poll: female protagonist or male-prot and side female characters

What would you prefer?

  • female protagonist

    Votes: 308 71.0%
  • male protagonist + secondary female characters

    Votes: 126 29.0%

  • Total voters


Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
I'm usually playing female protagonist games. Though being a male I like playing the female role. Weird thing that. I think @DarthSeduction dropped a word for it in some topic where the discussion ran a bit too hot for my liking. x)
It's the same for normal RPG's like the Bethesda or Bioware games. If there's a character creation, I instinctively create a female character.

Funny thing btw. I've played a lot of games on this site, and the pussy really isn't worshiped much. Yes yes, boobs and butts are nice and all, but as a connoisseur of oral sex, I'm so let down.

I don't mind playing male protagonists from time to time, but often they are such insufferable jackasses in the games featured on this site. -_-
They'd better have some depth to them and be good looking. The last one I played was The DeLuca family, that's one I can really jive with, but that's also because of the strong story and well written supporting characters. Harem Hotel and Waifu Acadamy are also some that I really like.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Was it autogynophillia? It certainly explains the kink, though it's a bit of a problematic word since it is rarely applied in a positive light.

Personally, I'm not entirely sure what I get out of female protagonist games. Is it related to my sadism, in that I enjoy the control over this woman? I think not, because I tend to be less forgiving of games with unnecessarily sadistic plots. Do I secretly wish I was a girl who could fuck and be fucked? Maybe, but not really, as, like I said, sadist, and most of the female protag games I play don't feature heavy femdom.

I think, in the end, it's just escapism. It's a chance to experience something I can't normally experience. Some people don't want that, and that's mostly fine, so long as they don't attempt to force their opinion on developers.

There definitely aren't enough female protagonist games that are done well though. I was going through Latest Updates earlier today, and though my games, when searching with only the Ren'Py prefix as a filter, end up on pages 9 and 11 most liked, they end up on 1 and 2 if you search by female protag 3dcg. My games aren't bad, but they're very early development, so I wouldn't expect them to rank that highly if there was any real competition.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Why not both? Intimate Relations, as well as my own game The Things We Do For Love have both male and female protagonists who you swap between depending on the scene. Not sure if you're just asking in general or if you're looking for the info to decide to dev, but if it's the latter and you want to do a female protag but are worried you'll lose people, then why not try both?
Well I did give your short game a try and I must admit, the best part for me was the opening scene. I did find the brother being forced to take a cock in his mouth a turn on. If only the sister did come in and ruin the situation by shooting the rapist, because then things could have got really good.


Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
Was it autogynophillia? It certainly explains the kink, though it's a bit of a problematic word since it is rarely applied in a positive light.

Personally, I'm not entirely sure what I get out of female protagonist games. Is it related to my sadism, in that I enjoy the control over this woman? I think not, because I tend to be less forgiving of games with unnecessarily sadistic plots. Do I secretly wish I was a girl who could fuck and be fucked? Maybe, but not really, as, like I said, sadist, and most of the female protag games I play don't feature heavy femdom.

I think, in the end, it's just escapism. It's a chance to experience something I can't normally experience. Some people don't want that, and that's mostly fine, so long as they don't attempt to force their opinion on developers.

There definitely aren't enough female protagonist games that are done well though. I was going through Latest Updates earlier today, and though my games, when searching with only the Ren'Py prefix as a filter, end up on pages 9 and 11 most liked, they end up on 1 and 2 if you search by female protag 3dcg. My games aren't bad, but they're very early development, so I wouldn't expect them to rank that highly if there was any real competition.

That's exactly the word I was looking for. I don't know about what kind negativity is attached with it, but whatever the DSM or wiki says, I'm fine with whatever it says, or what others may think of it. I don't care. Sticks, stones and things like that.

Hmm, tricky, tricky. I'm bisexual, but only interested in a real relationship with women. With men though, I usually end up on my knees, so there's that. I'm not the dominant type. That's also one reason I don't like male protagonist games, since they are often aimed at dominating and if it's not, it's 90% foot fetish (eww..)

