Popular games that you didn't like


Feb 21, 2019
Dreaming of Dana. I didn't even finish the game cause I was tired of seeing the same scenes and animations every day. I got bored.

And Milfy City. I don't get why people are so hyped about this game. I guess it's because I'm not much into games where you have to work several days to get enough money to buy an item to give to a chick in order to fuck her. I already have to work in real life to get stuff I want, I don't want to do the same in a game. I prefer when it's more linear and you have to make choices from time to time. You just go with the flow and immerse yourself in the story.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Acting Lessons: The most overrated adult game in recent history. A decent, if somewhat bland love triangle VN turns into a bafflingly stupid drama-fest because of the dev's "vision." I can only assume people who like the writing in this game are the same sort of people who still defend Game of Thrones. I'm sure I could find a reason to put BADIK on this list too, but after the narrative abortion that was Acting Lessons I'm not going to play anything the dev makes.

Lancaster Boarding House: Cliched boring tripe with one of the most unintentionally unlikable MCs I have ever seen in an adult game. The character writing in this was bizarre and took me out of the game.

Where The Heart Is: Decent, until the dev decided to turn the MC into a grunting frat boy and his sister into a psychopath for some reason. I stopped playing after that fever dream of a party.

Depraved Awakening: A good game, but I felt constantly rushed along by the overbearing story. It also kind of suffered from the same type of "let's throw in some dark and weird twists to make it interesting" problem that Acting Lessons had, though it was handled better.

Freeloading Family: Something about the writing in this game rubbed me the wrong way. There are these weird comments about respecting women and being a good guy and blah blah blah while the MC still is your typical "let's fuck everybody and make a harem" weirdo college boy with a huge dick protagonist. It kind of reminds me of Lancaster Boarding House in how most of the characters either feel like boring tropes or their motivations make no sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Big Brother(one of the first games i've played after finding this site, it was cool then but after looking at it now and recently trying to replay it again it's just bad, from the story to gameplay stuff).

Dating my Daughter, Melody, the last sovereign, Noxian Nights, Summertime Saga, My cute roommate, SuperPowered, Parental Love, Babysitter.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
no all the women unashamed

i see it realistic .. not all the women wear bikini in public [only the ones who want to show their bodies to people]
Which is the purpose of bikinis.

Those things we wear while swimming and on the beach ... nothing to do with showing our bodies. It's not realistic at all unless you live in a regressive country where women are second class citizens.


Developer of Unleashed
Game Developer
Oct 25, 2018
Freeloading Family, but it's not that I hate it. If I hate a game I probably wouldn't be bothered to write something about it. It's almost a good game. Good renders, beautiful women. But the writer is in love with his/her own writing. You really don't need to keep the Rom-Com witty banter going all the way through sex. It's just constant clever retorts between people. Like good art, writing needs some negative space in between the punches.


Active Member
May 17, 2017
In general for me games with female protagonists and games that go over the top crazy with harems for male protagonists.

I'm not into cuckolding per say, but games where the male MC fucks his 30 year old looking mom, the shy sister, the aggressive pervy sister, and 45 other sexy family members and MILFS does get a little redundant to me.

I say female protagonist games mainly because there are very few that generally don't follow this progression:

Girl is naive --> Girl starts a job or meets someone or is put in a precarious situtaiton --> solution: Fuck em --> slowly get more corrupt --> have sex with everybody --> gangbang and orgies --> turn into total bimbo slut

I get that it's porn and we're all perverts here, but it'd be nice for a story or something every now and then to change it up a bit ya know?
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Summertime Saga, Man of the House, Milfy City, Dreams of Desire, My Cute Roommate...etc. Any games that have female model with ridiculous huge tits and ass. Any games that use illusion games honey select assets for render
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Active Member
May 10, 2017
Where The Heart Is: Decent, until the dev decided to turn the MC into a grunting frat boy and his sister into a psychopath for some reason. I stopped playing after that fever dream of a party.
I had problems with that games writing as well.

Telling a stranger to fuck off because it's another male talking to his sister.

Physically and emotionally exploiting a girl because she made a racist comment

Making physical threats at the party

I have no issue with these things in a story, the issue comes from the idea that you are justified. The exploitation at the modeling office was defended by this idea that it was your choice but I was following a guide and if I don't pick those choices I don't get to interact with the character.
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Dec 17, 2018
I know it's been mentioned already, but I still can't get over the success AWAM has garnered. It's severely lacking in erotic content (this coming from a guy who likes a slow burn), the visuals are nothing to write home about (especially after the dev touted himself as being such an incredible artist, whose work could never be replicated as an excuse not to hire more people), and the writing is beyond laughable. It's truly one of the games that's success legitimately baffles me.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Can we only pick from the popular list ? Whether it be the one from back when I joined or the current one ? Cause honestly, I go with the flow, half the stuff I see people here shitting on them for is nothing more than nitpicks to me... I think the only two games well now three I have ever hated from the popular list are

1. Dual Family - Jesus Christ this game pissed me the fuck off, it's very rare for a smut game to get me to stop playing due to an overload of anger at how pathetic people with depression can act... All it needed was the family pet to die of testicular cancer, and the family to lose their home and live under a bridge to put the cherry on the shit-cake.

2. Teachers Pet - Compared to the others I have no idea how this one even made it into such a prestigious place... You had one sex scene with the wife who despite being yummy the fanbase hated. Then aside from the sexy romp with that one teacher ONCE, you never got another sex scene for the remaining hours of gameplay... The only girl that got a semi ending was the ugliest one that looked like she had a mouth made of a raccoons ass...

3. GGGB - didn't know this one had hit the list, but it's definitely my third then... As others have already said, it's hard to find likable characters in the game... Dave is the best one, but being I ain't an asshole I tried to save his girl Eva from the shitter and ended up losing Dave... Jessica was decent once Ash had her turn over a new leaf, but no amount of sad backstory makes the Gym celebrity likable, he is trash pure and simple... Don't get me started on the black rapper, he gets pushed so fucking hard on you in every update despite shooting him down twenty times... Then again it's expected since the Dev traces images from blacked.com, so it makes since that jackass is the primary focus.

Honestly despite that rant, I hate games that aren't popular far more... The Tyrant, The Engagement, Culture Shock, Because I Love Her, Katie's Corruption, Wifeys Dilemma, and of course the worst game ever to grace this forum Bully...
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Aug 10, 2017
Probably Summertime Saga. I'm definitely in the minority for this one but I could never get into it. I don't know if it's the art or what, something turns me off. I tried playing it on numerous occasions yet I couldn't muster up the courage to complete it.

Then there's both Incest stories by ICSTOR. Love the art, hated the back and forth-esque gameplay. Lust Epidemic is similar in a way, though the difference is probably because I enjoy the storyline way more.
May 5, 2018
Most of em suck, out of the first page I only like The Twist and 4 elements trainer, summertime saga was good I guess but not great.
2nd page I like: Tyrant, GGGB, insexual awakening and bones tales.

Recently retried man of the house and it really just sucked my balls off, that's the third best game, really? REALLY?


May 1, 2019
Okay, so first section is dedicated to Tyrant alone.

Oh boy. One of the first games I ever played that immediately had me thinking "Wow, I immediately want to punch not only every single person in this fucking family's face. I want to do it with a knife." And it's not because of looks alone. Oh no, I'll get that in a second. And so far, one of the only games I could not play because it rubbed me the wrong way, way too much.

First issue. Coming back from college and not having contact with your family for X time. Right there, that cliche set off a red flag alone. To... a family who focuses on keeping the 'husband' happy while allowing him to do shady shit. Keeping in mind that this is already cliche as fuck we start on the naive younger chick who thinks it's 'cool.' She's okay, but my god could she do with a healthy dose of slapping in the face realism. Older chick who totally doesn't have a crush on the MC despite dating someone whose music she doesn't even LIKE. And finally the landlady of the house. Hates dressing up but never says a word once you get her the outfits, and puts up with your shit without hardly saying anything.

Secondly, What is up with their bodies. No really? The older chick and the landlady/motherfigure look like they decided to go 40 rounds with Tyson and then got sent to the parlor to get touched up and have their teeth straightened out properly after having botox injected into their ass and hips, also the youngest girl looks pretty young imo.

Finally. The fucking old man who's posing to be yo pimp/dad. First off, punch-able face. Secondly, what the fuck is he wearing, no really. I want to know who thought it would be a good idea to put a 60 something looking old man in leather pants and a gay ass cowboy crop top. God all he needs is to have slicked back hair and ass-less chaps and he's ready to throw down at a gay rodeo. Third, he has a REALLY punch-able face. Finally, the whole premise is weak 'look help me finish this deal so I can get X money even though I don't know when it'll happen or how long it'll take but it'll be SOON™!"(it just works™) Keep in mind that he's a "Cop" who's undercover but probably secretly on the gang's payroll and as a Yes Man through and through even though he says he isn't.
(Did I mention how punch-able his fucking face is? I don't know, but my god is it begging for a good beat down)


GGGB- I don't usually have an issue with playing as a female protag(not my thing) But I gave this a shot. I really wish I hadn't as everyone's said, Dave is the only true Bro™ there really. Everyone else was a piece of shit or required me to care way too much about them and that just wasn't something I was down for.

Milfy City - Slow the brakes on the rape train buddy. Yes psychological torture and bullying is bad. But wow, rape and that amount of effort to control someone just because they shot you down and taunted you after YOU did something undeniably stupid. In public. For the entire school to see. As the principal in the game puts it "You have a massive fucking bronze pair of balls". And you deserve every second of laughter for thinking that rape is an acceptable reaction to that.

Superpowered - Good game, a bit grindy. And my god the faces on the older women could do with a little T&C. Overall, not too many complaints as it's pretty good once you get the psychosis and emotional bs skills, gets way faster.

My New Life - Okay, so the original is atrociously bad with spelling. I'm a fan of thiccness so I tried to power through it. The Spell gets WORSE. Anyway. Grindy as fuck, atrocious spelling and overall tedious gameplay.

My New Life Revamp - So, the spelling isn't still 100% and there's currently a shit ton of switching from English to Espanol, but considering the original author isn't the one who's translating to english I can sorta let it slide for now.
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King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
Can we only pick from the popular list ? Whether it be the one from back when I joined or the current one ? Cause honestly, I go with the flow, half the stuff I see people here shitting on them for is nothing more than nitpicks to me... I think the only two games well now three I have ever hated from the popular list are

1. Dual Family - Jesus Christ this game pissed me the fuck off, it's very rare for a smut game to get me to stop playing due to an overload of anger at how pathetic people with depression can act... All it needed was the family pet to die of testicular cancer, and the family to lose their home and live under a bridge to put the cherry on the shit-cake.

2. Teachers Pet - Compared to the others I have no idea how this one even made it into such a prestigious place... You had one sex scene with the wife who despite being yummy the fanbase hated. Then aside from the sexy romp with that one teacher ONCE, you never got another sex scene for the remaining hours of gameplay... The only girl that got a semi ending was the ugliest one that looked like she had a mouth made of a raccoons ass...

3. GGGB - didn't know this one had hit the list, but it's definitely my third then... As others have already said, it's hard to find likable characters in the game... Dave is the best one, but being I ain't an asshole I tried to save his girl Eva from the shitter and ended up losing Dave... Jessica was decent once Ash had her turn over a new leaf, but no amount of sad backstory makes the Gym celebrity likable, he is trash pure and simple... Don't get me started on the black rapper, he gets pushed so fucking hard on you in every update despite shooting him down twenty times... Then again it's expected since the Dev traces images from blacked.com, so it makes since that jackass is the primary focus.

Honestly despite that rant, I hate games that aren't popular far more... The Tyrant, The Engagement, Culture Shock, Because I Love Her, Katie's Corruption, Wifeys Dilemma, and of course the worst game ever to grace this forum Bully...
@Eerie Entity @Idkanythingsmarter @TheDevian
Dual Family isnt even a game its a simulation on how to make a customer depressed and have Stockholm syndrome for you

but mine are

The Babysitter although i guess it could be really good nowadays but i dropped it almost 2 years ago

but imo the worst game to grace this forum is Ecchi Sensei due to the story and art style and especially the characters if you played the game you would understand what i mean

by game im a game that has questionable content with actual game play that is somewhat understandable for people to like playing

if the game was actually a fap game like insexual awakening or Vitamin Plus then i probably would enjoy playing the game but it tried to take itself seriously by having a good story almost as indepth as games from mid 2018 or dating my daughter

but theres a reason why the non Bully game is banned from this site as for me i never tried it out due to art style and tags
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Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
Okay, so first section is dedicated to Tyrant alone.

Oh boy. One of the first games I ever played that immediately had me thinking "Wow, I immediately want to punch not only every single person in this fucking family's face. I want to do it with a knife." And it's not because of looks alone. Oh no, I'll get that in a second. And so far, one of the only games I could not play because it rubbed me the wrong way, way too much.

First issue. Coming back from college and not having contact with your family for X time. Right there, that cliche set off a red flag alone. To... a family who focuses on keeping the 'husband' happy while allowing him to do shady shit. Keeping in mind that this is already cliche as fuck we start on the naive younger chick who thinks it's 'cool.' She's okay, but my god could she do with a healthy dose of slapping in the face realism. Older chick who totally doesn't have a crush on the MC despite dating someone whose music she doesn't even LIKE. And finally the landlady of the house. Hates dressing up but never says a word once you get her the outfits, and puts up with your shit without hardly saying anything.

Finally. The fucking old man who's posing to be yo pimp/dad. First off, punch-able face. Secondly, what the fuck is he wearing, no really. I want to know who thought it would be a good idea to put a 60 something looking old man in leather pants and a gay ass cowboy crop top. God all he needs is to have slicked back hair and ass-less chaps and he's ready to throw down at a gay rodeo. Third, he has a REALLY punch-able face. Finally, the whole premise is weak 'look help me finish this deal so I can get X money even though I don't know when it'll happen or how long it'll take but it'll be SOON™!"(it just works™) Keep in mind that he's a "Cop" who's undercover but probably secretly on the gang's payroll and as a Yes Man through and through even though he says he isn't.
(Did I mention how punch-able his fucking face is? I don't know, but my god is it begging for a good beat down)


GGGB- I don't usually have an issue with playing as a female protag(not my thing) But I gave this a shot. I really wish I hadn't as everyone's said, Dave is the only true Bro™ there really. Everyone else was a piece of shit or required me to care way too much about them and that just wasn't something I was down for.
yeah it's true i also like dave path better than other men in the series, they are a group of perv who only see you from your looks and they doesn't value you as a woman they love they treat you like a cum dump, a living hole also for old eric he is a loser and then the dev decide to make him look like a jocks and made him mental improvement in very short time

as for the tyrants i don't like darker story especially with scary looking guy on its story but i guess mc dad is a stupid and don't have responsibility to his family, how come a father endanger all of his family members just for an undercover task


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Except she doesn't act like an actual human being.

She panics over being seen in a bikini, she panics when she pulls her shoulder strap down even though it shows nothing .... neither of those are things any woman would do. We wear bikini's in public, it's their purpose.

Yet you can only save one during the big dramatic event, not even close to accurate. Not to mention the girl living with the MC leaves the door unlocked when the police take them away while the abusive dad is outside, something no woman alone would do.


The guy loses his mother, goes off the rails, turns to drugs, nearly dies, steals from his new family, runs of to Amsterdam, fucks hookers, ends up in jail and goes to rehab. The one person that could have stopped all that was his actual mother who says absolutely nothing because she doesn't want her new man to find out.

He also has a sister that would rather lead him on and get physical with than tell him the truth even though she knows.

All the while he's also sleeping with various people and gets a blowjob from a stripper for .... reasons because porn.

Yes, they do, and that game has cheat points so cheating on Lisa will ruin the relationship eventually HOWEVER he also sleeping with the girl who lives opposite him, his boss, coffee shop girls, his sisters best friend, maybe the ex and one of his band mates. So he has a harem which is totally realistic amirite?

Yet then you say...

Which Become a Rock Star and No More Secrets have.

My Girlfriends Amnesia I like but it's as far fetched as a bucket of shit from China. His girlfriends sister has him pretend to be gay while they play incest and he goes along with it. Also that's not how short term memory loss works, that in itself isn't realistic.

High rise Climb is pretty much a harem game too.

Jessica O Neil I like the lesbian aspect of but she's another one that's going to end up fucked by old men because porn.

Again i'm not saying they aren't good, I like a few of the ones mentioned (obviously not acting lessons) but they aint realistic, not even close.
Lol, sounds like people are being highly defensive of games they like just because someone else doesn't like them for their own reasons... This thread isn't about convincing others to agree with the reasons they didn't like a given VN/Game... It's about listing the popular VN/Games you didn't like and the reasons... Why keep going back and forth, almost like an argument over an opinion... Makes no sense, other then someone being over sensitive to someone else's criticism, just because they don't agree with it... Please stop, before you start derailing the intention of the thread...

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Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
I know it's been mentioned already, but I still can't get over the success AWAM has garnered. It's severely lacking in erotic content (this coming from a guy who likes a slow burn), the visuals are nothing to write home about (especially after the dev touted himself as being such an incredible artist, whose work could never be replicated as an excuse not to hire more people), and the writing is beyond laughable. It's truly one of the games that's success legitimately baffles me.
Nothing irks me more then developers with over the top ego's... They are usually (not always) developers looking to get their ego stroked through their products... And Patreon is built to allow ego stroking because of their Mature content setup (only paying donators can fully access a mature content page)… Sometimes you can tell by how their story is told (like constant failed attempts at humor that they probably find hilarious but the readers don't), or in how they sometimes have knee-jerk reactionary outbursts to any criticism (probably due to having an over sensitive ego), or how a few developers promote their own abilities within the games themselves by tooting their own horn (gotta love those), etc... It's worse when a developer strokes their own ego in public, yeah, that's usually when I just walk away from any of their projects...

Thank goodness these types of Developers are not the norm...

yeah it's true i also like dave path better than other men in the series, they are a group of perv who only see you from your looks and they doesn't value you as a woman they love they treat you like a cum dump, a living hole also for old eric he is a loser and then the dev decide to make him look like a jocks and made him mental improvement in very short time

as for the tyrants i don't like darker story especially with scary looking guy on its story but i guess mc dad is a stupid and don't have responsibility to his family, how come a father endanger all of his family members just for an undercover task
When I first tried The Tyrant, and I saw the direction it was going... And how far fetched the family dynamic was, as well as the premise... I mean, what father, let alone family, agrees to do what they are doing ? No one, will never happen, not voluntarily... What father puts their family in that kind of danger? And what family agrees to put themselves in that type of danger just so they can bust some law breakers? And then treats the son like dirt and just expects him to play along? That was when I called bullshit, and stopped playing it... The setup was just too far over the top for me... Perhaps I was a bit over emotional about it, but I can only put up with so much far fetchedness (is that a word?)… :confused:

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