Popular games that you didn't like


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
- Big Brother: All characters are shallow and annoying and in the version I played the cheat to get rid of Eric didn't work either.

- My New Roommate: At the first time I saw this, it was still called "My Lesbian Roomate", so of course I expected a lesbian game. Of course the disappointment was huge to see a game, where a guy is trying to have sex with a woman who lived in a lesbian relationship before instead. New it has the correct name, so it's OK, but then could also have been called Bonerkiller.

- All games that have the lesbian tag but don't deserve it, e.g. if their lesbian scenes turn into MFF threesomes or if the lesbian action is just performance for a male MC.
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Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
- Superpowered - Just too much fucking grinding, for little payoff. This game has even more grinding than Big brother, which is really saying something. Also, I dont really care much for the way the backgrounds/characters looks. It all looks way too fake, and the interface itself is also a nuisance.

- The twist - Just never liked it.

- Teacher's pets - Even before this game was hit by the patreon hammer of doom, I didn't care for it. Characters felt bland, setting felt forced and the grind was stupid. Nothing worth my time.

- Dating my daughter - There was a time where I actually liked the game. However, the more I have played it, the less I enjoy it. The story inches forward at a snail's pace. The game currently has hours of gameplay, but you still can't do anything really sexual with your daughter at the end, other than some groping and perhaps a bit of oral (haven't played the latest update, so I dont know for sure about what was added there, but I will be surprised if there was sex all of the sudden). Also, I don't see how the daughter can be this naive, without being retarded. Even a 10 year-old would know that what her father is doing to her is not natural. I can suspend disbelief, but only so much. And with her best friend being a "free-spirited individual" I find it even harder to believe.

My opinion on certain games keeps shifting around, as the games evolve or I simply change my preference.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
To be fair popular games category on this forum is not my thing at all:
- Milfy City - shallow fuckfest with nice renders.
- Dreams of Desire - probably the dumbest plotline I've ever seen in any game. And since all incest games don't really know concept of a logic it's quite an achievement. Renders are great ofc.
- Dreaming of Dana - incest. Quite straightforward. Just no.
- Dating My Daughter - This one I kinda liked when it started. Thanks to its influence we have games like Babysitter and that's great. Thing is that it's sooo boring and silly I just can't play it. I guess it's another incest stuff. Renders are just ok.
- My new Life - decent concept but it became a mess with its fake complexity. Common problem with RPGM games. Renders are terrible. It's just boring for me.
- Man of the House - copy of BB but with worse renders and typical fuckfest, incest approach. Nothing special
- Son of a Bitch - installing this one is such a mess I don't find it worthy.
- Summertime Saga - Had some great potential but it's really slow in development and incest focus killed it for me. Graphic is decent
- Superpowered - I just don't feel it. Decent idea but terrible outcome imo.
- The Twist - the ugliest game on this site. And ofc it has that incest approach. Nyah.
Very special place:
- Big Brother - until 0.5 it was something refreshing and interesting. After that point it's just a sad example of how Patreon development business doesn't fit serious development. From semi sandboxish game to a linear incest VN without any choices or sense. Quite a bummer. No wonder dev lost his heart for this game.

I guess I'm not mainstream enough cuz no game in popular category is worth playing in my opinion:/ Maybe next year


Xpression Games
Game Developer
Aug 23, 2017
The grind of Dreaming of Dana is why we don't make those kinds of games anymore. switched to pure story


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Dating My Daughter - Sometimes she screens as being 13-15, but its a lot more common that she screens as 9-10. See, I personally don't have a problem with jailbait, if that's what the story is, lets go. What I do have a problem with is when the author is so dedicated on making her "innocent" and "young" that he makes her fucking retarded as well.
This is so annoying. From the games I've played and enjoyed, the younger sis from The Tyrant is the biggest offender. Part of it might be due to the dev's language barrier, but the discrepency in her model and how she acts is so jarring that I want nothing to do with her.


Dec 2, 2017
Agree with most of what was posted here: BB, DMD, DOD (Dreams Of Desire) and the likes... Dreaming of Dana I actually liked despite the grind, no complaints there.

The thing is I actually understand why games like these are popular, some people just want a quick wank or just choose to ignore the bad side because the renders are great, DOD had one of the best renders at the time just like his new game Midnight Paradise. Everything else is not to my liking though.

