
Feb 12, 2018
What is the difference in the difficulty modes you can choose from at the start?
Story/Easy reduces enemy levels in most encounters (I don't think it works with the Main and Side Quest Hybrids fights or the Pallosand in the Beach Sidequest, the hybrids and the Pallosand have all been on par with my lead mon's level with saves on Story/Easy while everything else has been 10+ levels lower than my lead mon (Not sure if bug where they aren't reducing, or if those fights are just super overtuned to such a degree where the reduction from Story/Easy mode simply makes those fights actually reasonable level compared to a non-grinding party with 1-2 mons who are significantly below the level of the rest due to bringing them out for swap training for Pokédex progress so that the Professor's Aide locations throughout the region will give me the free stuff from having progressed with the Dex. (for example, I fought the latest Hybrid added (the Main Quest Serperior-Hybrid in the Safari Zone), with a Level 40 lead with 3 members who were around level 30 due to the lead eating most of the XP due to Swap Training, and she was a few levels *higher* than the lead, meaning if the reduction *was* working on her, then she would've been in the 50's to 60s range for level on Normal, which is frankly stupid given that the 5th Badge in Actual Nintendo-Approved versions of Kanto you're only supposed to be about Level 35-40 yourself.))
Normal leaves things completely unchanged.
Hard is the inverse of Story/Easy.
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