There is a certain excitement in not knowing what to expect. I also agree with the escapism, that's both exhilarating and a downer at the same time. If there was some magic that could turn me into a woman with a snap of the fingers that would be awesome. I'd be all for it.
Modern medicine however.. uff, too bothersome and it's just not the same. These games are a nice outlet at least.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
For, as a straight male player, playing a female protagonist game is nothing like playing a female role, rather the opposite. Playing a female role would be playing a female character in roleplaying game such as Dungeons and Dragons or on RP server in WoW or Guild Wars. Requires a high degree of concentration and thought about the character you play and the correct choice of words. Playing a female protagonist lesbian porn game on the other hand is much like watching lesbian porn. A lot more natural but without relating to any of the characters. Playing a female protagonist straight porn or a transformation game would just feel odd and is something that I'm not planning to do.


Jul 25, 2018
Male protagonist, and I'm good with lesbian scenes as well. I don't like female protags because I don't like chasing dick.


Engaged Member
Mar 6, 2019
Female protagonist are the best for me
the women in the game world should be a girl that have the total control of her body and her sexuality without care about common moralism, religion, bigots, and prejudgments
I love game where she love to have sex and explore everything without limits...

I'm a straight male

I love girls and I want girlfriends that like to have sex with pleasure!

Sex is woman and we can only admire the beauty of the sensual desire of a real woman.

I'm very glad to see in the poll of this thread that the 68% of the gamers here are for FEM-Pro games.
I suggest to the developers to start game where the female role is the focus of the story
there are very rare male-pro game that are good and for sure the best game with male-pro must have a strong female character that is the center of the story to be a successful story.

So if the game is Male-Pro must be an NTR game
if it is Female-pro can be with or without NTR

No Female = no games for me.
Tons of Females characters and just one or few male characters = no game for me

Thanks to all women in the world
you all are the inspiration of our life.


Sep 2, 2020
I don't really know why, but I can't get myself to play as female mc. And it's a shame too, because there are tons of good games that devs put their love and labor into that I just avoid.
This exactly... I think because I'm a male, and even though it's only a game, I can't get my head around having guys lusting after me lol


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
I think this shows the limitations of f95 polls. Although 2/3 of votes are for female protagonist games, the games people actually play seem to tell a different story:
- 29/30 Top Rated games on f95 are male protag (the exception being Good Girl Gone Bad);
- 29/30 Most Liked games are male protag (exception: A Wife and Mother);
- 27.5/30 Most Viewed are male protag (exceptions: Good Girl Gone Bad and A Wife and Mother. Love&Sex is both)

Like a lot of polls, only the people that aren't getting what they want tend to bother voting.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
I don't really care about the "protagonist" as much (if there even is one) but rather the actual focus of the sex content. There are male protag games where you can romance a colourful cast of interesting and endearing characters and there are others where the guy you're supposed to play as is simping for one ugly abusive dumbass for no apparent reason. There are female protag games where you can actually play a sex-positive character but the vast majority I've seen feature either a mindbroken slut or the fight against the supposed protagonist in order to reach that point. Plenty of old "molest/torture the girl" flash games technically are from the perspective of a male protagonist but you only ever see a floating gloved hand and disembodied penis.

Ignoring what most devs actually do with it I believe female protagonists to have more potential because they serve as an additional innate vector for erotic content while male equivalents always need an additional component. Speaking for hetero males and lesbians of course, obviously flip everything around for male-focused sexual interests. And considering I rub my pussy just as much as I slay dragons or pilot spaceships I can't buy into the "identifying with the protagonist" argument at all.


