Oh, for the love of...
We're polyamorous.
She tops, and doms, and has sex, and goes out, and has a life, with other men and women. She even has a friend that she meets occasionally for coffee.
I bottom, and sub, and have sex, and go out, and have a life, with other men and women (well, go out and have a life with both, the first three just with women, but that's just a personal preference).
If she really wants to do something that I can't help her with (usually because I don't have the required body parts), or won't (sorry dear, but that doesn't turn me on), or don't feel like right now (I really need to focus on this other thing right now) - she'll check with her other partners, or seek another, or sometimes I'll help her search. I'm not burdened with being the single answer to all her wants and needs. Nor she to mine.
Sometimes one of us does things with our other partners while the other is present, or participating. More often we don't, as it's usually a hassle to coordinate.
At the end of the day, we love each other, care for each other's wellbeing and happiness, and make sure we're not neglecting each other. When we feel something may be wrong, we talk about it, instead of trying to prove that "Me man, me strong and emotionless, me handle everything myself". Once in a while we also make sure we check up on our shared finances and on the logistics of parenting.