Huh, so this is one of the older games out there from this circle with a husband that has a cuck fetish and an improbably horny and hot wife... They've been wearing out this formula for quite a while, huh?
ANYway, in some ways, I feel like the writing in this one is a tad worse than in other titles. The reason for that is because the MC is supposed to be a smut writer, a professional smut writer at that, which makes things even worse from my perspective. Now, maybe I dunno much about smut writers in Japan, but as someone who's dabbled in that sort of thing myself, I can say that there are three things you need to become good at this sort of thing:
1. You obviously need to read a lot of smut. Much like any writing in general, if you want to get good at it, you need to read a lot first.
2. You obviously need to try to write a bunch. Practice makes perfect and few people get good right away without it. Talent only takes you so far.
3. Studying up at least somewhat on sex, and the differences between erotica (which focuses on realistic sex for the most part) and general smut (which generally focuses on more unrealistic things and glosses over certain details to various degrees, with the really good ones even providing justification for the lack of realism if it's relevant).
What all that means is that if you get into a lot of smut writing, even if you have zero experience with sex, you start to understand some things, like the importance of communication and the importance of satisfying your partner. You also get more than a few ideas on how to do that beyond just penetrative sex.
Basically, it's difficult to imagine that anyone with that kind of job could be as incompetent as this guy is in terms of everything related to his sex-life with his wife. There are a lot of ways to work around his problems... but the fact of the matter is that he's not even trying, and we're shown more than once how all he does is go unga-bunga in her pussy, cums quickly, and doesn't even do anything else to try and please her. He doesn't talk to her about things either, and when she denies him sex initially he assumes that she's just uninterested in it without even trying to seriously talk about it and doesn't even consider the idea that, y'know, it might be his fault because he's a complete failure in bed.
I can accept a guy being completely incompetent when it comes to sex in other contexts, even when married. Contrary to what some people believe, no one is born a sex-god and it takes practice and effort to get good at it, and there's a lot involved in being good at sex that gets glossed over in smut... Even if you have sex a bunch, you're not gonna get good at it unless you actually try to get good at it and so on... But it's difficult to imagine that a smut writer of all people wouldn't try to get good at sex, especially when he has such an improbably hot wife.
So yeaaaah... this one felt really poorly written to me in a lot of ways...