Unity - Pizza Hot! [v0.13f] [Abelius]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly good start so far. The content is limited to an intro and two days so far (v0.2.d) but the art is incredible, the writing is good (only a few mistakes from a non-native speaker), and I love the "RPG" elements, in terms of character appearance customization and stat progression. No hardcore sexual content yet but it's worth playing anyways, the PC is super attractive (with so many appearance options already you can make her look almost however you want) and there is already plenty of sexual tension with other characters, and the beginnings of dialog choices that affect your stats.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: This review is written during very early version of the game (0.2.d) and opinions are prone to change depending on where the developers are taking the game in the future.

    Now then, anyone familiar with LOK Rebirth (the game that now feels like a grain of salt stuck between galaxies) are probably feeling right at home here as much of the tools/features seems to be the same resulting in a similar visual spectrum.

    From a visual standpoint it's incredibly impressive, most backgrounds so far all feels like a dedicated work of art and the characters/character creator is fantastic and results in a wide array of attractive (and some not so much) characters we can watch and interact with in the future and it's likely to only get better as so far the variation appears somewhat limited for NPC's.

    The audio so far i a bit lacking and you mostly hear music with some shot snips of sound when your characters interacts with the environment, so far many sounds feel a bit out of place and unfitting like when throwing away trash and putting away dishes but I would not say this is a priority issue.

    So far it feels like the developers are laying the groundwork for a slow burn corruption game with lots of farming in between pre-scripted events but some of this is likely to change as more of the sandbox elements are introduced.

    Mechanically this game is still a bit clunky but the developers seems to have worked hard and prepared many features and they seems to have big plans.
    Some interesting features are the multi layered communication, you both have the bottom test bar but also speech bubbles, this could lead to multiple layers of information trade between the PC, NPCs and player.
    Some other interesting choices is how undressing at the moment is a partially cut sequence, where you cut to mc in different stages of undress, while this might seem lazy, small things like that will save time for the developers to focus on more important thigs and is still leagues better the full skips or sloppy transitions, all this while still enabling PC and maybe NPCs to interact with our PCs clothes.

    One worry with the fantastic character creation tool is that it will make it difficult for the developers to ever show of the character art in any other angle then siluetts, this might in the future make the art and sex lack depth and flexibility.
    I will not say to much regarding this as I remember LOKR having some interesting workarounds but I feel we will not see then for some time as they have increased the creative burden a bit in this title.

    The Sex?
    Well as of now there is not much to tell, other then a groping scene and some masturbation there has not been anything featured or teased so we can only hope for the best.
    I only hope that good use of writing and combinations of the lower text bar + speech bubbles can add some depth to the scenes for now and we will have to see what the future holds.
    If LOKR.

    Hopes and dreams?
    Well, my expectations on this game is no less then huge and as long as the developers pump out som quality content every month and avoid getting corrupted by greed (and slow development to a crawl for the soul purpose of enjoying the revenue for minimal amount of work - a very real landmine for independent developers).
    One of the minor things I hope to see change in the near future is more dynamic 2d presentation, let the platter be in the left hand regardless of MC facing for a start!
    Would also be nice if the hair would look a bit differed depending on PC facing.
    While I don't mind a slow burn I really hope the developer won't wait for to long to give us something "useful" as well as allowing the player some choice regarding the PC corruption.
    It would also be fun if we could influence/create PCs weak-spots and preferences but if LOKR is anything to go by I doubt this could be implemented in any meaningful way.
    So for now my only desire is for the developer to stick to schedule and show off their own plans through meaningful content updates and if they prove themselves this might be one of very few titles I could consider supporting financially.
    All the best!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    There's still so little content so far, but a great start nonetheless. Art is great. Premise is good. Dev frequently interacts. Should be a promising future going forward. My only problem is the long intro. I feel it can be cut down a bit.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best in this genre. Version 0.2 is promissing a lot of hot stuff for future content. Great character art, well written dialogues, interessting NPCs and a catching story line. User interface has professional haptics und the game runs very stable.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really a fine begining. very promising.
    • Arts are beautiful.
    • Gameplay is pleasant
    • Story is nice and i want to know where it's going.
    For now I would just have 2 little criticism :
    • Intro text is quite long. I would have liked more interactions in it.
    • loading times between scenes are quite long (maybe it's my cumputer)
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    Even in such an early stage this game is already one of the best on this platform, everything wise: Gameplay, story, scenes, graphics. But with such hardworking and talented dev it couldn't be otherwise.

    I'm really excited for the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.2.d.

    So far so good, some bugs here and there but nothing game breaking. The developer bug checks frequently and is very responsive. This game is in the same vein as Insexsity but without the weird plot development. Definitely recommend backing if you have spare income.

    Hopefully the pizzeria aspect doesn't get too repetitive but it seems as though the interaction with the customers takes the spotlight so I'm not too worried. It would be fun if along the line you're able to take on other jobs as well (professor assistant, maid, etc.) but that depends on where the dev will take this project.

    As this is still early in development I'm being lenient with the review so playing it and judging for yourself is still key

    Art - 10/10
    Gameplay - 9/10
    Plot/Writing- 10/10

    Overall- 9.8/10
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about the game is GREAT.
    Only bummer are the controls via mouse. You cant move by clicking sometimes, forces you to use keypads instead, then switch to mouse after.

