There are already guides to every special NPC posted at least three times each in this thread. Please try the "Search" button up there.Any idea where the hotel lady shows up after she shows you the jewelry store?
cant find anyThere are already guides to every special NPC posted at least three times each in this thread. Please try the "Search" button up there. find any
Considering you're starting,How Do I shoot a photo scene? noob here sorry
Photo scenes were removed in the latest version. Photostudio is now a passive income building that requires models with the photomodel trait. You just go to the production screen and assign them to it and the studio crew takes care of the rest automatically. There is no need to queue up individual shoots anymore.How Do I shoot a photo scene? noob here sorry
way to created chars and scripts is likeHas anyone had any success with the mod tools? I created a girl and a script, but they never appear in the game. Any tips?
gd and pechar files are (I think) in the right spot, and both named the same before the extension. Beyond that... not sure why it's not working.
Yes... hereHas anyone had any success with the mod tools?