What I don't get is how some "story focused" games with boring and predictable writing are praised for great writing, I'd rather watch a marathon of Mexican novelas than play a single "A Wife and Mother" update. Dual Family also comes to mind.


Apr 16, 2019
Agree with most of what was posted here: BB, DMD, DOD (Dreams Of Desire) and the likes... Dreaming of Dana I actually liked despite the grind, no complaints there.

The thing is I actually understand why games like these are popular, some people just want a quick wank or just choose to ignore the bad side because the renders are great, DOD had one of the best renders at the time just like his new game Midnight Paradise. Everything else is not to my liking though.

What I don't get is how some "story focused" games with boring and predictable writing are praised for great writing, I'd rather watch a marathon of Mexican novelas than play a single "A Wife and Mother" update. Dual Family also comes to mind.
When many people likes the popular games they are suddenly quick wankers....Ever thought of that every person has a different life story/upbringing.Some may have already gone through different girls,some are very happy in a relationship and some are virgins that look for a way out from their monotonous life.Every persons need and desire from an erotic story is different.If a game is "technically well made" then who am I to judge others about liking a particular story.A glass of water doesn't hold the same value to a well to do person as it does to a man dying in the desert.

I try to play every game(specially using 3d models) from the beginning of this site except some that have particular fetishes I don't like.I don't like to bash anyone about story elements because art is subjective.You didn't like something tell why it didn't work for you but "How can people like this shit....All popular games are crap....People just like to wank....." will only create hatred among one another.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Different VN/Games in this genre are popular for different reasons sometimes... In some cases, it's the fanatical few that keep pushing a VN/Game into the spotlight, that may or may not artificially push a given VN/Game into feeling more popular then it would have been based on it's own merits/deficits...

Big Brother was one of those VN/Games, that I went into not having any clue what it included... I didn't read up on it, or listen to the hype being laid on thick by the fanatical fan base... I gave it a chance to stand on its own... And at first it was alright... But as soon as the Eric character came into play, it was all downhill from there... The Eric character, that for whatever sick reason/s, has been coppied many times since then, in various forms, in other VN/Games, which I then in turn didn't like at all, once again... The use of Netorare (NTR) in VN/Games is typically a theme that is forced on to the reader/player, rather then being an easily avoidable option... And even when it is avoidable, most of the time it is NOT avoidable quickly... For me NTR, creates more bad feelings (like frustration, hate, jealousy, stress, etc) that I don't really want to feel in something that I should be enjoying and having fun reading/playing, instead... You have folks who love that crap, but the vast majority don't... So Big Brother became this iconic point of contention, that for me, was something to be avoided, as much as possible... And my emotions run high when it comes to the inclusion of unavoidable NTR, or NTR that is not easily and quickly avoidable in an obvious way... Hence my disdain for Big Brother...

Dating My Daughter Chapter 1, was one of my first goes at a popular and lengthy Erotic Visual Novels... It was the first time I saw the character model, used for the Daughter... And I had no clue at that moment, how fucking over used that model would become, once the incest gold rush began following this specific VN/Games popularity... Now, all that said, I enjoyed Chapter 1 for the most part, as I am a sucker for any good Romance story... Even if it did include the whole overused Incest theme... But, once Chapter 2 began production, that is when I had to call it off... Chapter 2 felt like it was going backwards... The daughter had already had sex with the protagonist, and the relationship was already becoming deeper and so forth, from all the content and buildup in Chapter 1... So when suddenly the daughter went from being the protagonists new lover, with way more confidence in herself then how she started in the beginning of chapter 1... To suddenly being all insecure about herself and her sexuality again in Chapter 2, I knew from that point forward that this was starting to look like a milk job... By reversing some of that progress made in Chapter 1, the story flow and character development was slowed down (and slightly reversed), in such a way as to feel like it was just a ploy to prolong development... So I stopped following it... So DMD Chapter 1 great, DMD Chapter 2 hated it... The VN had lost it's way and it's mojo...

