I've only had one crash so far in the borked version, and the only time it's got stuck is with the you have an STD message being stuck behind another scene.
Maybe I'm lucky but it isn't that bad. Just save before doing any scenes, if it does hang wait 2 hours. The nurse spawns just fine.
Also another bug (or feature?) if you give your PA $10,000 to buy equipment from a shutdown studio she gets the crappest quality stuff.
Also the photo studio says it costs $20,000 to build but it's actually $15,000.
One more bug, if your porn actress has attributes that add to extra unhappiness on partner it does not apply that to the overview info when doing a scene yourself so you can accidentally get your own happiness down to zero when it says you should be fine.
Also what I said earlier about waiting at location, I don't mean get energy back I mean just wait the time it would take you to exit and re-enter an area and just have it as a button somewhere, just a minor thing. I didn't know about the keyboard shortcuts so

And yay for the pornstar girlfriend possibility in the future, please put in the ability to snort coke off her like that scene in the original Robocop just for the lulz, bitches leave
