Unity - Pizza Hot! [v0.13f] [Abelius]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of the best h games I've played! I wish there were female NPCs other than the male ones, and also more stuff to do in the pizzeria's restroom like cleaning (and maybe an option to do number 2?)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Ever since I laid my eyes on this game I bookmarked it and decided to give it a year or two before I tried it. Well today, I finally decided to give it a go.

    Out of the gate the game looks beautiful. The art is amazing and the UI is simple and straightforward. Being able to customize the MC is also a good touch.
    The game itself is interesting. As other reviews have pointed out, it is a slow burn. MC comes from a very humble background and starts getting slowly corrupted by the new environment she finds herself in. Personally, i am a fan of female protag games where corruption is involved and this game does a good job of portraying that.
    The criticism I have of the game so far is also kind of the same as most reviews here, lack of content. LOC. After waiting a year or two, I was hoping to see a few sex scenes, but to my disappointment there aren't any. There is one dream sequence but that's about it. There aren't any notable scenes till date.
    But I still give it 4 stars, purely because making a game is no easy task. This isn't a studio project. It's an individual (i think) who is putting his/her heart and soul into it, and what I've seen so far in terms of art, mechanics and what it can potentially achieve, the sky is the limit. Good luck
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    For now I am enjoying the game, is one of those that the no-sexual part doesn't bother me that much, gives you something else to do mainly in this stage of development where there not that much yet.
    I am giving a 4 stars though because is easy to not really know what you still have to see in this version or how to unlock certain moments. I don't say a in-game guide but some hints somewhere could be a good idea.
    In terms of gameplay in the pizzeria part it would be good to have a way to cancel wrong pizzas or beverages even if that means a salary penalty because if for some reason you make the wrong pizza or pick the wrong beverage you will have it in the tray until the end of the day.

    A good game that I intend to return in a later stage to see the progress
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6158110

    Nice 2D arts and smooth UI operations. It also has interesting rewarding systems. But OMG, its click-hogging is intolerable. I might have a dream about duracell bunny tonight, doing the same things agaiin and again... I would recommend this game if you enjoy doing the same thing again and again.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game, it's interesting. But a game under development without an image gallery or "walking through the game" is tiring, because you don't know if you've completed the content and you can spend hours repeating processes unnecessarily. This can discourage the person from continuing to follow along, because they get tired of the game. The pizzeria minigame is cool, but I've played it so many times in hopes of something different or a different combination of actions that I don't have the patience for it anymore.

    In short, the game is really cool and has the potential to be one of the best! Keep updating and refining the game mechanics!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Not really any sexual content in the game. Seems fun in certain aspects like the job, bus riding, and massage parlor but misses the mark and is only really grindy without reward. The customization is nice but that by itself the game still falls flat without anything supporting it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    A Fetish for Slowness

    This game has some very decent artwork, and I do love games that are about women. The models are generally appealing and it feels like it could be a good game someday.

    That being said, the gameplay itself is painful. Many scenes claim to be gated behind certain levels of lewdness, exhibition, or relationship points. In a good game you might be able to choose how and when you earn these. You might even be able to focus on grinding one or more of these stats up to gain access to a scene. Not in Pizza Hot. You're more likely to spend several in-game days searching for an activity or dialogue option that allows you to gain a single point in one of these stats, grind to proc that option for several days after that, and then repeat the cycle as soon as that scene stops giving you points (often < 3 times)

    Speaking of frustrating grinds, the pizza minigame that the main game revolves around is unbearable. Counting out the seconds, the furthest table is about 11 seconds from the pass, while the closest is 6. Combine this with the fact that every time you pick up or set down any item (food or drink) you're adding an at least additional second of slow animations and you're looking at a minigame that feels like molasses.

    I've been looking at this game off and on for a year or so and have seen nearly nothing in terms of new scenes and progression.

    This game advertises its primary fetish as slow corruption. In reality it seems that the developer just has a fetish for slowness.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is my Review of v0.8.e (Pizza Hot!)
    Made by the developer (Abelius)

    There is a possibility that this Review will change when a new update comes later on since this game isn't finished yet.

    The Story-line: 4/5

    The main character's goal here is to go to college (Sounds pretty normal, right?) Nope! Life isn't that simple for everyone, and that's where the fun begins. You can choose to have an honest living or more of a "lustful" way to reach your goal.

