*RELEASE* Pizza N' Flings Ep. 1 Pre-Alpha Demo V0.0.5
Hey y'all!
IMPORTANT! Release Notes (v0.0.5):
Core Supporters can skip to beginning of Extra Sausage Mode by doing the following: in the Main Menu screen, when all of the menu buttons are on the screen, hold down the "S" "E" and "X" keys at the same time - meaning all three keys should be held down together. You should hear a confirmation beep and the screen will fade to the start of Extra Sausage Mode (Peg sitting next to you on the couch)
Note!: Using this skip creates an issue that can pop up - if you notice the game running slower when you load into Round 1, just hit the "F" key to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode, and then hit the "F" key again to return to your preferred gameplay screen mode. The issue only happens the first time Round 1 is loaded for some reason.
I'll be looking into a fix for this issue, but until then, I hope you enjoy the demo so far!
Here's the Chapters 1-3 + Rounds 1 & 2 of Extra Sausage Mode demo!