
Nov 5, 2017
Games that ask for save game scumming have a design problem.

.. i already hated the increasing upkeep system as these systems always mean you need to go bigger/bigger/bigger and now these quests.
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Oct 10, 2017
The game doesn't require save-scumming. It does, however, require understanding of games mechanics. This is a rarity, because most porn games are either VNs/adventures or dumb and kind of suck.

Things you have to understand:

- Lust is a killer. Whether it's used against you or for you. Those scary centaurs that deal 10 damage per hit? They can't fap, so once they are at max lust, they just stand there waiting to be killed or fucked. Everything with over 50% of their max lust loses half the damage, takes double damage and mana cost. This includes your guys. So the best kind of support early on is likely a plant succubus. Spawns heal flowers, has high lust damage, and if you breed her from a half-bug she will also steal mana. Support's job is also to fuck your fighters so that they lose lust. Having a separate mobile succubus support to lust people up and fuck your team might be a good idea too. Except the Unique succubus chick, because she can't fly.

- Armor is better than HP early on. Most of the stuff doesn't hit that hard, so high armor reduces a huge amount of damage. You deal with heavy hitters by pumping their lust up. This means that the best starter tanks are things like Dragons(Lizard + Harpy, ok mobility, strength, armor and poison on hit), LizardTaur(nice mobiltiy, possible regenerate skill, good damage skill), SoldierBug(Lizard + Insect, higher armor, but no skills).

- AN_3 is VERY good. Her skills are great and her AP is very nice.

- Player character is one of the best tanks/damage dealers if you chose Evolution. You can get armor from insect and mermaid purple points(which you get from rituals).

- Consumables are very good too. Especially those health and mana leafs which you get from those dick-sucking events in human form.

- Doctor is the best starting specialty. Having less injuries and healing your team up after every battle makes portals nicer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Doctor feels like it can be replaced by getting an infirmary quickly. Biologist gets you double points and trainer gets you double exp for everyone.
None of the others seem even vaguely comparable.

As for forms... in my first playthrough, I had great success with a dragon-form for combat, that had both fly and power-flight.

The latter costs MP, which can be a pain to restore but the former just costs AP, and usually less than running that distance would.

i could fly, fly again, then run, then still attack at the end of it, crazy.
I didn't notice how dangerous lust was until I started fighting lots of tentacles with this hive-update. Yeah, it's a problem.
Haven't been able to build a proper lust-attacker to capitalize on it though. I've got a succubus with relitively high lust genetics, but her kids are all kinda crappy. I'll try a plant-succ. Possibly interbred the tavern-girl and the brothel-girl for draining and producer.

Edit: Also, in order to unlock stuff for chargen, you need to have a total difficulty of 100% or more.
Kind of a pain in the ass, but I managed it by tanking my starting money and giving my starter-girls no skill-points.
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Oct 10, 2017
Doctor feels like it can be replaced by getting an infirmary quickly. Biologist gets you double points and trainer gets you double exp for everyone.
Doctor is not about infirmary. It has a 50% chance to prevent an injury, heals injuries when you get back home, heals around 30% hp after every battle, allows you to doctor during camps, which has 40% chance to remove injury. I don't know if the overworld skill "First Aid" is Doctor's but it's good too. You still need infirmary for arenas.

I've got a succubus with relitively high lust genetics, but her kids are all kinda crappy. I'll try a plant-succ. Possibly interbred the tavern-girl and the brothel-girl for draining and producer.
Bugs have extract mana skill that scales with magic, I think, which makes it very strong and sustaining mana no problem. Breeding tavern girl with plant bug might be a good idea.

Edit: Also, in order to unlock stuff for chargen, you need to have a total difficulty of 100% or more.
Kind of a pain in the ass, but I managed it by tanking my starting money and giving my starter-girls no skill-points.
In current version, some of Kings's Quest days to complete carry over to next quest, so tanking that might be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
In current version, some of Kings's Quest days to complete carry over to next quest, so tanking that might be a good idea.
I tanked it then used a save-editer to give myself 999 days for the first king's quest.
Probably a mistake, since it was an 'explore 50%' quest and the place they want me to explore no longer exists.

I should have locked it on something easy to complete, like 'give me a girl with X stats'
Oh well. I can always edit my failed quests down to zero.

The biggest issue I'm running into is tentacles infesting every world I visit. Killing the large tentacle on the overworld (the hive?) doesn't get rid of it, so there seems to be no way to stop the spread, and they're the most annoying enemy-type in the game.