    Five things you need to have control over in this game. And that's things like Lewdness, Arousal, Exhibitionism, Spirit, and Stress. All the info you need is provided to you for those five parts. And it's up to you to decide what you want to do.

    The story is pretty short at this moment (With almost no contest, but that is to be expected for a beta) Going over the world map in the game, it's a pretty big project here. Many possibilities, so we can only wait and see what comes next.

    Animations and Art: 4.5/5

    This game is a 2D side-scroller game that says you can only see the left and right sides. But in some parts of the game, you can see some of the frontside in a few special situations.

    One of the few things I like best about the game is that the game has a character edit where you can choose how you want to look. There aren't many changes you can make as of right now, but guessing there will be more for later updates.

    I was overjoyed that there aren't any unnatural body parts, if you like women with big bong bong stuff, this isn't a game for you. The best animations are when they look normal as they do in this game.

    The quality of the characters is well made. All from beautiful girls to creepy apartment owners. Sometimes the simple animations are better than others (Depending on people's interests) I'm more for the anime type of things. But this game made pretty great animations so far.

    Level of difficulty: 3/5

    The only challenge you have now is the restaurant, the main part of the game. The rest of the games are just earning points for your Lewdness, Arousal, Exhibitionism, Spirit, and Stress which will open new possibilities for decisions making for events.

    This is an easy game where you follow the list of orders as fast as possible. The less time you use more you get. The more time you use, the less you get. The money part is to buy new clothes in different colors. I haven't seen the paying rent hasn't come up yet. I have played previous versions of the game, so I know there will be new content and challenges, but for right now, it's a good start.

    The sounds & Music parts: 4.5/5

    Yeah! This game has both sounds and music for sure. All from the girl making noise to the broken plates in the kitchen. There are still a few places in the game that lacks some sound effects but didn't think of it too much. The opening music and the others are great.

    Overall: 4/5 - F95Zone Star 4 "Good"

    It is a very early version of the game with a good start. With few contents of events. I didn't detect errors or bugs and had trouble learning the save/load part at first.

    A small note with a hint telling where you can earn points instead of repeating the same event would be nice. I enjoy the gameplay so far and looking forward to the next update. Keep up the great work here! Making games isn't an easy job.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I remember checking out version 0.3 and thinking it had so much potential. I was really looking forward to seeing what was to come.

    Unfortunately, over a year later, potential is still the only thing going for this game.

    I want to like it so much. The premise, a naïve country girl getting sexually corrupted, is very much up my alley. However, aside from a dream sequence, some fondling and masturbation, there's really nothing here to justify a play through. I understand it's a slow burn corruption, but it's been over a year. We should at least have had a handjob.

    The gameplay also becomes a grind. You play day after day, getting a +1 increase in relationship, lewdness or exhibitionism. As there is limited content, replaying the waitressing game becomes pointless, so your gameplay becomes this: Wake up, hopefully RNG is on your side and Kayla joins you in the shower, if not, no +1 relationship for that day. Get on the bus, skip the mini-game and go to the massage parlour to get +1 lewdness, if you make the right choice, Go home, go to sleep, repeat. It's not exactly compelling as, once again, there are no sexual scenes to justify the grind.

    I'm also puzzled by some of the Dev's choices. He's decided to implement a clothing system before any sexual scenes. When making a porn game, I would have thought the sexual scenes would be a priority, but I'm not a game Dev, so what would I know.

    As I said, I want to like this game, but it's very difficult in it's current state. There's far to much grind for no reward. Maybe in another year, the game will be worth playing.

    EDIT: I wanted to add that there was no new content in the 0.7 build, to my knowledge anyway, as that was the implmentation of the clothing system. This means there hasn't been any new content since July 2022, when 0.6 was released. No meaningful content update in 6 months is pretty bad.

    EDIT V2. I am droppping my rating to a 1 as the 0.8 update had very little content. That means there has been no significant new content added since July 2022.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, really good pace.
    Nice characters
    Good renders
    Nice flow to the story
    Steady corruption (I like the slow burn grind)

    Transitions between scenes can be a bit slow
    Not too much in the game so far

    Looking forward to seeing more.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer I haven't played for last few patches so a lot might have changed.
    When I have first seen it i was very intrigued. Concept seemed nice. However the deal breaker for me was kind off boring gameplay. Walking speed in the restaurant totally killed my boner.
    Art 2.5/5
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 1/5
    Fapability 1.5/5
    Originality 4/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.7.d:

    Pizza Hot! is clearly still in early development, with only a small amount of content at the moment. However, I feel this game deserves 5 stars at the moment for the quality of the groundwork being laid and the clear potential of the game.