Sep 2, 2020
I can't buy into the "identifying with the protagonist" argument at all.
A very considered post, however, I only wish to respond to your last comment... Personally I find it very hard to play as a female. It has very little to do with identifying with them, and more to do with the fact I'm out looking for cock... that just doesn't resonate with me on any level. As aware as I am that it's just a game, there's just something uneasily awkward, to me personally, with being pounded hard and fast by a Jock with 10" while he calls me his honey and tells me how tight I am.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
A very considered post, however, I only wish to respond to your last comment... Personally I find it very hard to play as a female. It has very little to do with identifying with them, and more to do with the fact I'm out looking for cock... that just doesn't resonate with me on any level. As aware as I am that it's just a game, there's just something uneasily awkward, to me personally, with being pounded hard and fast by a Jock with 10" while he calls me his honey and tells me how tight I am.
Pay attention to the opening of that paragraph in my post. I hate a lot of female "protagonist" games but that has nothing to do with the sex of the protagonist, if anything imagine how revolting a "retard in lechertown" setup would be with a male protagonist. You get the pounding and the tightness drivel with male protagonists anyway and many sex scenes are in third person. If looking for a fitting partner (who happens to have a cock) is too much go lesbian or masturbate a lot, chances are a "hunting for pussy" game will also have the dumb sluts sitting offscreen praising your massive cock while the camera drools over it.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
I always prefer a female protagonist. Unless she's ugly, like Sara in Mass Effect Andromeda. As a male I'm much more interested in a woman's thoughts and sexuality than another guys.
100% agree . It always more interesting to play as a girl than a guy. To me the character doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful . The character just need to be interesting in some way or another . When it comes to porn games I prefer whatever option with more girls . Which boils down to either lesbian or hetero male stuff.
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Jul 31, 2020
In a typical adult game, what would you prefer, a female protagonist and some sexiness with her, or a male protagonist, and female secondary characters?
I voted "female protagonist" but in reality it also depends on the game: if I have to corrupt the secondary characters and there is a story (as happens in Lunars Chosen) I prefer "male protagonist" if instead I have to go around and do some quests I prefer "female protagonist".
Among the 2 I don't prefer one, it depends on the periods.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
I'm surprised people voted so overwhelmingly for female protag, but then again I know that some dudes like to play as females in games, guess this board is "this dude central".
Sep 4, 2020
Being a guy, I think my preference to playing a male protagonist comes from having no idea if the thoughts being described and the choices being offered are credible for a woman when I'm play a female protagonist. Immersion is just easier when the avatar I'm controlling is like me in some fundamental way.

Having a secondary female character who is challenging my male world view and my male-centric choices during the course of the game can add some fun conflict.

Having said that, I'd rather play a thoughtful and generally normal character who is female to a psychopathic and wicked character who is male. [Corruption games are fun, sure, but some slide into dark places.]


Aug 20, 2021
Normal game: Female protag all the way. Kicking ass with my beautiful waifu is always a joy.

Porn game: Mostly Male protag because I don't want to get fucked by other guys, but if I play Female protag most of the time that means I want to play a fuck everything that can walk slut route like in GGGB, this type of game made me horny the most but the down-side is the post-nut clarity is not so good.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
I think this shows the limitations of f95 polls. Although 2/3 of votes are for female protagonist games, the games people actually play seem to tell a different story:
- 29/30 Top Rated games on f95 are male protag (the exception being Good Girl Gone Bad);
- 29/30 Most Liked games are male protag (exception: A Wife and Mother);
- 27.5/30 Most Viewed are male protag (exceptions: Good Girl Gone Bad and A Wife and Mother. Love&Sex is both)

Like a lot of polls, only the people that aren't getting what they want tend to bother voting.
in my case simply because the market does not offer valid alternatives in terms of history and graphics.
I play both genres but my favorite ones are the ones with a female lead.
except Become a rock star, I have not found games with male protagonist at the same graphic level as AWAM and JOHN.
i tried milf city, but we all know what happened to it.
I tried FOTM and it was a failure.


Aug 12, 2017
I like to seduce women, either as a female or a male character. I wouldn't mind one male LI if he's the husband or solid bf for my female protagonist though. Absolutely no fan of games that turns the FP into a cock hungry slut, like too many FP games here do.
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