
New Member
Feb 25, 2018
I get a king's quests to make a male with x% virility and required stats. First time it was 94%(as a second quest), which was impossible AFAIK. Second time it was 0%, but I still can't turn in. What am I missing?

How does Creation handle water portal openings? Evolution can transform, but Creation can't AFAIK.
you can get a 94 % virility if you lvl up the monster and it has high vir genetics also usually quests require some lvls on the monsters before turning them in
in order to get into water portals I was told i needed plant mermaid so i created a giant one i haven't tested this yet though.


Oct 10, 2017
you can get a 94 % virility if you lvl up the monster and it has high vir genetics also usually quests require some lvls on the monsters before turning them in
in order to get into water portals I was told i needed plant mermaid so i created a giant one i haven't tested this yet though.
It was the second quest, so there was no way I could get someone with both virility and stats required, next time it was 0% and no level requirement.

Also, found a bug. You can duplicate characters by teleporting them home with Lymean ability.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Kind of annoyed that I can't seem to bring my saves into the new version.
I'd finally started getting some serious level-ups. Damn it.

Oh well. Just gotta remember to recruit the NPCS as soon as possible. They've all got unique skills that can be bred.

Tavern-girl has Producer, which is great for farm cows and camping.

Darrel Caper

Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
From Syvaron in his Discord server:
"resources" for all resources ,"money","wood","stone","food" for specific resources, "maxexhaustion" to increase own maxexhaustion, "skillpoints", "tavernpoints" for a lot of points ,"commonitem","rareitem","legendaryitem" for a random item of that rarity,"character" to get a random character, "levelup"
Where are the game saves located? I too would use the save editor if I could find them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The first one google gave me:
Ah, I used that too, but the values it gives you can be a little hard to parse.
On the other hand, there's a value for 'did you cheat? Y/N' so you can use as many cheats as you like, set that to zero and continue unlocking things as normal.

Also, finally started up my new save for the new version, and went with female this time, thinking that it wouldn't matter because you can shape-shift anyway.

Except no. Female start has totally diffrent mechanics from futa. Instead of transforming, you CREATE new creatures. That's kind of blowing my mind when I remember that I can just make new characters without having to capture them.
Not sure if they inherit my MC's genetics though.

edit: Also, the king is a cunt. Do I eventually get rid of these fucking quests or are they going to be a blight on my existence for the rest of the game?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Also, the king is a cunt. Do I eventually get rid of these fucking quests or are they going to be a blight on my existence for the rest of the game?
Forever, AFAIK. But there's a way to get around it: save scumming. Save the game before claiming your reward (works also when claiming portal rewards, BTW). Then claim your reward. If you don't like the mission the RNG generates for the king (or the items from portal rewards) just reload and check again. Repeat until you get a result you can live with. Oh, and this also works on breeding, exclamation marks on the world maps, wood gathering, or anything else with a random chance. Anytime you can save the game before doing something that triggers a randomized check you can do this and save yourself an enormous amount of grief.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Forever, AFAIK. But there's a way to get around it: save scumming. Save the game before claiming your reward (works also when claiming portal rewards, BTW). Then claim your reward. If you don't like the mission the RNG generates for the king (or the items from portal rewards) just reload and check again. Repeat until you get a result you can live with. Oh, and this also works on breeding, exclamation marks on the world maps, wood gathering, or anything else with a random chance. Anytime you can save the game before doing something that triggers a randomized check you can do this and save yourself an enormous amount of grief.
It's also annoying that your new quest starts when your old quest ends, so ideally you want to have it ready to complete, but leave it till the last day anyway.

It'd be better if you were given a quest every ten days, regardless of how quickly you complete them.

edit: Save-editing your genetic values (main-character genetic strength, ect) doesn't seem to change your in-game values. Not visibly anyway.

edit 2: How do you unlock genetic traits, and how are they actually used? I assumed I'd either gain it on my main character, or unlock it in chargen, but neither of those seems to be the case.

Reserving should be easy, since all you have to do is skip five turns.


New Member
Jul 11, 2018
How do u lvl up ur roster characters. I do sex training to max their skills but the lvl in the home just says lvl 1 and the max possible lvl.

Whats the best way to do the ritual. After maxing a male hybrid's sex skills and then ritual or maxing ur skills and then on default skills male hybrid.

The fiirst king quest most of the times is to explore 50% portal id 6 which has a high diificulty rating, so without lvling my hybrids how do I complete that.

Which combo gives diff hybrids, tavern girl / librarian + centuar / plantaur. I tried tavern girl and centuar and it just gave me centaurs.

I know I should find out the stuff on my own but the kings quest's just time out.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
How do u lvl up ur roster characters. I do sex training to max their skills but the lvl in the home just says lvl 1 and the max possible lvl.
You earn XP from attacking in combat (using physical or magical attacks). Not sure if casting support spells, such as healing, gives XP as I haven't looked at it closely enough. Earn enough XP and the character gains the next level. Excess XP accrues towards the next level, so long as you have not reached the current level cap.

EDIT: support characters do earn XP for casting healing, but only while in combat (no XP for healing on the world map after a battle).


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
How do u lvl up ur roster characters. I do sex training to max their skills but the lvl in the home just says lvl 1 and the max possible lvl.

Whats the best way to do the ritual. After maxing a male hybrid's sex skills and then ritual or maxing ur skills and then on default skills male hybrid.

The fiirst king quest most of the times is to explore 50% portal id 6 which has a high diificulty rating, so without lvling my hybrids how do I complete that.

Which combo gives diff hybrids, tavern girl / librarian + centuar / plantaur. I tried tavern girl and centuar and it just gave me centaurs.

I know I should find out the stuff on my own but the kings quest's just time out.
Sex-level is for tavern requests and brothel income. Actual level is based on combat. Fight stuff to level up.
Edit: I assumed it was based on enemies defeated, not attacks preformed. No wonder my slower characters never levelled up. they rarely make it into the fight before it's over.

Ritual... I don't actually know how basic/advanced rituals work, I just check every character with a penis an see if I'll gain points from it.

As for the king quest. Portal 6 is almost always difficulty level 2, which is very low. you can manage it but you might need to flee from battle sometimes.
As for combos... the NPCs aren't the only people you can breed, you know? You can capture wild girls.
As for why the tavern-girl makes centaurs... She's a centaur/succubus hybrid herself. (cowgirl) but she has a unique skill that makes her prudice lots of milk. Actually it's really useful for exploring because you can have free food in camp.
That's useful for healing, since I always forget to bring some with me. (assuming I even have any, since building enough farms can be a pain in the ass)

I try to breed the tavern-girl with someone who has strong/resilient or intelligent, to create a warrior character.

As for the stuff in the recent update about building roads... it will be nice to have them be useful. I never bothered what with the 48 hour limit on exploration, plus the new time-pressure with king-quests.

Honestly, I might save-edit to see if it's possible to give myself 999 days to complete my current quest, just so I don't have to pay attention to that shit.
If failure cost money then it'd be fine, but having it be a game-over counter just makes it a huge hassle. I've got shit to focus on, fuck off.

Honestly, it makes it tempting to play the male, just for that. Shame none of his mechanics are done.
I did have an interesting play-through as him where I recruited a pack of wolves from the hunter-succubus and wrecked shop with them. Surprised how powerful they were.

Tried a female playthrough. Tentacle monsters are OP, especially when she can give her created ones the ability to spawn even more. They make good fodder and tanks.
Shame all the tentacle-girl an psy-girl art is so gross though. Atleast slime looks fairly attractive.

I unlocked a bunch of active skills as the female character, but I'm not sure how to set them. futa-girl can just set them when she transforms, but female uses that menu to set abilities for her creations, so... how?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Doublepost but I've got a question of my own.
Using SaveEditOnline to try and mess with these saves, how do you add a new line?
I can change the number value for anything already represented, but in this case I'm trying to add traits to a character.

I can see from my existing traits that they're stored in [character number] > [Permanent traits] [number] So I can exchange any trait for another trait, but I can't seem to add a new trait.

Useful for removing Frail, I guess. I should have given my starters all the debuffs they could stack, then changed them out for all sorts of stuff.
Aug 8, 2017
Whats the best way to do the ritual. After maxing a male hybrid's sex skills and then ritual or maxing ur skills and then on default skills male hybrid.

The fiirst king quest most of the times is to explore 50% portal id 6 which has a high diificulty rating, so without lvling my hybrids how do I complete that.
The ritual only depends on the max level of the type of character you perform it with. If you look in the (C) page, it'll show you the max level you've performed a ritual with for each possible form.

As for exploring, save-scum? Don't pick fights,save every few steps, and if you get into a fight you can't win easily, quit to menu and reload the save.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
What's up with the hives now? My initial stable portal was completely taken over. I had to destroy it because there was a tentacle random encounter every two steps.
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