    + Properly slow-burn corruption. Some will complain about the pace, but for me this hits a sweet spot where it actually feels like Jenny is losing her inhibition in a realistic manner (obv while still being a porn game haha). This creates an exciting eroticism when Jenny does, or experiences, something lewd, even if it's a minor event, something that is lost in other games where a repressed virgin turns into a horny slut in the space of a few days.
    + While the art-style is quite simple, the execution of it is very well done. Jenny is extremely cute, and her facial expressions do a lot of work to convey character.
    + Small booba instead of ginormous hentai booba.
    + Good character writing. Kayla in particular is a great character (a fellow hentai game degenerate like us) and it's very fun to watch her play a long game trying to get in Jenny's pants.
    + Promising foundational game system. I think I can see based on the current demo how the developer plans to integrate all the currently locked locations into an end result that will give the player a lot of freedom of choice in how to corrupt Jenny. Where the current game version feels a bit grindy, I think that's only because planned content has not been developed yet, not because the game system itself is flawed.

    - Game content that is "coming soon" should just be labelled as such from the start, instead of only after reaching the required stat.

    I hope the developer keeps working on this game and ignores those whining "it's too slow". If this game can reach its planned final state it will easily be in my top 5 on this site.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I am extremely disappointed in this game.

    The art is very good, concept is good, but the game play is boring as hell, it is repetitive and not rewarding.

    It is slow corruption game but not having a single sex scene after a year of updates is nearly inexcusable.

    Sadly, as it stands it is a waste of time.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Could be decent, looks nice but really no content thats worth the effort of playing atm. The Grind is stupidly long, clothes options are pretty stupid as the game stands.

    Why introduce a clothing system so early and then not be able to use it?

    Just play a few days to do the pizza place scenes then restart with the last option with max lewdness.

    Now on hold so who knows......
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    March 2023 edit:
    changed star rating

    Still think the game has potential and is worth keeping an eye on, but realized that doesn't merit a 5 star rating especially with such sparse content, insane levels of grind with what content there is, and a lack of even semi-regular updating.

    Cool game with tons of potential. I haven't played 0.7.d yet as I want to wait a couple more updates before jumping back in, but I've mostly enjoyed the game so far.
    At the moment it's very grindy and lacking in content to reward the tedium, but I wanted to rate the game highly because I think the game will be awesome in the future after several updates. I like all the ideas here. Character creation and customizing is cool so you can create a look you like, and the potential sandbox gameplay seems like it'll be a lot of fun once there are more activities to mess with.
    I think, at least until more content is added, the game would be well served if grinding were toned down quite a bit. When there's not much to do or few lewd moments to see, it should at least be easier to see what content actually is there without having to spend a lot of time skipping the same dialogues over and over again just to unlock a new scene.

    Cool game, can't wait for there to be more content.
  16. 1.00 star(s)



    Holy mother of grind! I could swear all the 4 or 5 star reviews must have been bought... or at least the ppl must be masochists (no kinkshaming intened)

    tl;dr For the little amout of lewd, there is no justification for the grind. There is just no reward since tha cake is a lie!

    There are 3 or 4 "main" stats to grind ->
    • Lewdness: You get 1 point every time you masturbate but at some point it stops and you only get more through certain events
    • Lust: Doesnt rly do anything besides its needed to masturbate
    • Exibitionism: You get 1 point per day and as far as i played, you need 5-10-15 ----> at one point you get introduced to a new outfit but for it to use you would ned 45!!!! points. Fuck off!
    • Relationship with your roommate: Same as Leadness, at first you cant get multiple points a day but at some point you can only get one each day for a certain event.
    The Cherry on top: there are several instances where you first get ??? as a button which you cant click. With a higher stat, it starts showing what you get with which amount of stat. Th moment you hit the requirement, you get the message Future Version. :WaitWhat:

    What rly grinds my gears (pun intended) is that there is next to no reward for all the grind. You get te points, unlock the new "scene" and its i.e. oh no, he touches my ass (exhib. unlocked) ah ok, never mind. Then there is light groping and BAM next Girindwall pops up!

