. I might have a dream about duracell bunny tonight, doing the same things agaiin and again... I would recommend this game if you enjoy doing the same thing again and again.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game, it's interesting. But a game under development without an image gallery or "walking through the game" is tiring, because you don't know if you've completed the content and you can spend hours repeating processes unnecessarily. This can discourage the person from continuing to follow along, because they get tired of the game. The pizzeria minigame is cool, but I've played it so many times in hopes of something different or a different combination of actions that I don't have the patience for it anymore.

    In short, the game is really cool and has the potential to be one of the best! Keep updating and refining the game mechanics!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Not really any sexual content in the game. Seems fun in certain aspects like the job, bus riding, and massage parlor but misses the mark and is only really grindy without reward. The customization is nice but that by itself the game still falls flat without anything supporting it.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    A Fetish for Slowness

    This game has some very decent artwork, and I do love games that are about women. The models are generally appealing and it feels like it could be a good game someday.

    That being said, the gameplay itself is painful. Many scenes claim to be gated behind certain levels of lewdness, exhibition, or relationship points. In a good game you might be able to choose how and when you earn these. You might even be able to focus on grinding one or more of these stats up to gain access to a scene. Not in Pizza Hot. You're more likely to spend several in-game days searching for an activity or dialogue option that allows you to gain a single point in one of these stats, grind to proc that option for several days after that, and then repeat the cycle as soon as that scene stops giving you points (often < 3 times)

    Speaking of frustrating grinds, the pizza minigame that the main game revolves around is unbearable. Counting out the seconds, the furthest table is about 11 seconds from the pass, while the closest is 6. Combine this with the fact that every time you pick up or set down any item (food or drink) you're adding an at least additional second of slow animations and you're looking at a minigame that feels like molasses.

    I've been looking at this game off and on for a year or so and have seen nearly nothing in terms of new scenes and progression.

    This game advertises its primary fetish as slow corruption. In reality it seems that the developer just has a fetish for slowness.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is my Review of v0.8.e (Pizza Hot!)
    Made by the developer (Abelius)

    There is a possibility that this Review will change when a new update comes later on since this game isn't finished yet.

    The Story-line: 4/5

    The main character's goal here is to go to college (Sounds pretty normal, right?) Nope! Life isn't that simple for everyone, and that's where the fun begins. You can choose to have an honest living or more of a "lustful" way to reach your goal.

    Five things you need to have control over in this game. And that's things like Lewdness, Arousal, Exhibitionism, Spirit, and Stress. All the info you need is provided to you for those five parts. And it's up to you to decide what you want to do.

    The story is pretty short at this moment (With almost no contest, but that is to be expected for a beta) Going over the world map in the game, it's a pretty big project here. Many possibilities, so we can only wait and see what comes next.

    Animations and Art: 4.5/5

    This game is a 2D side-scroller game that says you can only see the left and right sides. But in some parts of the game, you can see some of the frontside in a few special situations.

    One of the few things I like best about the game is that the game has a character edit where you can choose how you want to look. There aren't many changes you can make as of right now, but guessing there will be more for later updates.

    I was overjoyed that there aren't any unnatural body parts, if you like women with big bong bong stuff, this isn't a game for you. The best animations are when they look normal as they do in this game.

    The quality of the characters is well made. All from beautiful girls to creepy apartment owners. Sometimes the simple animations are better than others (Depending on people's interests) I'm more for the anime type of things. But this game made pretty great animations so far.

    Level of difficulty: 3/5

    The only challenge you have now is the restaurant, the main part of the game. The rest of the games are just earning points for your Lewdness, Arousal, Exhibitionism, Spirit, and Stress which will open new possibilities for decisions making for events.

    This is an easy game where you follow the list of orders as fast as possible. The less time you use more you get. The more time you use, the less you get. The money part is to buy new clothes in different colors. I haven't seen the paying rent hasn't come up yet. I have played previous versions of the game, so I know there will be new content and challenges, but for right now, it's a good start.

    The sounds & Music parts: 4.5/5

    Yeah! This game has both sounds and music for sure. All from the girl making noise to the broken plates in the kitchen. There are still a few places in the game that lacks some sound effects but didn't think of it too much. The opening music and the others are great.

    Overall: 4/5 - F95Zone Star 4 "Good"

    It is a very early version of the game with a good start. With few contents of events. I didn't detect errors or bugs and had trouble learning the save/load part at first.

    A small note with a hint telling where you can earn points instead of repeating the same event would be nice. I enjoy the gameplay so far and looking forward to the next update. Keep up the great work here! Making games isn't an easy job.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I remember checking out version 0.3 and thinking it had so much potential. I was really looking forward to seeing what was to come.

    Unfortunately, over a year later, potential is still the only thing going for this game.

    I want to like it so much. The premise, a naïve country girl getting sexually corrupted, is very much up my alley. However, aside from a dream sequence, some fondling and masturbation, there's really nothing here to justify a play through. I understand it's a slow burn corruption, but it's been over a year. We should at least have had a handjob.

    The gameplay also becomes a grind. You play day after day, getting a +1 increase in relationship, lewdness or exhibitionism. As there is limited content, replaying the waitressing game becomes pointless, so your gameplay becomes this: Wake up, hopefully RNG is on your side and Kayla joins you in the shower, if not, no +1 relationship for that day. Get on the bus, skip the mini-game and go to the massage parlour to get +1 lewdness, if you make the right choice, Go home, go to sleep, repeat. It's not exactly compelling as, once again, there are no sexual scenes to justify the grind.

    I'm also puzzled by some of the Dev's choices. He's decided to implement a clothing system before any sexual scenes. When making a porn game, I would have thought the sexual scenes would be a priority, but I'm not a game Dev, so what would I know.

    As I said, I want to like this game, but it's very difficult in it's current state. There's far to much grind for no reward. Maybe in another year, the game will be worth playing.

    EDIT: I wanted to add that there was no new content in the 0.7 build, to my knowledge anyway, as that was the implmentation of the clothing system. This means there hasn't been any new content since July 2022, when 0.6 was released. No meaningful content update in 6 months is pretty bad.

    EDIT V2. I am droppping my rating to a 1 as the 0.8 update had very little content. That means there has been no significant new content added since July 2022.