Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
I'm not spitting on anyone, after all DAZ still sells regardless of the trope or my opinion.

However, every other DAZ game looks the same to the point you can't even tell them apart. Since all devs buy the same assets, and all assets look similar, seeing how there's so much you can do when you are dealing with "realism", then the trope comes, and my opinion is formed. There's a reason why there needs to be a distinction between DAZ and 2DCG, or even DAZ and 3DGC from models done in, say, blender.
Sorry for replying to a 3 month old post but even in Daz with prebought assets you can make unique looking games but it takes time. I can easily spend a week on a set to get something that looks unique. (Though that also has to do with me not being able to work fulltime on the project.)
cam ak min shoes.png
And even if you don't want to spend a massive amount of time in preproduction like me you can easily change the look and feel of a set by changing a few textures around and/or deleting some things.
Original vs mine.
08-fg-university-daz3d.jpg lecture hall-3.png
Though getting unique and decent looking characters is harder. Though I'm trying:
Amy PCF.png April.png Ashley.png Gythe.png Myra.png Sara.png

By the way did somebody mention the dead parents trope yet? Being a parent of the MC must be the leading cause of death in these types of games especially among men.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
No Periods Period and any blood coming from a vagina means a virgin.

If blood is coming out of a females vagina in an adult game it is almost certainly from her cherry being popped.

Real-life odds of blood from a vagina = 99.9% Period 0.1% Virgin
Adult game Odds of blood from a vagina = 99.9% Virgin 0.1% Period
Any time periods come up in games it's so cringe that I wanna kill the dev. Better to treat them as if they don't exist rather than give these simp ass devs a reason to mention them.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Schools are hypersexualized places for sexual experimentation with any educational aspects being strictly ancillary.

Female Teachers are almost always a milf. Occasionally there will be an attractive teacher in her twenties. There is never an unnatractive, elderly or obese female teacher in sight. Schools hire women on apperance as much as strip clubs do in the real world.

Any female teacher is down to fuck if you push the correct buttons which is rarely a very difficult task. These teachers will fuck you in the school, in the classroom, in the bathroom, in between classes, after class, or invite you to their home.

When you fuck one of the easy to fuck female teachers you are almost always the first student to do so. In spite of how easy it was for you to get into her panties the hundreds of male students she has had before you never had a chance... Well you are the chosen one. In the more rare event of you being the rare female teacher protagonist and not the male student protagonist eventually you will fuck every student male or female.

Not all, but a very common trait that many of these female teachers have is that they are a closeted Dominatrix. There will be whips and paddles and ball gags galore.

Law enforcment, and jobs lost and prison time is never a factor. If by some chance it does become a factor the cop will be crooked and you can get out of trouble. The thing is though you will almost certainly never get caught anyways so that will never happen unless a temporary setback is needed for plot purposes.

If you are a male student or male teacher it plays pretty much the same where it's your goal to fuck every female student and teacher. Every female will be down to fuck one way or another. Only attractive female students are allowed in this school, but other males may be dorky or ugly or fat.

A nerdy female student is just a hot female student with glasses on. That's how you know she is the nerd. The same is true of a milf librarian.

There is rarely an actual lesson taught, and that portion skipped if not truncated heavily. Onvr in a while a developer will slip a minigame in as the lesson and these can be hard usually skippable.

There is never a school shooting foiled or successful, or mention of one or anything like that in spite of how interesting a topic it could be for story purposes regardless of how often such a thing is in the news. Nor are other school related issues as seen in the news such as unions, strikes, or common core mentioned. Nor are historical issues such as bussing ever a thing.

No school in a game is a "Bad school" so to say. It's usually mostly white sometimes asian kids of the upper middleclass demographic with a small minority of token black students. Regardless of how many hollywood movies have shown a "White savior teacher in an urban black school" such a school has never existed in adult games in spite of how interesting of a vehicle it could be for NTR / interracial lovers. (at least none I'm aware of, or no popular ones)


Sep 22, 2019
I think all of those characteristics apply to porn-games in general rather than being specific to the school setting.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
No Periods Period and any blood coming from a vagina means a virgin.

If blood is coming out of a females vagina in an adult game it is almost certainly from her cherry being popped.