I guess it fits the theme of 'each world is ending, one by one' but it feels like you should be able to slow or halt the process.
As-is, I just have to abandon each world and move onto another one. No time to build roads or fully explore anything.

Mr height

Nov 1, 2017
What program you use to edit ? because the one i used was bridle on certains values types ( integrer i think )


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
What program you use to edit ? because the one i used was bridle on certains values types ( integrer i think )
Saveeditonline is the only one I've found, and yeah some values are locked behind some patreon stuff. (personality type, mostly.)

I'm still looking for a way to add new lines using this save editor too, rather than changing existing lines.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Saveeditonline is the only one I've found, and yeah some values are locked behind some patreon stuff. (personality type, mostly.)
Two of the most important values, personality and genetic traits, are locked unless you give a whopping $1 per month to his Patreon. A buck is cheap. And you don't even get charged until the first of next month, so in effect you can use the locked features for over a week before you even have to pay for it.


Mar 2, 2018
If the creator does not want males in the game then we gotta respect that. I've never been a fan of futa either, so I'm just gonna let this one pass me. It does seem like a cool concept game-play wise so best of luck.
Yeah. Whole problem with that is when I make a char, I'm making 'me'. So I never really get into female char games. I really fail to see how giving ppl options is onerous. Still writing for someone attached to a dick, just the pronoun changes.


Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Cool game, adding a family tree for each character (at least parents) would be nice, wont lie i like the incest part of these games. As for the Kings quests and stuff, if we can get a pop up notification saying what needs to be done, it will greatly help new players. that and stops people forgetting.

As for a male character, there is one/one in progress i think so the creator is listening guys.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
As for the Kings quests and stuff, if we can get a pop up notification saying what needs to be done, it will greatly help new players. that and stops people forgetting.
Given that you can always check back with the king ('w' hotkey) and see what needs to be done, and you can also get the same info from the blue ghostly goddess on the left of your screen, the only place where you can't get an update on your current king's quest status is while on a world map, and there's a solution to that, too: write yourself a note, either on your computer or on old-fashioned paper.


Aug 12, 2016
umm... cheat codes? anything?
You can edit the save files here , you can also edit the number of skill points you have on character creation skill if you search for their number (using cheat engine) while changing the difficulty settings, search for the default number of points and either lower them by increasing the difficulty or increase them by decreasing the difficulty. You can then set them to 999 and max out all stats and take every good trait.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Two of the most important values, personality and genetic traits, are locked unless you give a whopping $1 per month to his Patreon. A buck is cheap. And you don't even get charged until the first of next month, so in effect you can use the locked features for over a week before you even have to pay for it.
Genetic values can be edited without. I think traits can too. i know personality can't though.
Honestly, I don't much care about personality, you can just breed another girl till you get the one you want.

Also, the most important part to be save-edited is your 'cheater' value. So you can use the premade cheats and then just save-edit yourself back to 'not a cheater' to keep unlocking stuff.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Genetic values can be edited without. I think traits can too. i know personality can't though.
Honestly, I don't much care about personality, you can just breed another girl till you get the one you want.

Also, the most important part to be save-edited is your 'cheater' value. So you can use the premade cheats and then just save-edit yourself back to 'not a cheater' to keep unlocking stuff.
Question: what variable is that, when opening the save in the site? Thanks (because I don't see it.. and probably I even missed it though it's there) :FeelsBadMan:


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Question: what variable is that, when opening the save in the site? Thanks (because I don't see it.. and probably I even missed it though it's there) :FeelsBadMan:
"hasCheated". It is set to zero in a game in which you haven't used the in-game cheats.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
You can edit the save files here , you can also edit the number of skill points you have on character creation skill if you search for their number (using cheat engine) while changing the difficulty settings, search for the default number of points and either lower them by increasing the difficulty or increase them by decreasing the difficulty. You can then set them to 999 and max out all stats and take every good trait.
i tried saveedit but the entire thing is in code. I couldn't find anything to edit other than Gold, wood,etc.
I need the cheats for stuff like Unlocking characters or spells.
thanks tho. Will try the CE thing.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
One of the more important things that the online save editor will not do is allow you to change what inventory items are being carried or stored. There are only variables for how many uses an item has, and what its rarity is. Not what it actually is. IOW, you can give a potion or weapon more uses, but you cannot change one item into something else.
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