Update (lol): It's been months and there is no new update, the dev has just been posting pin ups on patreon - not one mention of this game in any post.
Forgot I was subbed, so I've un-subbed now. You're on your own boys.
Sad to see this one already dead. SUCH good animations and style. Well, at least I figured out the mechanics for the minigame. Go in circles till throb is full, LMB, repeat. Just time the RMB minigame till full again and then LMB. Then its easy to now fill your own meter.
I have a feeling Disney gave the developer a big fat cease and desist, Disney is one of the big, big entertainment companies that see you doing anything they don't like with one of their IP's. They're goanna come down on you like Thor's Hammer.
This is so sad man, this one had so much potential, I mean, is thanks to this I got here in the first place. Sometimes life gets like this, theres a silver lining somewhere in this, hope the dev's fine, whererever they are.