Popular games that you didn't like


Jul 8, 2018

There aren't many that I have PLAYED and didn't like, I'm usually pretty picky. But there are a few...

1. Hard Work: ironically enough, the game does not feel like hard work was poured into it. It feels like every corner was cut, both storywise, and visual-wise to try and produce a product, and it's painfully apparent.

2. Dreams of Desire: The english in this is pretty bad, the renders are mediocre (some nice lingerie/panty shots), and the story is super duper creepy. Like, maybe not the creepiest thing to ever exist, but you start out basically jacking off on your mom's unconscious body, and you have no choice in the matter. Also, there's a lot of incest and lesbian stuff in it, which is a pretty big turnoff for me.

3, My Life With Mary: The writing is subpar, barely passable, the renders are awful, and the limited amount of non-ending choices is abysmal. It does what a lot of games do, which is say "You have to make a wise choice or else your game ends right here and now/you'll never have enough friendship meter from the main RI of the game, but it doesn't matter what you choose cuzz rollback." Also there ends up being a lot of weird drama and lesbian stuff in it which I'm not into.

4. I have a love/hate relationship with Superpowered!. I really like the ideas it presents, but it doesn't execute them properly at all. 60% of the rendered females look non-human, and billy looks like a twerp. On top of this, it's ridiculously grindy for little reason in many areas, especially areas that aren't fully fleshed out, and the entire game is poorly coded and just broken. Mods can fix some of it, but not everything.

There's prolly a few I'm forgetting. Honorable mention to Melody--even though I love the renders and the overall story, it often feels like I'm playing from the perspective of Melody or Becca rather than the perspective of the PC.
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Apr 16, 2019
Dreaming of Dana is the only game in this list that's good for a quick wank, giving you your first real sexual content on day one at work. Big Brother and most of its contemporaries, Man of the House, newer ones like Cure My Addiction, or even Summertime Saga, have sexual content in spades, but you have to grind for hours and hours before you get there. Moreover, with Big Brother in particular, it's a disappointing experience, as you get 10 renders of Max's Ass as you "fuck lisa in the ass" doggy style. Meanwhile, the first scene in Seraphim academy is a sex scene with 58 of it's 72 frames dedicated to the act itself, constituting multiple positions, different angles, and actually sexy shots. I admit, I haven't replayed MotH, but I don't remember being impressed with it's sex scenes either, though, that could be because while it could be used for a quick wank, if you wanted anything more out of it you had to grind those sex scenes like a chore, making them unenjoyable by default.

No, what made those games popular was the time in which they came out. They didn't have competition. No one was making quality content. I'm known for coming down pretty hard on Life Sims, but I'm all about Harem Hotel and Mythic Manor, and it's not because of Honey Select, it's because the devs put the time and energy into their projects to make them relatable and give a good amount of sexual experience with the only grind being optional content stuff that's still pretty fun to get, and great for that quick wank.

Art is subjective, but that doesn't mean that there aren't collective realities that make something subjectively bad for the majority. No one watches The Room and says "This is a masterpiece" they watch it and laugh at all the many many things about it that are subjectively bad to our collective understanding of quality. One of those things is believable characters. Big Brother fails heartily in this. Eric is a cartoonishly bad villain, dialed up to 11 with no cause whatsoever. Mom has 3 distinct and never mixing personalities, Eric's depraved whore, the mom who pays you for chores and does yoga with you, and the naive puritan who doesn't realize you're tricking her into satisfying your needs. Alice is a blank slate with her only traits being "I'm better than my brother," and "I don't trust that pervert." It's obvious she was supposed to be the bitchy older sister, like Veronica in Man of the House, or Tracy from Dreams of Desire, but that is never really used. Instead she's just the gold digging whore of the family. And then there's Lisa... Her story is literally about overcoming her aversion to and lack of experience in sex. Every time you take a step forward you have to take two back and convince her again. She doesn't once choose to move forward of her own volition, making you feel like the coercive rapist cornering her till she gives consent. The aunt is just max with a vagina.

The only character I did like, who seemed fleshed out, was Olivia, but, if you play the route where you get introduced to her later, she's a completely different character.