Real-life odds of blood from a vagina = 99.9% Period 0.1% Virgin
Adult game Odds of blood from a vagina = 99.9% Virgin 0.1% Period
Dude, with the utterly silly elephant sized dicks and no lube or fucks given in most of these games. It would been from vaginal tearing... Guys should ask their female friends how SEXY they think that sounds....


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Dude, with the utterly silly elephant sized dicks and no lube or fucks given in most of these games. It would been from vaginal tearing... Guys should ask their female friends how SEXY they think that sounds....
That could be another trope actually...

Stretch Armstrong Vaginas

No matter how big a cock is it will fit without damaging the female and he can go in balls deep no lube with little or no prep. Very large penises usually can't go all the way into a porn stars vagina (not her ass that is always deep enough). And these porn stars are well used I'm talking fucked hundreds of men often well hung men and even they can't fit the whole thing. The average vagina is under 4 inches deep (to the cervix), but sometimes they can get to be about 7 inches deep. These cocks that some of these guys have in games are well beyond that topping a foot long oftentimes. Cervical penetration is impossible as it's far too narrow a hole (without damage).

For some reason, these gigantic pensises never poke a woman in the spine, or shove her stomach into her lungs. The biggest insult to reality is that she is fine after these huge cocks not even walking funny.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
That could be another trope actually...

Stretch Armstrong Vaginas

No matter how big a cock is it will fit without damaging the female and he can go in balls deep no lube with little or no prep. Very large penises usually can't go all the way into a porn stars vagina (not her ass that is always deep enough). And these porn stars are well used I'm talking fucked hundreds of men often well hung men and even they can't fit the whole thing. The average vagina is under 4 inches deep (to the cervix), but sometimes they can get to be about 7 inches deep. These cocks that some of these guys have in games are well beyond that topping a foot long oftentimes. Cervical penetration is impossible as it's far too narrow a hole (without damage).

For some reason, these gigantic pensises never poke a woman in the spine, or shove her stomach into her lungs. The biggest insult to reality is that she is fine after these huge cocks not even walking funny.
What prep girls in the porn industry does before scenes, you don't really get to see in the actual clips, movies etc though.

Holly Randall got a ahem... (interesting for educational purpose) podcast going on youtube where you can pick up quite a bit of this and that....



Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
Schools are hypersexualized places for sexual experimentation with any educational aspects being strictly ancillary.


There is rarely an actual lesson taught, and that portion skipped if not truncated heavily. Onvr in a while a developer will slip a minigame in as the lesson and these can be hard usually skippable.

There is never a school shooting foiled or successful, or mention of one or anything like that in spite of how interesting a topic it could be for story purposes regardless of how often such a thing is in the news. Nor are other school related issues as seen in the news such as unions, strikes, or common core mentioned. Nor are historical issues such as bussing ever a thing.

No school in a game is a "Bad school" so to say. It's usually mostly white sometimes asian kids of the upper middleclass demographic with a small minority of token black students. Regardless of how many hollywood movies have shown a "White savior teacher in an urban black school" such a school has never existed in adult games in spite of how interesting of a vehicle it could be for NTR / interracial lovers. (at least none I'm aware of, or no popular ones)
Tbh when playing these games I don't really want an in depth lesson on math or anything. For pacing you want to just show lessons have taken place. I.e. take out the boring parts.
As for school shootings it hasn't been done as far as I know but it would be the last thing I'd think about. It's not a part of life here as it is in the US. (the number of shooter drills I did in my entire school career has been 0 and for kids today it is not any different here). I think a lot of devs come from outside of the US and have the same outlook.
The saviour teacher idea is very interesting. I'd love to play a game like that if it was well developed. I have thought about a somewhat similar idea but that'll be for in a couple of years.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
That could be another trope actually...

Stretch Armstrong Vaginas

No matter how big a cock is it will fit without damaging the female and he can go in balls deep no lube with little or no prep. Very large penises usually can't go all the way into a porn stars vagina (not her ass that is always deep enough). And these porn stars are well used I'm talking fucked hundreds of men often well hung men and even they can't fit the whole thing. The average vagina is under 4 inches deep (to the cervix), but sometimes they can get to be about 7 inches deep. These cocks that some of these guys have in games are well beyond that topping a foot long oftentimes. Cervical penetration is impossible as it's far too narrow a hole (without damage).