My Girlfriends Amnesia seemed very popular, even if it used the dreaded RPGM engine... At first I was reluctant to even give it a try, based purely on the fact that I really don't like RPGM based VN/Games... But I wanted to at least give it a go, as I have a tendency to at least give some VN/Games the benefit of the doubt before trying and reviewing them... So I tried it, and of course I didn't like the game play mechanics that are so inherent in a majority of RPG Maker based VN/Games... Yet, I still tried to trudge along... As soon as I saw how over the top and stereo typed the evil twin sister was, I began to get an overall sense that I was probably not going to like how things were going to go for the male protagonist... It was going to be a slow and painful path to subduing or overcoming an over the top twin sister, who had her own evil plans for her sister, that were not always going to mesh with the protagonists plans... So add in the RPGM crap with a confrontational start to the story that would only exacerbate the story progression and game play, I just had to call it quits... An hour into the game and I was done...

Superpowered was one of few VN/Games where at first you like the premise of the story, and it was different from other grinders, during the time it began becoming more popular... How different? I soon found out... The repetitive grind alongside a social choice puzzle (figuring out the subjects a given character liked or disliked when talking to them), and the huge list of characters, made getting anywhere with a given character, a highly tedious prospect... The length of time it took to get to new or slightly altered content, was a bit ridiculous... Add in all the other grinding elements like certain times at certain locations, along with various stats and other stuff... This game was my first experience with a massively grindy game in this market... After several hours of getting negative numbers with some characters, and barely scratching the surface of anything new, I just had to call it quits and move on... And what was funny, is that Superpowered's social game system has been copied into other VN/Games, due to it's popularity at the time, making them just as bad... Another example where popularity and/or high donation numbers, kicked off a trend amongst some newer developers, trying to ride the coat tails of a more popular title... Some folks are into heavy grinders, but if it's too tedious of a grind, for me it isn't worth it...

There are others, but those were the big ones I thought of right away...

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Apr 16, 2019
The use of Netarare (NTR) in VN/Games is typically a theme that is forced on to the reader/player, rather then being an easily avoidable option... And even when it is avoidable, most of the time it is NOT avoidable quickly... For me NTR, creates more bad feelings (like frustration, hate, jealousy, stress, etc) that I don't really want to feel in something that I should be enjoying and having fun reading/playing, instead... You have folks who love that crap, but the vast majority don't
And here we go again,anything you don't like is crap.Well many people like NTR.Why is that in every thread this witch hunt against NTR still rages everyday?.Not every people lived the same life as you and some may play this games for different reason.Same for the Devs.NTR is crap.....Nobody loves this crap... etc are paraded as opinions that should be held at a higher realm by some people.Why don't people go to Non-NTR games and demand NTR.I don't like futa but I don't hunt for futa games to bitch about them having futa content and I don't ask why they love this shit.Why should anyone's opinion on a subjective case be more valuable then a opposite opinion on the same subject?


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
And here we go again,anything you don't like is crap.Well many people like NTR.Why is that in every thread this witch hunt against NTR still rages everyday?.Not every people lived the same life as you and some may play this games for different reason.Same for the Devs.NTR is crap.....Nobody loves this crap... etc are paraded as opinions that should be held at a higher realm by some people.Why don't people go to Non-NTR games and demand NTR.I don't like futa but I don't hunt for futa games to bitch about them having futa content and I don't ask why they love this shit.Why should anyone's opinion on a subjective case be more valuable then a opposite opinion on the same subject?
The subject of this thread is for people to list what popular games they don't like... Some folks just list them, and some folks (like myself) give some of the reasons as well... No one said, anywhere, that you had to agree with any reasons someone gives for why they didn't like a VN/Game... And someone (like yourself) trying to start another thread derailment, because they don't agree with someone's reasons for disliking a VN/Game (which is this threads topic) is counter productive and off topic...

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Apr 16, 2019
The subject of this thread is for people to list what popular games they don't like... Some folks just list them, and some folks (like myself) give some of the reasons as well... No one said, anywhere, that you had to agree with any reasons someone gives for why they didn't like a VN/Game... And someone (like yourself) trying to start another thread derailment, because they don't agree with someone's reasons for disliking a VN/Game (which is this threads topic) is counter productive and off topic...

Hence I didn't quote your entire post and I am not looking for thread derailment.Your view on NTR and how it should be perceived by others doesn't warrant a flaw in the game.Maybe I have seen too many NTR bashing lately.Good day.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Hence I didn't quote your entire post and I am not looking for thread derailment.Your view on NTR and how it should be perceived by others doesn't warrant a flaw in the game.Maybe I have seen too many NTR bashing lately.Good day.
Maybe you are reading into it wrong, who knows... Me listing that subject as the reason I didn't like that popular VN/Game, is completely in keeping with the thread subject... At no time did I say that everyone should feel the same way or dislike it for the same reasons as me... We can't have calm discussions, if every time someone had some negative OPINION to say in a thread when it is about negative opinions (that is actually about the dislike of a certain set of VN/Games, in this case Popular ones), and all we did was catch heavy flak for it, every time... Either due to some ones over protectiveness of a given product or theme, or whatever other reason/s... That is the last I have to say about all this...



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Dreams of Desire. I got the worst ending I could think of, never touched it again after that. I don't even get why such a terrible ending made it into the Game, nobody could ever like that!

Dual Family. Somehow it took me until the end before I realized what this Game is about. I was always hoping for some Brother-Sister Action and I never got it. Very disappointed, not to mention it got abandoned.

And pretty much any of these Sandboxy Games that give you no fucking indication of what you have to do. I hate having to click through every fucking Location to find the next Event. I like my somewhat linear VNs.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Dreams of Desire. I got the worst ending I could think of, never touched it again after that. I don't even get why such a terrible ending made it into the Game, nobody could ever like that!

Dual Family. Somehow it took me until the end before I realized what this Game is about. I was always hoping for some Brother-Sister Action and I never got it. Very disappointed, not to mention it got abandoned.

And pretty much any of these Sandboxy Games that give you no fucking indication of what you have to do. I hate having to click through every fucking Location to find the next Event. I like my somewhat linear VNs.
Yeah, I feel what your saying...

With Dreams of Desire, I liked the first half of it... But for me personally, I ended up quitting shortly after all the holiday jazz was added into the main story line... Mostly because I felt the VN/Game was changing directions and focusing less on the ok story telling, and more so on the porn side... I also didn't like that they were trying to tie in all the holiday stuff into the main VN/Game... For me, regardless of VN/Game, I prefer all that holiday nonsense being either a separate download, or something viewable from the main menu, especially if it has no real bearing on the plot or story telling... Just some pointless holiday masturbation material... I did read they finally began swinging back towards the story side, but I was done with it by that point, and saw no compelling reason to go back... It almost felt like they had sold out to pressure from some paying fans, and deviated too far from where they had gone prior to the pro-porn swing in content... I was already on the fence with some things, and that was the tipping point...

Dual Family, like you I didn't mind it for a while, but then I noticed a pattern where it seemed to just be lingering on pointlessly, like a very long tease, with some characters beginning to be a bit over the top along with a story line that was becoming less consistent, and some pointless updates... It was a very clever idea adding two points of view for the whole thing... Which I really do think, was the only big reason that this VN/Game became so popular... It was a very unique quality you didn't really see much up until that point... But because of varying reasons and excuses, it eventually just ended... I quit playing/reading it before that happened...



Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
The thing is I actually understand why games like these are popular, some people just want a quick wank or just choose to ignore the bad side because the renders are great
Dreaming of Dana is the only game in this list that's good for a quick wank, giving you your first real sexual content on day one at work. Big Brother and most of its contemporaries, Man of the House, newer ones like Cure My Addiction, or even Summertime Saga, have sexual content in spades, but you have to grind for hours and hours before you get there. Moreover, with Big Brother in particular, it's a disappointing experience, as you get 10 renders of Max's Ass as you "fuck lisa in the ass" doggy style. Meanwhile, the first scene in Seraphim academy is a sex scene with 58 of it's 72 frames dedicated to the act itself, constituting multiple positions, different angles, and actually sexy shots. I admit, I haven't replayed MotH, but I don't remember being impressed with it's sex scenes either, though, that could be because while it could be used for a quick wank, if you wanted anything more out of it you had to grind those sex scenes like a chore, making them unenjoyable by default.

No, what made those games popular was the time in which they came out. They didn't have competition. No one was making quality content. I'm known for coming down pretty hard on Life Sims, but I'm all about Harem Hotel and Mythic Manor, and it's not because of Honey Select, it's because the devs put the time and energy into their projects to make them relatable and give a good amount of sexual experience with the only grind being optional content stuff that's still pretty fun to get, and great for that quick wank.

