Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

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May 2, 2017
I maybe biased, but I feel like MC from Twist of My Life does a really good job to avoid most of these cliche. People say that he’s bit of a prick, but I don’t see it. He feels much more real than someone who’s ogling everyone at sight or being so nice that it’s just not relatable anymore. Plus this man is really good at foreplay which is my thing
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Active Member
May 31, 2018

alternate title "There's A Hole In The Wall Tonight" for you Eagles fans (not the shitty Eagles, the OTHER shitty Eagles)

Japanese porn game heroines : unusually large, ovoid, and unexplained holes in dungeon/city walls :: stupid American children : wrought iron fences near long lines at amusement parks

That is to say, they're going to end up next to each other, the former WILL have or invent a reason to jam themselves into the latter, and they WILL end up stuck. The attraction is in an inevitability-of-the-plot sense stronger than any known force in the universe, with the possible exceptions of dogs and tennis balls, or mouthbreathing idiots and politics threads on imageboards. Its strength is a consequence of Chekov's rule, in that the woman-sized and hips-shaped hole simply wouldn't exist in a porn game unless the heroine was going to have a reason to get lodged in it.

(Of course, the porn game heroine will get gangbanged before being pulled out, in addition to being yelled at and spanked. The stupid children will just get yelled at and spanked, so the syllogism isn't really very good.)

Background ruins or natural features like cracks and crevices are usually of shapes that wouldn't lodge a woman in sexually accessible positions, and so are almost never instances of this trope. This trope describes literally oval holes that exist usually for no well-described reason, but that just happen to be perfectly sized and positioned for heroine rape. Usually the hole will be in essence a window, in that it never leads to an airless crawlspace other dangerous situation, but usually looks out into an adjacent room or hallway. These might expressly be described as traps, or might just be sex holes for the sake of sex holes.

The victim will pretty much never be able to just pop themselves back out of the hole before someone comes along to rape them. Victims with huge breasts will still get stuck at the hips, as will victims with heavy metal armor who really shouldn't be trying to squeeze through anything. The old Doom novelization trick of leaving strips of skin behind won't ever come into play (except maybe in a guro game), and--unlike real life--the heroine will ALWAYS be able to get out of their situation to continue their wacky sex adventures (again, except maybe in a guro game).

Gloryholes are by definition a completely different type of sexual wall orifice... although I guess a gloryhole could be repurposed if the heroine was small enough--like a pixie or some shit.

Burying a person in sand or dirt up to their neck is a related but rarely sexualized trope.

(I don't know why this trope is so popular in Japan, but you do see those occasional Japanese-drawn art with lineups of female bodies stuck into the wall with a photo hung above them. Maybe it's some kind of weird urban legend thing over there.)
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Aug 22, 2017
(I don't know why this trope is so popular in Japan, but you do see those occasional Japanese-drawn art with lineups of female bodies stuck into the wall with a photo hung above them. Maybe it's some kind of weird urban legend thing over there.)
You forgot to name some examples, 4 Elements Trainer comes to mind where in Book 3 you find Ty Lee com-"promisingly" stuck in a wall in the dungeons. She seems "into" what happens next, though.

Also I ran across some american-made porn on pornhub involving a girl stuck in a window, as I generally avoid japanese weirdness. Either way, I feel is the dumbest fetish there is. I get bondage and generally overpowering, tying up, helplessness, and such, but "accidentally stuck" with the butt easily accessible and such? That's sooo dumb! I'm not sure if we're allowed to kinkshame but this has to be said, you - yes you, who likes this, and demands such things be in games - you, you are dumb. DUMB!

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
You forgot to name some examples, 4 Elements Trainer comes to mind where in Book 3 you find Ty Lee com-"promisingly" stuck in a wall in the dungeons. She seems "into" what happens next, though.

Also I ran across some american-made porn on pornhub involving a girl stuck in a window, as I generally avoid japanese weirdness. Either way, I feel is the dumbest fetish there is. I get bondage and generally overpowering, tying up, helplessness, and such, but "accidentally stuck" with the butt easily accessible and such? That's sooo dumb! I'm not sure if we're allowed to kinkshame but this has to be said, you - yes you, who likes this, and demands such things be in games - you, you are dumb. DUMB!
It woudnt be so bad if alot of the time she didnt get stuck somewhere she would easly get out off.
I mean really what window is so heavy that you cant simple move it by pushing your body upwards.
Or how did she get stuck in a wallhole she woudnt be fit into?
I know it is a porn game but some logic please.

A good saying i read:
You can ask an audience to believe the impossible, but not the improbable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
I can't think of a single example (I'm sure it's out there) of one character remarking on another one who's just had sex.
This is delving back into the deep history of erotic games, but GoblinBoy's Meteor had negative gameplay consequences if the MC made a move on his ostensible girlfriend but failed to cleanse his Johnson after an unexpected encounter earlier that day. In this case it was about removing lipstick rather than aromatic remnants, but one assumes that either could have applied.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2018
Good thread, this one. I'm not a very experienced player (6 or so months since discovered the existence of the incestgameverse), but after first games I played (the usual, Big Brother, Man of the House, Milfy City and so on), get the strange feeling of "I saw this before". And eventually remebered: many years ago I read a book from Guillaume Appolinaire, "Les Exploits d'un jeune Don Juan". In short: very young guy goes to family country manor during Worl War I. He's mistreated, but suddenly every man around goes to war. The brat somehow manages to hear the confessions of every woman with the local priest, and with the aid of his younger sister uses the information to fuck them all, even big sister and (if I recall correctly), mom. Sounds familiar? Not only every basic element of our games is there, almost every trope too (maybe not the morning yoga, but almost all the rest).


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
This is delving back into the deep history of erotic games, but GoblinBoy's Meteor had negative gameplay consequences if the MC made a move on his ostensible girlfriend but failed to cleanse his Johnson after an unexpected encounter earlier that day. In this case it was about removing lipstick rather than aromatic remnants, but one assumes that either could have applied.
You're right, I remember that detail. I think there's another character in that game who just wipes off the lipstick without comment? It's been a minute since I've played that title.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
It's been so long, but I think it's the younger sister that just wipes it away and gets on with her business, while her older sister/the MC's "girlfriend" (Anna?) is less than pleased.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Oh look, this thread is still alive and I'm doing nothing productive. Here we go! (Some of these may have already been said, but whatever.)

Thank God Moms an Alcoholic

Mom's drinking alone again? Perfect!
At the start of the game your family's personal life is in shambles. Maybe your dad ran off, your mom owes money to the mob, or there is a general sense of despair within your family. Often times you'll find your mother drinking heavily with her new friend cirrhosis alone in the kitchen. While most children might be concerned at a parent imploding, the protagonist will be ecstatic to see their mother slowly drinking themselves to death. After a single sentence of pity, he will then proceed to molest the shit of his mother. Often times the child of the year will escalate the debility of his mother by providing stronger alcohol, or spiking drinks with sleeping pills. By the end of the game the protagonists constant sexual harassment will cure mom's alcohol addiction.

Life is a Sex Buffet

My name is Pussy and I'll be taking care of you today!
Sexual interactions with heroines will be like perusing the McDonald's dollar menu. After performing a sexual act on the Stairway to Heaven, she add it to her repertoire instantly; prepared to perform the act immediately upon demand. Rather than overworked fry cooks, this buffet is often powered by mind control drugs or Peruvian magic. The sex buffet also provides a preview of future sex acts the heroine isn't quite keen on yet. Maybe if you slip a few more happy pills in her drink she'll let you fuck her butt!


New Member
Feb 5, 2019
Peek or Not Casino (going all in)
hey landlord lady niece, ima leer on yer shower time. handjob or game over? roll the dice, i guess...cuz of reasons. get closer, you say? sure...even more vigorous handjob or pervert ban. get even closer? sure cuz anal tiem- or game over. didnt get closer? sorry u miss threesome scene... (Maybe Liam will get lucky...)
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2017
This is officially the best thread ever in this forum. We could actually stop rating games , we should just apply the Trope Factor. "Hmm..there's a new game in here...let's see...9 tropes ? Maybe i'll pass...hey, this one only has 2 tropes, i'll give it a shot ! " Devs should come by , before coming up with a game, and see how their wonderfully crafted, beautifully sublime novel has already been written, again and again. Keep it coming, fellas !
Tropes are not the same thing as cliches, cliches are always tropes, but not tropes are always cliches
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I think I described one girls vagina as smelling like a glass of milk with pennies in it.
Lol, I know this is old, but that reminds me of an old 4chan meme. Dude asked 4chan what pussy tasted like. The answer was "salty milk and coins"


