Just finished this game.
This is beautiful game. nice pacing, I love the story and the characters.
But that surprise me is the gameplay. first time I do not have big expectation for gameplay of porn game. and this game proof me wrong. (usually porn games are famous for the VN genre, and do not much work to put on gameplay)
Long gameplay up to 15h+ if you do not speedrun and try to collect everything if you can.
I feel quite sad because this is the end. Gameover. I know 15h+ gameplay is long.
but I feel that not quite long, maybe I just enjoyed this game too much ?
I know I can just replay the game or something, but it's doesn't feel the same you know hahaha.
I wish I could play this game again without knowing the story again
Farewell shibakuro. Our journey ends here. we will meet again, even to the corners of the world.
Developers! Please make this game dlc / sequels or something
I will definitely buy a game like this again!
Now every game must have flaws right, and here I feel the Porn scene doesn't quite "naughty" enough you know
when they introduce nugg for the first time and when he mention if shibakuro want to try get torture (the first item for nugg)
I was waiting for the nugg to do that to shibakuro, and little bit disappointment when I get the fifth items
Maybe in the future the developers can do 1 or 2 scene for some kind of fetish. That would be nice.
And 1 more, I played this game in feb 2022 and stop playing because the first 5 hour of this game.
I know this game is took a look of work and try to buy the game until I have enough money.
when I researchers of this game, I got random recommended of the gameplay in tiktok. (I join furry community in 2018 and do not hear of this game till 2022)
I'm a little surprised how few people know about this game even though it's really good.
Maybe because the first release is in Japanese language? or because not enough promotion ?
I do see "disclaimer" of this game like "do not screenshot or something like that" ?
maybe the disclaimer is bit too much? because we need the players do they magic to promotes the game
and release the next game with english not added after the release
This game is overlay directed, producer, programmed, written, and design by Kajimaru. maybe he need more team for the next game. because what better than 1 head. 2 heads!
Maybe he can invite other "popular artist" to make the chars ?? maybe even CG in the cutscenes ? (because very little CG available in this game)
Okay that everything I want to say. hopes kajimaru see this suggestion