For some reason, these gigantic pensises never poke a woman in the spine, or shove her stomach into her lungs. The biggest insult to reality is that she is fine after these huge cocks not even walking funny.
This is one thing that makes me think Hentai does serious harm to people that don't have sexual experience. Hentai and porn games make it seem like touching and holy fuck penetrating the cervix is an orgasm button for women. From my personal encounters, me poking the cervix by going too deep always elicits pain, and I'm pretty sure it would feel like I was branding the woman if I managed to penetrate the cervix.

More so than the 'men cumming 10 times in a session', more than the 'men cumming buckets of jizz', more than the 'all women are good at blowjobs', this trope is so common in hentai and It really does the most harm to people, as guys with long dicks get the idea they can just jab it in and are sex gods.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Speaking of unrealistic dicks I have seen this so many times I forget...

Magical Sideways Creampie

The sideways creampie is a strange technique where cum shoots out all over from the sides of the shaft of the penis in spite of the head of the cock being burried deeply in a mouth, pussy, or asshole. I have never seen a cumshot like that in RL or in porno.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017

In a game that is a "Sneaky Sandbox", it will start off as a visual novel. You will meet characters, and interact with them, and have some world building and character development drawing you in... You will click your way through carefully for a few minutes, and then BAM! You "gain control" at this point the visual novel is dead and all of a sudden you are not playing visual novel anymore and it's actually a sandbox. A Sandtrap is a sandbox type game that appears to be a visual novel for a little while at the beginning and then out some point it transforms on into a sandbox.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
I haven't seen this in a ton of games, but I have seen it in a good handful:

White Knight's Always Get the Girl

Is there some girl you fancy, and you don't know how to break the ice? She is some sort of friend or acquaintance to you, perhaps a classmate or coworker that you have never gotten around to asking out in spite of how you desire to be with her. According to adult game logic, you must simply wait and watch for now. This waiting and watching may take a minute or years. There is no set time on how long you must wait, but it's an adult game and a douche guy will eventually come along given enough time. Finally, another man will come up to her. Perhaps he will spill a drink on her, or bump into her, or grab her arm, or catcall her, try to look up her skirt, or try to sexually harass her. It doesn't matter what he does, but what he does is always something to upset her. At this point you simply bop that fella on the nose once with your fist, and you have won the lady's heart completely. That is your woman now, you have claimed her. You own her.

This plan has absolutely no chance of backfire.

- No decent man will approach her confidently and try to get to know her better. It will always be a douche 100%.
-The douche will go down on the first punch most likely, and you will always win the fight if they don't go down immediately.
-The girl will be into you for sure after you beat that dude up no chance she is not into you in spite of any other character flaws you have.
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Deleted member 992182

I only came in here to make this thread. Good shit, OP.

It cracks me up and I have no idea why almost every game has the same exact beats. Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Dead and/or dying parents.
Almost every MC has this and it makes no sense. Is that something that happens? Sure. Should it be the catalyst to every story told in the medium? No. It's weird that it is and I don't get it lol

2. A generally tragic event kicking off the story.
Similar to #1, tragedy of some kind has to take place before the story but not #1. So, you're fresh from jail or you were expelled from school. It makes no sense for this to always be a thing. So few stories start with normal "I'm just a dude" beginnings.

3. Going shopping with women and peeping on them while they try on clothes.
It's in almost every story. It's amazing how common this is. It's rampant in every game, every genre. Name a game and it likely has it's "take girls shopping" update.

4. What I call "The Fight!"
You'll fight someone in most games for pussy. Two dudes fight and the prize? Pussy. Lol.
You'll kick their ass in the majority of them. Considering who makes and "plays" these things, that's hilarious.

5. Not a specific scene or event but the general sense of "Be nice to win girl" system in most games. It's hilarious.
Shockingly, no, women don't want you to fawn over them 24/7. Do it too much and you'll end up in the friend zone (at best). It's not just the tattooed bad-girl that wants a challenge and to not always be treated like a princess. Being overly nice all the time is creepy to most women, tbh.