Jun 1, 2017
First of all, going through this has been something of a joy.
- insert emotionless Kim Jong-un clapping GIF -

Dare I say this qualifies as hitting the mother-lode?
Silly subjects brainstormed and dissected. Ah, the hidden beauty of internet forums has me all nostalgic-like.
What's that? No, I was definitely NOT reading the thread listening to the Jurassic Park theme in the background.

But this definitely reads like a fellowship of repeat veterans of the great ongoing Western Porn Games Existential Conflict. Clearly, there is great passion in the tragedy of such a significant quantity of wasted boners and lady-boners alike, and its subsequent gospel. Merchants of lust, related, if not by blood, then by...other bodily fluids, sharing their bruises and painting on each other's freak flags, in the cemetery of their ambitions? Yeah, I see ya. All of you. Trying to conquer the threat by understanding it. No, I'm not crying because I'm proud; it's just raining. And I'm allergic to clouds.

I've always held the mentality that while criticism is a matter of free speech, engaging yourself in such a crusade should, at the very least, come from a place of acceptance, and not resentment. As such, attaching relative suggestions that would encourage that point of view, evidently trying to make the intentions behind the criticism itself productive, instead of needlessly...well, vain, should be the authentic aim of any self-proclaimed advisor.

It's like this:
1. 'Do I have anything of value to say?'
2. 'What is it?'
3. 'Is it something that other people would find value in?'
4. 'Is it something, regardless of its possible value to some, that might be unnecessarily hurtful to others?'
5. 'Do I really NEED to say it?'
6. ???profit??? (or in the transcendant words of Biggie Smalls: "Fuck Bitches, Get Money"

Fortunately, this is NOT something this thread is guilty of. In fact, most of it, is quite the opposite, which is, at the very least, commendable.

What I am surprised at, though, is the very concept of conformity that @DarthSeduction was addressing in a few of their posts, and something else, that @Burt Reynolds Mustache mentioned: 'done by fans, for fans'. Ain't gonna lie, that's definitely some pickle-tickling material, right there.

Now, I'm not making assumptions, here, but more often that not, being apart of this shared universe of hyper-flanderized parodies of sex, there's always the feeling of this bloated, overarching, uncanny-valley smog bleeding over everything; kind of like an itch that gets almost-but-not-quite scratched, and not unlike the build up of a powerful release, pushing you over the edge, only to find yourself stepping on invisible glass, instead of voluntarily falling into that feeling of promised pleasure we all seem to enjoy so much. A carnal conundrum, indeed. Something Wile E. Coyote himself probably couldn't help but snicker at.

In lieu of the aforementioned observation, feel free to correct me, if I misjudged all of yous, but...
You smell that, on the wind? That's freedom. The freedom of potential. It may not be enough today, but maybe it will be, someday. Its stocks are volatile, baby. One only needs to be clever about their investment.

Surely, something not unlike some sort of a community project isn't out of the realm of possibility...? Right? Get people involved, man. Putting it charitably, it's clear this is a passion for a lot of peeps. Fuck it, go all out and call it a F95 Production, by all means. Make it a Deadpool-esque magnum opus of porn. Earlier, when I brought up cemeteries, you think that was derogatory? People are great fuckin' fertilizer, man.

Now, listen, don't get me wrong; I ain't preaching revolution here. We all know that pioneers get arrows, and settlers get the land. We also should know that it ain't easy going the extra mile. An eagle can't soar when surrounded by turkeys, and it definitely doesn't get points for pretending to be part of the rafter. But you know what a failure is? It's a successful try. Nobody can blame anybody for that.

PS: I wouldn't be entirely opposed to stickying this thread.
Like some type of introductory bible, y'know? Though evidently more LaVey, in its nature, than christian canon.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes