Free Movies: If you have a functional studio (building+gear+staff) you can get a free bonus use out of it once per day. Just click the old camera button up in the upper right corner like you used to and where it says "amateur" there will will be a pull-down option to switch to "studio" instead. This will produce a studio quality scene on the fly that doesn't interfere with your scheduled studio shoots in any way
unless you wait until too late in the day - so do it early, when you first get up.
Avoiding Jealous Boyfriends and Getting Busted for Hidden Cameras: Don't be home between 6am and 10am. That's it. Go to the motel and kill time there instead of "rest until 8am." These events can only occur in a narrow band on the clock. This exploit will probably get fixed someday, but for now enjoy it.
Request: I'd like to see "hidden camera" as a potential category for websites. I really enjoy playing a total scumbag.
The Great Depression, Part Two: Over 90 downloads in less than eight hours?! Clearly $15 minimum wage needs to go even higher.
Aw, man... : I like the new orgasm formula but it seems it caps out at 100 skill, which is a bummer for when I cheat my Sex skill to 10,000 via CheatEngine. I was looking forward to the hilarity that would bring...
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free movies:
oh yea, i knew i forgot something. what i actually wanted is to be able to shoot only if studio is free. i just left as it was in dev version and moved on lmao.
when i test this shit, event is moved by 24h if your not at home. like every other event.
but then i release and it doesnt work like that.
i didnt want to make websites with this category coz it's an illegal activity. you can get away with some add rev, but running a bussines with this shit will get you locked up -> girlsdoporn
but then again, they released 500 episodes before going to jail lmao and so could you.
i would have to make some downfalls if you want to RP as a badguy. like you couldnt raise the reputation, police are sulking around more often, some other consequences...
especially now with introducing travel and potential of you being able to take away the passports and so on.
90 people is shit numbers. father would be dissapointed lol. might as well opensource it and stop deving.
it would probably play out exactly like in the comic
Btw I wonder...if the girls will be local, what about some special npcs such as policewomen?
Oh, and since I'm a non-native english speaker, Can I ask you a more general question?
Is university students included in category of schoolgirl?
idk, you'll just have to accept it, even if doesnt make sense for your contry to be multicultural.
i could set the game in the USA where it makes more sense to have wide range of nationalities in one place. i mean you're already using dollars as currency.
might as well change the intro and state it's happening there.