    Besides all that:
    The name giving Pizza Hot pizzaria stops having content mit version :FacePalm:
    There Are a shit ton of marker on the map but so far you cant only travel to 3 for one is a store in which you cant do anything...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards version 0.6.i of the game, which is the latest version posted on this site.

    Well, what can I say about this game.. there really isn't much if anything to dislike about it. It is a game that is still being developed and yet it has already quite a nice amount of content to have fun with

    I like the aspect of slow corruption build-up, which is a problem in most games of the kind, where the character ends up being a complete slut in just the first scenes. In this game though, it is tasteful.. seeing how the character is slowly developing more and more into that, while still remaining innocent for the most part and oblivious to a lot of things.

    The artstyle is great, it is very different than usual and yet it is quite charming.

    The character creator, while it doesn't go extremely in depth does it's job and it's fun to use.

    The world-building and story thus far is great, and very nicely written. This makes the characters feel so alive and distinctive from each other, they all have different personalities tastes and lifes of their own, some even belong to different ethnic groups.

    The mini-games for the pizzeria and the masturbating scenes are fun, and the interactions in the pizzeria between the different NPC's talking about the character we use is so cool.

    It also has and will have a lot of the kinks that I am into, and I'm curious to see how those will develop in the game. I'm very curious to see the scenes that we will have in the bus, especially in the back seats which is where technically the more hardcore scenes will happen.

    There is definitely a lot of passions put into this game and it really shows with each passing minute of the game.

    I am very very glad to have stumbled upon this, and kudos to Abelius for developing this masterpiece..
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really excited for future updates, lots of potential. Got me hooked even though there isn't that much content yet. It is similar to Insexcity but it improved on a lot of points already in my opinion. I personally love the art and the way the game feels and plays. The game progresses pretty slow and it takes a long time to get certain stats up or to get certain events, which i personally liked, but it could also be seen as tedious over time. The character creation is also a fine bonus. All in all great game already.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game on a slow burn corruption, like all corruption games there is a grind, but the dev is gathering info on QoL changes that will help that. I normally avoid side scrollers like the plague, but find myself enjoying this gem.

    Try it for yourself and see. It's still in development, but you can see where it's headed and it looks to be a fun ride in more then one way. :D
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Very basic, low amount of pornographic content, fairly weak characterization, basically non-existing story.

    Yep, I think that sums it up pretty well.

    An unreasonably pure girl from some backwater state gets accepted into the most prestigious Uni in the Big City. Gets her possessions stolen immediately upon arrival, then finds out that she has to pay for lodgings out of her (empty) pocket, has to work as a waitress. Her new landlord is —of course— a perv. The ONLY twist is that the landlord has a perv daughter (oh, I'm sorry, it's sexually liberated) that wants to get into Miss Purity's panties even harder than her dad. So, does this synopsis inspire you? Do you actually see any extraordinary potential here? Then where the fuck did all these positive reviews come from?

    Okay. To be fair, a bland story —even a terribly clichéd story— is not a mortal sin in a porn game. But Pizza Hot doesn't really offer anything to offset that weakness. Its core minigame is not really a game, you aren't rewarded for being good at it, nor penalized for being bad, it's just a chore you have to get through each game day. Its art isn't strictly speaking bad but it has... awkward choices, i.e. all people are depicted in full side view, or in very rare circumstances in full frontal view. Three quarter view that most platformers utilize with great success? Never heard of it! Okay, what about SimLife aspects? Virtually non-existent. You get 3 unlocked locations, with no way to spend money, upgrade your stats or anything like that. The game basically has the titular pizza place and a stereotypical waitress job, a stereotypical massage per... parlor, I meant to say, and a stereotypical molestation bus. And that's your version 0.6?

    On the plus side is the fact that whatever writing there is, it's rather concise and fairly free of spelling errors. Good job, I guess.

    TL;DR. It will take years to make Pizza Hot into a solid game. If this is what version 0.6 has to offer, then I can't recommend playing it until 0.20 at the very least. Maybe even 0.30. Yes, it can become good eventually, but can is not definitely will, and if it will, the question is also when. And judging by history of past updates, 0.20 is some 60 months away.
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