And because it came up, Big Brother is shit at NTR. Sorry to let people in on this, it is not NTR when your mom sleeps with her boyfriend. It's barely cuckoldry when you peek in on them and later are invited to watch, however, since she is not your partner it is not Netorase, because again, you have no claim to your mother. It's also not NTR when your aunt who you all but raped starts having sex with the same boyfriend, even if he blackmailed her with that initial sexual encounter to do it. However, there is one thing in that game that is NTR, the thing is, it's the least sexualized version of it. Max has a relationship with his mother that constitutes a bond of trust that is being broken but it's not a romantic one violated because she's having sex with Eric, but a maternal one because Eric is becoming abusive of max and his mother ignores or outright accuses him of lying and allows the abuse to continue. Thus, she breaks her maternal bond with Max, making him unable to see her as his mother anymore, and NTRing him. If there had been some sort of corruption plot where Max turned his mother away from Eric without getting the mob/sex dungeon involved, that could have been Netori, and thus NTR with Eric as the cuck, but that doesn't happen either, you just get rid of him.

People complaining about NTR in Big Brother, or campaigning for it to be liked because of it don't actually know what NTR is. Just because you're a character in a game who is supposed to be able to fuck the other women doesn't mean your character has a claim to them by default. In the case of Max, his claim has yet to be staked when Eric enters the game. If Eric had entered after there was a relationship, then it could theoretically be NTR. If Max had been fucking his family at the start of the game, it could be NTR. But as the game stands, you have some of the masochistic feelings of cuckoldry if you watch Eric fucking your family, but none of the relationship claim necessary to call it NTR, except on the grounds of the abusive relationship Eric causes.
I wasn't particularly talking about Big Brother but rather NTR in general.But anyways this is getting off topic.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Dreaming of Dana: I love all the other games this dev team makes, but this one was just too grindy. Didn't feel like I was making progress at all. Also didn't like the randomness of some events.

My Cute Roommate: I was liking this game somewhat, but then I hit a point where I did the events in the "wrong" order and I couldn't advance anymore. Gave up on it. This was one of the first games I played, looking back on the game its quite shallow too. Not much to the story or the characters.

A Wife and Mother: I play games for the story aspect and can appreciate a slow burn , so you'd think I'd like this game. I downloaded it twice, but I just cant. I feel like no progress has been made after hours of content, the MC is basically a nun. Like a "Suburban Mom Simulator" or something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Dreaming of Dana's grind never bothered me because once I saw how it was going to go I just console cheated my way through the stages. I ended up loving the game, and Dana herself is still one of my favorite characters, but I never would've stuck out the actual grind.

Superpowered is probably the one really popular game to which I would never return. Even cheating like crazy with mods I was still exhausted by how long everything took. If it was a completed game I probably would've stuck it out just to see everything, but I've lost interest.

A Wife and Mother...just no.

I've made my (sarcastic) peace with Perv & the Potato Head...I mean Dating My Daughter...not because I'm satisfied with the time/reward ratio, but because at this point I'm sticking around until someone sodomizes the hell out of Potato Head.


Oct 7, 2016
^^ ie most visual novel typed games where the difference (often a dialogue choice) between "correct" and "uncorrect" paths are often completely arbitrary. How are you supposed to guess that clicking on "see you tomorrow for coffee" will bring you on a loosing path with X girl instead of "hey, see you tomorrow for orange juice".
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
^^ ie most visual novel typed games where the difference (often a dialogue choice) between "correct" and "uncorrect" paths are often completely arbitrary. How are you supposed to guess that clicking on "see you tomorrow for coffee" will bring you on a loosing path with X girl instead of "hey, see you tomorrow for orange juice".
The bad and good ending mumbo jumbo in Visual Novels was actually started by Japanese Hentai Visual Novels, where they wanted to offer some re-playability for their visual novels... So they began offering up bad and good endings more as varying story arcs, and not really as choice punishment... If you look at the history of Japanese story telling, going back hundreds to thousands of years... Many of their fictional stories do not have happy endings... They are intended to teach moral lessons more so then make the readers happy and joyous all the time... That is just part of their culture, which in some ways is reflected in their Visual Novels/Games... Even in western cultures past, many stories told to children and adults, didn't always have happy endings... Look at older nursery rhymes, and you can see that most have tragic endings, because they are intended to teach life lessons and morals, over making everyone feel good all the time...

