*Plays textbased game with no audio.*
Textbased AND no audio?
GTFO, is what i say to that!
I dont play 'textbased' - which in my book means, little to no images.
I like good stories, but if i want to read a book, i simply do so, offscreen i might add.
I do A
VN's and as such, where text is the narrator, telling the story, the scenery and action is on the screen.
And no audio is an absolute nogo for me.
(Imagine playing The Witcher 3 without Lelelele or Cyberpunk without its OST... not to mention many AVNs)
Fortunately most of the games have some music and/or sound/voice, which can and often will really add up to the enjoyment of the games.
And if there is none, than i have Gigabytes of mp3's and flacs on my drives or old school CD's for my external drive.
Just had to say that, sry.^^