    Overall its GREAT.
    The plot and characters arent your typical boring and dumb ones.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is still in very early development, and so far there isn't much of a game here at all. There's a lot of well-written dialogue and a setup that teases possible things to come, and there's no actual choices being made by the player (including dialogue options).

    There is a barebones waitress mini-game that appears to be the heart of the actual gameplay loop. In it you pretty much just walk back and forth, try to remember some basic things, and make no interesting decisions. It isn't fun, chalenging, or sexy, and it's unclear to me how it could become any of these things in the future.

    There's a lot of potential here. The existing animations are very strong, the dialogue is good, and the characters are interesting so far. I think a lot would have to change very quickly before I thought this project was worth anyone's time and energy, and I wish the creator well on this and future projects.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game really starts well. Abelus has been able to read the LOK forum and apply in this start what people liked from the previous game. While it is true that LOK set the bar high, I expect great "lewd" things from him. Let's go for it!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is lovely, i absolutely loved the Lok Rebirth project and this one looks so similar to it, the slow grind of stats that allow you to do more lewd stuff is my favorite thing about the game and it has to potential of such hot stuff. I do wish you good luck with the developing the game and i hope you get the appreciation you deserve
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    After years of waiting, we finally have a project that promises to continue the idea of everyone's beloved abandoned game. Let it be in a completely different form, but it is the slow corruption, hot dialogues and a pleasant protagonist that make this game truly addicting.

    I wish the guys good luck in their development!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Pizza Hot!

    Hello there... So yeah i tried the game and so far it's really bare bones and most of it is just more of a teaser to further development but the underlying problem i've had playing this game so far is that i'm not seeing how this is gonna develop into staying fun as it's missing freedom, the mini game is most likely going to become more tedious in the long run and the genre in itself has already have a plethora of very similiar games that i feel like already have done better.

    So all in all if you're just looking for something like some many other games and that's fine for you? You will probably like this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I am extremely excited for the production of this game so far. I was worried that it would be another simple corruption story, but so far, the main character has met a cop who decided not to take advantage of her, a new friend who seems genuinely interested in being kind to her, and a couple other nice characters.

    So the story is engaging so far. The art is great. I love these side-scroller games. Ever since Insexcity flopped, I was hoping for something like this. I likely will throw a few bucks to support it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for .1.b, which is a super brief demo. The TLDR is that I loved it. There's not a whole lot of content but the things that are in there make you want more. And that by itself is the first sign that there's potential for an amazing game.

    I really like the fact that the setting is believable. The MC is pretty and naive, and extremely unlucky in a lot of cases. I've only spent a few hours playing around the game and I'm already attached to her and want to see where she can go in life.

    There's a few grammar mistakes and some awkward English here and there, but it's perfectly understandable. I can assume that the dev isn't a native English speaker, so there is some proofreading to do.

    Can't wait for more content, I hope it's super interactive and offers players more freedom than the other sandbox lifesims out there.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game atm 2 of the things i love most

    Pizza and Blonde Girl what else can i ask for ?!

    In all seriousness game just started to get on float but i really like the engine which I guess its the very same one used on previous LOK game abelius worked on the past so it gives those kind of vibes when playing Pizza hot and finally hope the tags & genres be expanded on the game to be fitting and well taken for a lot of users tastes and kinks. unless its a vanilla straight up game without anything out of the ordinary like futa/trans or NTR etc you got it xD

    best of lucks to abelius and the team and most importantly effort, commitment and a lot of enthusiasm in this game to be put with their supporters feedback =D

    24/9 edits:

    1- I totally love the fact the female character its randomly generated. in my case i got her with a cute pink short hair and i'm totally in love of that layout!

    2- Animations when picking food orders and that stuff inside the restaurant are solid and since this is 0.1.b u may expect a few things here and there but nothing gamebreaking or softlocks so that's a relief :p

    3- Actually looking forward to ingame pause menu to change randomly or to set your preference of custom main character girl <3 just like playshapes character editor if you're a veteran of such flash games.

    4- My bests of wishes once again to abelius and his team to this project since once again = pizza + waifu = Nice!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply beautiful, never played a more immersive flash game cough cough unity game before. Story is there, emotions and gameplay there, what else can we ask for? Oh right, LEWDS! Hopefully with future updates tho. Right now we're satistified with the intro but expecting lots of goodies with future updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW!! I am loving the way this game seems to be headed. It could easily become my favorite for this type of game, so please keep up the good work. Unlike the other similar games, the story/plot behind this one is excellent!! I am very much looking forward to future updates. :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game promises a lot and reminds me a lot of Insexisty (very good) and it shows that it is still in progress since I need Vertical Synchronization (because distortion effects come out) as well as some shortcuts such as SKIP (in the ctrl button) but Within all that, I like it a lot and I hope that it will come to an end, for my part, I will wait for version 0.2 to know if I like it along the way it goes and thus support it financially.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible artsyle right off the bat, however, even then the game plays really well and I found myself entertained by even just the simpler things like serving tables and stuff. Waaay too early of a build as of writing this, but this game is just bursting with potential, definitely give it a try, I'll def keep checking back in here as well