6. Clothes that somehow take the shape of the woman's body.
Yeah, she'll have huge tits and her shirt will somehow follow the curve of her tits (lmao). It defies physics. Now, I'm sure this is more an issue with Daz 3D but it isn't a thing in all games so it's possible to avoid it. Most don't.

7. Teachers that can somehow dress like dirty whores at work. Just straight-up sluts teaching history, giant tits on full display.

8. Incest
I wouldn't normally add a genre here but invest is in almost every game and nobody cares. For all the debate regarding NTR you'd think that, ya know, fucking your mom and sister would be a hotly debated subject Everyone but Patreon seems ok with incest and I'm not sure why.
"BOOOO! I hate NTR and your game sucks! Remove the NTR and it'll be good!"

*but what about the incest?*

"Oh, that's fine. Keep that"


9. The goofy black friend.
Admittedly, it was Acting Lessons that created this phenomenon (or at least perfected it) but many games now have he cool, goofy black friend that isn't a threat in any way. He'll take a back seat without even being asked. He doesn't want that hot bitch you want and he won't even try to get it. Zero threat.
Why? He's your goofy black friend.

10. Black Enemy with a horse cock.
Every black guy is either the goofy friend or a horse cock'd badguy looking to ravage your life via inserting his 90lb dick into your wife, mom, sister and grandmother. Oh, that girl you liked in 4th grade, too. He wants her as well. He's evil incarnate, buff as hell and half his body weight is his cock. He's the antithesis of Goofy Black Friend.

11. Woman having anal sex before vaginal.
Yeah, this is as rare as a unicorn. It's something that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of teen girls do to maintain virginity until marriage but, again, it's like 0.00001% of girls that would even consider it.
Anal is hard to get. Trust me, it's not something a virgin is gonna agree to lmao

12. Horrible item utility in order to justify a poorly written grindfest.
My game takes 9000 hours to progress between events? Ok, I'l just add a backpack with random ass items that'll never be used. Let the user feel like they're working for something...anything. Anything but re-writing my game.

So many more but I'm done for now. Those first 3 really puzzle me as they're SO common. It's crazy lol
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Deleted member 992182

I haven't seen this in a ton of games, but I have seen it in a good handful:

White Knight's Always Get the Girl

Is there some girl you fancy, and you don't know how to break the ice? She is some sort of friend or acquaintance to you, perhaps a classmate or coworker that you have never gotten around to asking out in spite of how you desire to be with her. According to adult game logic, you must simply wait and watch for now. This waiting and watching may take a minute or years. There is no set time on how long you must wait, but it's an adult game and a douche guy will eventually come along given enough time. Finally, another man will come up to her. Perhaps he will spill a drink on her, or bump into her, or grab her arm, or catcall her, try to look up her skirt, or try to sexually harass her. It doesn't matter what he does, but what he does is always something to upset her. At this point you simply bop that fella on the nose once with your fist, and you have won the lady's heart completely. That is your woman now, you have claimed her. You own her.

This plan has absolutely no chance of backfire.

- No decent man will approach her confidently and try to get to know her better. It will always be a douche 100%.
-The douche will go down on the first punch most likely, and you will always win the fight if they don't go down immediately.
-The girl will be into you for sure after you beat that dude up no chance she is not into you in spite of any other character flaws you have.
Exactly. It always pains me to see this in almost every game. In many cases it'll give the options of what to say and of the 3 options it's
1. Mean
2. Downright Evil
3. Perfect gentleman

And the right answer is always #3. There is no nuance to most games and that's always cringey because, no, women don't want a guy that's always nice. Shocking to learn for many but they don't. They want a challenge, they want to argue/debate and they want a guy that their parents don't exactly like. The vast majority anyway.

These stories where you're basically dropping "M'lady" all over the place is funny as fuck. Pure Incel shit.