In western style Visual Novels/Games and in most entertainment industries today, people want some form of happy ending/s, for the most part... But because of how Japanese Hentai VN's sometimes add in bad endings, you get this spill over into the western markets, where developers may want to offer up similar endings... But in many cases, rather then having this lengthy story associated to and leading up to a bad ending, instead they go with quick choice traps... Either in the form of early temptations that lead immediately to a Game Over, or later choices leading to an expedient and unexpected Bad Ending... The western market is much happier with good endings then bad endings... And choice traps tend to have the opposite effect that you get with Japanese Hentai VN Bad Endings... The readers/players typically get either upset and decide to stop playing/reading all together, or they get upset and try to muddle through all the traps, hoping that at some point, they get some happier ending... Of course there are some who don't mind choice traps at all, so you will of course have people perfectly happy either way... But the ones who don't mind them, typically are either uninterested in the story anyway, just wanting to get their jollies, or they are just far more tolerant of the choice trap nonsense...

I remember back in the 80's reading the Choose Your Own Adventure entitled books, and of course they were riddled with choices that lead to abrupt endings... But often times there were subtle hints that tried to steer you away from those bad choices, yet often those same mechanics are not used in the same way, when developers of Erotic/Adult VN/Games offer up temptation based choice traps... Knowing full well, that the choice to go a bit further with a situation, is instead a temptation, that in some cases will lead to immediate disaster... That is not the same as story that hints at a choice perhaps being a bad one, and then presenting a somewhat neutral set of choices (without too much temptation associated to them) that will/may eventually lead to a bad ending down the line, or an eventual game over rather then an immediate one...

In most cases, bad endings and game overs in western market VN/Games, are used as a punishment mechanism instead... To punish the reader/player for daring to stray off the path that the developer prefers they go down, or to punish them for being so bold as to give in to a temptation trap... The developers may or may not see them as punishment, but that is exactly how they feel to most folks, regardless of the developers real intentions or not... Some developers are blind to this fact, or they really don't give a shit... And that is usually the sign of a bad or poor, and/or maybe even immature developer...


Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Most games I tried usually given a okay to good first impression, then they either start grow on me, or I start get into a hate relation with them :p What I really dislike the most is never ending stories. Like creator keep introduce more and more characters into the game just for the protag to get more and more to bone. In the process it water down story and lose all plot and direction it whatever had.

I read a lot, not necessary erotic fiction, but all kind of stuff. For me story is important in most games. A giant roadblock to this is to much grind. Excessive grinds feel like a cheap way to drag out a game and compensate for lack of content.


Feb 16, 2019
It's Good Girl Gone Bad without a doubt. Sure, the art looks great, sure the creator worked A LOT on it, but I simply couldn't like it. First, I didn't like any of the characters. Second, I really-REALLY hate when a decision which doesn't look sexual at all leads to a sexual act without any chance to avoid it, and it happened to me in GGGB. I read the game walktrough, and several times it's still not clear why certain decisions lead to where they lead, as there is no logical connection between the choice and the outcome.
I can't deny it really has a LOT of competely different paths, but I would've liked it better with fewer, better built paths. So it's really not my cup of tea.

And I could list all the incest, lolly games out there. Almost all. I'm not entirely against sibling incest, but that's where I draw the line. About lolly, I'm even less forgiving, they disgust me.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Dreams of Desire was the first "popular" game I played. I'd just been introduced to the world of erotica by Dreaming with Elsa and the Elsaverse stories and found DoD, this was long before I came here. For starters it was mainly incest which doesn't do much for me but I can deal with it if I like everything else. Wellllll then I saw the first "animation" (term used very, very loosely) and hated it. I have never played the complete version because those hideous, jumpy, 2 jellyfish fucking by strobelight animations look awful. They ruined every single scene.

Big Brother. Again, if i'm going to play a game with incest, it needs to be spot on. It has one of the most unlikable MC's i've seen with a mother that would have lost her kids years earlier she was that crap of a parent and the rest of the cast was equally shit. The grind was the best thing about the game and I hated that too.

Dating my Daughter. I've tried, i've played the entire first chapter and I really tried but no matter how I try and do things the dad always comes off like he's grooming his daughter and it's creepy as fuck. It's not helped by the fact the daughter comes off like a brain damaged sea sponge. I've seen rocks with more common sense.

Good Girl Gone Bad. I truly respect what Eva has done with the game. It has a lot of depth and choices but very few paths that interest me. I got to play a lesbian, great, immersion time, only the choices were terrible. You've got the personality vortex best friend and the semi attractive blonde that's been pumped with more semen than most porn stars. Now i'm all for women that love sex, I love sex, most women I know love sex but when I pick one of those women to sleep with I don't want to be sucking a months supply of cum out of her vagina when I go down.

A Wife and A Mother. Play as a complete schizophrenic woman that gets all bent out of shape being seen in a bikini ... a fucking bikini. She panics and covers herself up ... she lives in the suburbs, she's not a Mormon ... she pulls her dresses shoulder strap down and shows nothing but still panics. It's some of the absolute worst writing i've ever seen with one of the worst characters i've seen.

Acting Lessons. Drama needs decent pacing or it loses it's impact. By the time the big dramatic event of the story happens we'd already had domestic abuse, arrests, cancer, psycho ex boyfriends and a potential rape. Those all happened relatively close together so by the time the big one came it had less of a shock. It needed a few more updates to pace it out a bit more and build a certain relationship so that impact hit hard. It was drama for the sake of drama and by the end I found it more shit than shocking.

Milfy City. I found it boring. I've said it before but i'll repeat for this, I played Milfy City a few weeks ago and can't remember the name of a single character in it yet i've played games like Last Sovereign with hundreds of characters and they are all memorable. I couldn't find one thing I liked about it.

There are also certain things I hate in games that aren't specific to one.

Generic tropes in incest games. Shower spying (bonus shit stains for shower spying then having the character walk up to the shower to masturbate then act shocked when he's caught). The masturbation scene, watching a kid wank himself off ... fuck of with that shit. Sleep rape, so overdone. Mother seeing sons cock and instantly wanting it like she's never had dick before. Teenage kid with a horsedick and every woman wanting to ride it, as a woman I can tell you that would never happen, too big is painful and not enjoyable at all. 2 sisters, one older and one younger with the older one hating the MS and the younger one loving him.

As with Dreams of desire, any game with those janky shitty animations is an instant delete. If a dev can't animate by all means learn but don't put your learning process in your games. It ruins scenes. There is a reason I don't flick my clit in a rave, it makes me feel sick, strobes aren't sexy.

Moronic women in corruption games. I like women that love sex but watching a woman do dumb shit and get blackmailed by fat ugly cunts is probably the biggest turn off i've ever seen.
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Sep 17, 2017
Summertime saga: I hated the art style.
Lust epidemic: RPGM games needs to be very careful not to be so hard you get lost or so easy you feel an errand boy. In this one I felt lost.
Mythic manor: It's just a worse version of Harem hotel; and it feels that I need to mechanically fulfill some requirements to trigger events instead of progressing through the storylines and content

I'm not saying these are bad games: just that I didn't like them and the reasons.


Aug 5, 2016
big brother. I played , and it liked initially, but then it turned out to be a weird game. I stopped playing it since when MC's sister's girlfriend tied him to the chair to have sex with his sister, then it continued a couple of times. I felt so weird since that scene. I prefer the game to be more realistic. I understand for some people this might be realistic, but for me I don't think it's realistic at all. on top of that the scenes come after that get even more weird. Additionally, I don't like Dating My Daughter as I didn't like that model. Melody is boring, and the female model looks so young. That female model is good for child actors, so I am surprised it's used in a porn game. Man of the house isn't interesting too, because it gives me this weird vibe. Dream of desire isn't interesting for me too as it contains mind control. I played some of mind control games, but I don't think I am a big fan of such games. Long live princess is boring as it contains a lot of texts to read, The screenshots of daughter for desserts made me not like it. My favorite games are (I don't remember all so I will post some of them) acting lessons, a wife and mother, twits of my life, become a rock star, no more secrets ( this is quite funny too), high rise climb, jessica o neil, high life, my girlfriend amnesia.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I prefer the game to be more realistic.
Nothing wrong with wanting a bit of realism, we all like a bit of that.

acting lessons, a wife and mother, twits of my life, become a rock star, no more secrets ( this is quite funny too), high rise climb, jessica o neil, high life, my girlfriend amnesia.

So what you really meant is you prefer games to be realistic unless you like them then it doesn't matter.

Not having a go but you can't call Big Brother out for not being realistic then list games so far devoid of realism they make Harry Potter look like a documentary.