
New Member
Jun 28, 2017
New dating system looks very promising. If only there was a way to customize or influence other girls' decks.


May 15, 2018
Normally the mechanist profession is slow by itself due to how limited mythril gathering process is...but I had robots trait on, and I recruited those - turns out it is easier to recruit them(excluding the collector/energy units with high energy capacity)rather than fighting them directly due to their stats and abilities, excluding the magic ones, and more importantly, a week after starting the run, I had a decent amount of robots, all ready to farm materials...and then week 2, with spirits, more robots and tens to hundreds of upgrade materials, that I can use to either make spectral swords, if I had spectres, upgrading the robots and then fusing a spirit to breed more, and other things that otherwise are hard to mass produce let alone to make during a normal run.

So yes, the robots gain genes directly and quickly, so just add a max level spirits to fix that and now you got an maxed out character fairly quickly. Only one of them can breed normally of course, but the whole endeavor has paid itself off by allowing to make a robot army that can compete with other units, if not outright better. You can also upgrade the event robot as well, shame I did that too late to get the maximum benefit from it.

Oh and the energy unit is supposed to turn crystal fragments and crystals into an condensed mana, which is supposedly the same one given by portal creator/homeworld guardian, but at the moment, even with materials it shows an error, despite having crystals and fragments, it says not enough fragments - I hope it will be fixed soon.


Nov 10, 2019
Just in case : confirmed by Syvaron on Discord, robots are not supposed to give resources in the farm, and it will be fixed. (mithril/iron/crystal fragments).


May 15, 2018
I sincerely hope then there will be some replacement to the fact that the mechanist pretty much requires robots trait to be even worth it then, because otherwise robots are fairly costly material wise and start off weak, and you need said materials to upgrade them further - crystal fragments are already fairly needed for other items, so you have to use spirits to upgrade their level, and mythril is by far the most important ingredient for gene boosts(especially for the unique robot, since its a flexible breeder now), so hopefully the change will acknowledge that.


Nov 10, 2019
It's a material the dev wants people to get through combat, from what i've read of the conversation. IMO mechanist is a bit like SoulReaper, a role fantasy profession that's not necessarily OP but changes how you play instead.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
It's a material the dev wants people to get through combat, from what i've read of the conversation. IMO mechanist is a bit like SoulReaper, a role fantasy profession that's not necessarily OP but changes how you play instead.
Seems like a good idea to me. The game needs more fun reasons to engage in combat throughout the game, and not just once you're so OP it doesn't matter anymore.

I just unlocked mechanist, I'm looking forward to trying it.


Oct 8, 2017
Using and built-in cheat codes work better anyways.
in 17.1 unmark save as cheated not allow you unlok new things, there somewhere double string for marking cheated saves perhaps in unlockables?(i dont know)
ps: that butthurt me second time in 17+ verion (first when AN_3 quests now in her quest tab, asnd i cant find her 2nd event for TWO DAYS realtime)


May 15, 2018
Some things; the king in the challenge rank 10 now has strong regeneration effect, which clearly wasn't before to prevent you know, the old burst strategy - which means you should preferably fight him with a level 20 team, a step-up from 10 and 15 for earlier challenges. Not that it really matters anyway, but it does change the tactics into properly delaying the tasks until its time to take him down.

Perceptive trait, which is supposed to make events more frequent, for some reason, gives 5 units of semen of each basic type including slime each day, even before you get upgrades for such, let alone characters. I wonder if its unintended or what, because that's the rumor I thought of free resources out of nowhere.

Apparently, to recruit the alternative ending enabling character, you don't need just artifact portals; essence portals and story portals do count, and in case of events, normal ones as well. This effectively allows you to recruit that character as early as day 10, if you get really lucky. Especially with the essence that spawns a new unstable portal after you complete one successfully.

The vine minigame for some reason doesn't consume stamina of characters with the skill, nor uses time, which means you can farm it for crystals. Endlessly and if you have the patience for it.

If you evolve an creature into a different creature while having it in the farm, it will continue breeding, despite the fact you can't breed different species for creatures. It will result in a impure hybrid creature, same way the catalyst trait/tamer profession does.

And now for bad parts, the bugs: if you end a turn while seducing/recruiting the enemy at the same time(unless it was the last enemy), which then dies next turn due to poison/bleed/burn, the game will break and pretty much requires a save reloading, which can screw you over in limited save runs - one of reasons why I want an alternative save method where you can only save a few times but can load as many as you want.

Shadowform essence that gives armor on it actually will decrease armor permanently, resulting in character being stuck with 0 armor, with no way to remove it, making it terrible in the long run.

On overworld map the heal skill heals for 5% of character's health, rather than 10% if the character in question has health above 50(greater heal works fine). Other healing skills like mass heal doesn't scale at all, making them less preferable to full heal at later stages.

If an enemy casts a sting/poison sting on a character who's at the edge of the map, the skill just won't apply at all - mana is spent, but nothing is done.

The familiar's consume mana still gives 1 mana per use as opposed to 2, which makes it reaching the cap a annoyingly slow process like before, unless you can give it traits like intelligent/potential/arcane and so on before leveling it up.
Jul 16, 2018
Anyone knows why might i not be able to empower starters? Just did chal9 and it worked fine, but now with chal10 it suddenly vanished, although i remember it being in there when i just started. Might it be because of reaching S rank in arena or because they reached max level or whatever else?
Jul 16, 2018
Some things; the king in the challenge rank 10 now has strong regeneration effect, which clearly wasn't before to prevent you know, the old burst strategy - which means you should preferably fight him with a level 20 team, a step-up from 10 and 15 for earlier challenges. Not that it really matters anyway, but it does change the tactics into properly delaying the tasks until its time to take him down.

Perceptive trait, which is supposed to make events more frequent, for some reason, gives 5 units of semen of each basic type including slime each day, even before you get upgrades for such, let alone characters. I wonder if its unintended or what, because that's the rumor I thought of free resources out of nowhere.

Apparently, to recruit the alternative ending enabling character, you don't need just artifact portals; essence portals and story portals do count, and in case of events, normal ones as well. This effectively allows you to recruit that character as early as day 10, if you get really lucky. Especially with the essence that spawns a new unstable portal after you complete one successfully.

The vine minigame for some reason doesn't consume stamina of characters with the skill, nor uses time, which means you can farm it for crystals. Endlessly and if you have the patience for it.

If you evolve an creature into a different creature while having it in the farm, it will continue breeding, despite the fact you can't breed different species for creatures. It will result in a impure hybrid creature, same way the catalyst trait/tamer profession does.

And now for bad parts, the bugs: if you end a turn while seducing/recruiting the enemy at the same time(unless it was the last enemy), which then dies next turn due to poison/bleed/burn, the game will break and pretty much requires a save reloading, which can screw you over in limited save runs - one of reasons why I want an alternative save method where you can only save a few times but can load as many as you want.

Shadowform essence that gives armor on it actually will decrease armor permanently, resulting in character being stuck with 0 armor, with no way to remove it, making it terrible in the long run.

On overworld map the heal skill heals for 5% of character's health, rather than 10% if the character in question has health above 50(greater heal works fine). Other healing skills like mass heal doesn't scale at all, making them less preferable to full heal at later stages.

If an enemy casts a sting/poison sting on a character who's at the edge of the map, the skill just won't apply at all - mana is spent, but nothing is done.

The familiar's consume mana still gives 1 mana per use as opposed to 2, which makes it reaching the cap a annoyingly slow process like before, unless you can give it traits like intelligent/potential/arcane and so on before leveling it up.
unless you do chal 10 with maximum difficulty(little starter points most importantly) you should be able to kill the king with mantis and lizardtaur with wild, strong, heavy, potential. i also pick some late game genes as well just in case despite rushing though challenges in very short games, like slowhatching, stable, lifebound(lizard taur has insane health pool with it and mantis won't be one shot by lv 10 chars at least when its already lvl 30+ lol). and since i never liked fusion i just go with as much egg stability as i can to max out genes, but it's not really useful in games shorter than long.


Feb 20, 2021
I picked apart challenge 10 King with like 3 level 15-16 Seedlings monsters with 7 strength gene and Wild, strong, heavy, potential, poisonous, and 1 Seedling dragon with the same set up. It is a bit hard, but doable.


Nov 10, 2019
Anyone knows why might i not be able to empower starters? Just did chal9 and it worked fine, but now with chal10 it suddenly vanished, although i remember it being in there when i just started. Might it be because of reaching S rank in arena or because they reached max level or whatever else?
Can't empower beyond lvl 20.
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