Some more thoughts from playing 0.8b. As before, just mentioning some issues/suggestions/bugs without knowing if these can be done or solved or are to complicated/less relevant to take care of.
- In the outfit tab for changing the clothes of the models/staff you can use the slider by mouse for the different underwear combinations or by clicking arrows up/down. Is it possible to add these arrows to the salary tab of the staff? My inner Monk is always trying to put in the correct amount which is a bit slippy with the slider via mouse cursor.
View attachment 1780076
- If you take a look at the details of a staff worker, you can not (or am I missing something?) see the level of this worker. At the same time in the general staff overview without clicking on the name of the worker you see the name and the level. After clicking on the name the picture/details are sliding so much in the overview that the column with the level number cannot be seen any more. Is it therefore possible to only move the picture/details after clicking the name of the staff so much that the column with level can still be seen or to add the level number in the staff details?
View attachment 1780080
- Small bug: The outfit tab is still in the (I guess) last modus which has been used for changing the model/staff to a new outfit. If the model has changed their clothes automatically (pool, beach) the "last" tab has still the name of the last one used, while the content from this tab is from the one where the current outfit is from.
View attachment 1780089
- During my current playthrough I have too many websites so in the "Financial Overview" not all websites can be shown while not being able to scroll up/down. Maybe these information can be moved to the "Sites" tab so this information can be seen on the same screen as the number of abonnements and the like.
View attachment 1780094
- Based on this, I think the tab "Sites" is so far the only tab where I am not able to make a sorting like e.g. at the scenes tab. Is it possible to include a sorting function so I can sort the websites after the name of the website, the number of missing scenes and so on?
View attachment 1780093
- Small bug: After my staff is not pregnant any more, she has still the view of being pregnant, while not having the trait any more.
View attachment 1780104
Tried it out, but the "problem" is still the available (which is not a problem, I probably would be quite annoyed if all the pregnant models are coming by): After having sex with my staff (eg stress relief, pool/beach scenes or after events like birthday/christmas/party with a threesome from the staff) they are getting pregnant in in 3 of 4 cases, while all creampie scenes in the movies are without any pregnancy in 6 months.
In this case: The pregnancy of personal assistances (like the special characters) are just happening and you are not informed about it (like from an actress and (I think, but not sure) from a staff member) but surprised that they have "new clothes". Any plans to include their pregnancy in eg the relationship with the player character?
I was also wondering about getting new male actors. While playing on harem mode without being able to book other actors, in a earlier playthrough (without being able to hire actors as well) my security was sometimes able to catch thieves which were than able to be pressed for making movies as a male actor.
In this playthrough my security was not able to pick just one, while I was trying different security levels. Is there a calculation, combination or any hints with that my security is able to catch some of them? Or did I just had bad luck during the last 12 moths of in-game playing?
The same with the annoyed boy friends of models after shooting scenes with them (or sometimes after publishing a hidden camera scene and the hired thug is coming with the girl). When they come by I am able to take a look at their stats. Is this just included in the game on this level so far or is there any chance that I can "hire" (aka press) these guys as actors?