I try to play every game(specially using 3d models) from the beginning of this site except some that have particular fetishes I don't like.I don't like to bash anyone about story elements because art is subjective.You didn't like something tell why it didn't work for you but "How can people like this shit....All popular games are crap....People just like to wank....." will only create hatred among one another.
Art is subjective, but that doesn't mean that there aren't collective realities that make something subjectively bad for the majority. No one watches The Room and says "This is a masterpiece" they watch it and laugh at all the many many things about it that are subjectively bad to our collective understanding of quality. One of those things is believable characters. Big Brother fails heartily in this. Eric is a cartoonishly bad villain, dialed up to 11 with no cause whatsoever. Mom has 3 distinct and never mixing personalities, Eric's depraved whore, the mom who pays you for chores and does yoga with you, and the naive puritan who doesn't realize you're tricking her into satisfying your needs. Alice is a blank slate with her only traits being "I'm better than my brother," and "I don't trust that pervert." It's obvious she was supposed to be the bitchy older sister, like Veronica in Man of the House, or Tracy from Dreams of Desire, but that is never really used. Instead she's just the gold digging whore of the family. And then there's Lisa... Her story is literally about overcoming her aversion to and lack of experience in sex. Every time you take a step forward you have to take two back and convince her again. She doesn't once choose to move forward of her own volition, making you feel like the coercive rapist cornering her till she gives consent. The aunt is just max with a vagina.

The only character I did like, who seemed fleshed out, was Olivia, but, if you play the route where you get introduced to her later, she's a completely different character.

Hence I didn't quote your entire post and I am not looking for thread derailment.Your view on NTR and how it should be perceived by others doesn't warrant a flaw in the game.Maybe I have seen too many NTR bashing lately.Good day.
And because it came up, Big Brother is shit at NTR. Sorry to let people in on this, it is not NTR when your mom sleeps with her boyfriend. It's barely cuckoldry when you peek in on them and later are invited to watch, however, since she is not your partner it is not Netorase, because again, you have no claim to your mother. It's also not NTR when your aunt who you all but raped starts having sex with the same boyfriend, even if he blackmailed her with that initial sexual encounter to do it. However, there is one thing in that game that is NTR, the thing is, it's the least sexualized version of it. Max has a relationship with his mother that constitutes a bond of trust that is being broken but it's not a romantic one violated because she's having sex with Eric, but a maternal one because Eric is becoming abusive of max and his mother ignores or outright accuses him of lying and allows the abuse to continue. Thus, she breaks her maternal bond with Max, making him unable to see her as his mother anymore, and NTRing him. If there had been some sort of corruption plot where Max turned his mother away from Eric without getting the mob/sex dungeon involved, that could have been Netori, and thus NTR with Eric as the cuck, but that doesn't happen either, you just get rid of him.

People complaining about NTR in Big Brother, or campaigning for it to be liked because of it don't actually know what NTR is. Just because you're a character in a game who is supposed to be able to fuck the other women doesn't mean your character has a claim to them by default. In the case of Max, his claim has yet to be staked when Eric enters the game. If Eric had entered after there was a relationship, then it could theoretically be NTR. If Max had been fucking his family at the start of the game, it could be NTR. But as the game stands, you have some of the masochistic feelings of cuckoldry if you watch Eric fucking your family, but none of the relationship claim necessary to call it NTR, except on the grounds of the abusive relationship Eric causes.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
I don't like to bash other developers/artists, but any game that use Daz art and doesn't fix this:

I made this sketch in order to express my frustration:

I understand that not all Daz artist can be 3d modellers, but there are tools to try to fix this, or just use other clothes, or just don't make those gigantic breast if they're gonna look that bad. If you don't fix it, it's terrible looking, and a total downer for me. Is also bad that the overall quality of render is pretty good, and find this, this, this... bonerbreaker in the game.
I just cannot stomach renders that do not fix that, and was a total pain playing the game everytime I encountered a woman with big breast and that Clothing issue.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I don't like to bash other developers/artists, but any game that use Daz art and doesn't fix this:

I made this sketch in order to express my frustration:
View attachment 295468

I understand that not all Daz artist can be 3d modellers, but there are tools to try to fix this, or just use other clothes, or just don't make those gigantic breast if they're gonna look that bad. If you don't fix it, it's terrible looking, and a total downer for me. Is also bad that the overall quality of render is pretty good, and find this, this, this... bonerbreaker in the game.
I just cannot stomach renders that do not fix that, and was a total pain playing the game everytime I encountered a woman with big breast and that Clothing issue.
There are definitely games that do this which I let slide (Parental Love) but absolutely, this is worse to me than the uncanny valley face problems that people who don't make good expressions have.