Some get it right (or as right as a game to jack-off to can get) but most don't. Most truly have a system of "BE PERFECT OR DON'T GET PUSSY"
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Active Member
Apr 6, 2018
take a look and marvel at the fantastic BUSHTREE!

yes, sirree, what looked like a bush with many branches , none of them a main one, suddenly turned into one trunk straight-up with some branches which all somehow go back into the trunk

bassicly most VN's start with many choices, so with bad ends early on, some with optional sexual encounters, some even with mutually exclusive sexual encounters, however keeping track of all that is exhausting, also working 2 days on something only a fraction of people will see isn't satisfying and so after a while you'll only get one path and all you do is click through to the next encounter


Jun 14, 2018
I haven't seen this in a ton of games, but I have seen it in a good handful:

White Knight's Always Get the Girl

Is there some girl you fancy, and you don't know how to break the ice? She is some sort of friend or acquaintance to you, perhaps a classmate or coworker that you have never gotten around to asking out in spite of how you desire to be with her. According to adult game logic, you must simply wait and watch for now. This waiting and watching may take a minute or years. There is no set time on how long you must wait, but it's an adult game and a douche guy will eventually come along given enough time. Finally, another man will come up to her. Perhaps he will spill a drink on her, or bump into her, or grab her arm, or catcall her, try to look up her skirt, or try to sexually harass her. It doesn't matter what he does, but what he does is always something to upset her. At this point you simply bop that fella on the nose once with your fist, and you have won the lady's heart completely. That is your woman now, you have claimed her. You own her.

This plan has absolutely no chance of backfire.

- No decent man will approach her confidently and try to get to know her better. It will always be a douche 100%.
-The douche will go down on the first punch most likely, and you will always win the fight if they don't go down immediately.
-The girl will be into you for sure after you beat that dude up no chance she is not into you in spite of any other character flaws you have.
And the funniest thing is when this "White Knight" blackmails girls in other situations or sleep molest them and the douche's behavior is not half as bad as the behavior of our "White Knight."


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
take a look and marvel at the fantastic BUSHTREE!

yes, sirree, what looked like a bush with many branches , none of them a main one, suddenly turned into one trunk straight-up with some branches which all somehow go back into the trunk

bassicly most VN's start with many choices, so with bad ends early on, some with optional sexual encounters, some even with mutually exclusive sexual encounters, however keeping track of all that is exhausting, also working 2 days on something only a fraction of people will see isn't satisfying and so after a while you'll only get one path and all you do is click through to the next encounter
Most devs want to make the next triple A game on their own for their first project. Limiting the gaol might be the only thing they can do to even have a chance to finish the game. But as a player it can be frustrating.

Exactly. It always pains me to see this in almost every game. In many cases it'll give the options of what to say and of the 3 options it's
1. Mean
2. Downright Evil
3. Perfect gentleman

And the right answer is always #3. There is no nuance to most games and that's always cringey because, no, women don't want a guy that's always nice. Shocking to learn for many but they don't. They want a challenge, they want to argue/debate and they want a guy that their parents don't exactly like. The vast majority anyway.

These stories where you're basically dropping "M'lady" all over the place is funny as fuck. Pure Incel shit.

Some get it right (or as right as a game to jack-off to can get) but most don't. Most truly have a system of "BE PERFECT OR DON'T GET PUSSY"
There are games that are the complete opposite as well do only the most deranged things be the least likeable character or you won't get pussy. I don't really like any good-evil moral anyway. Day to day morality is a grey area with people often disagreeing about what is good or right. And a dev is in danger of only making the extremes interesting.

Deleted member 53157

Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
Exactly. It always pains me to see this in almost every game. In many cases it'll give the options of what to say and of the 3 options it's
1. Mean
2. Downright Evil
3. Perfect gentleman

And the right answer is always #3. There is no nuance to most games and that's always cringey because, no, women don't want a guy that's always nice. Shocking to learn for many but they don't. They want a challenge, they want to argue/debate and they want a guy that their parents don't exactly like. The vast majority anyway.

These stories where you're basically dropping "M'lady" all over the place is funny as fuck. Pure Incel shit.

Some get it right (or as right as a game to jack-off to can get) but most don't. Most truly have a system of "BE PERFECT OR DON'T GET PUSSY"
MrDots MCs are practically the distillation of Incel*White Knight syndrome. His characters are such passive doormats that just wait until until the hottest girls basically throw themselves at them. They have no drive or charisma and there is no "chase" since the girl will throw herself at you anyway.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes