It might be buggy, but it's not unplayable, make sure to save every day.
That also might be a nice feature to have multiple auto saves after sleeping at 8am for 7 days or whatever limit. I did find myself saving all the time even in the old versions because it only autosaved infrequently.
Also could you please put a way of advancing time in other areas so you don't have to keep exiting and re-entering areas to spawn more girls. A minor annoyance I know

Also one more thing, could you make it to it's only one button to undress all clothing in a scene, or perhaps have a few presets you can chose from. Less button clicking is good.
Would also be fun to have more interactions with girls outside of sex scenes, maybe take them out to dinner or something to get a small portion of their happiness back, maybe have a like stat or something and if you treat your girls badly they leave rather than the retirement thing, unless the girls are masochists

Oh and a bug, you can offer a girls a drink... in the library.