
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I call it NG+ since that's pretty standard for games after you complete one game, and go to the next new game.
(Hence: "NG+")
NG+ also typically has rewards or difficulty enhancers of some form, so it fits.

And yeah I could, but I've got OCP.
(Obsessive Complete Perfection, made-up term, but it accurately describes me.)
Yeah, that's why I asked. This game has two different ways to play that could be considered NG+

Any one knows if there is any benefits in submitting a higher level hybrid to library instead of just straight out the egg? Other than the achievement requiring 10 lvl10+ hybrids in the first 30 days, I don't see a increase in money per day. Also tried searching through this trait to no avail.
It's based on max level. Higher max level gets you more progress towards the Cas' quest.

I think the income is fixed based on number of species submitted, however.

So far, when the very first unstable portal has like, 8+ hostility on higher challenge ranks, not counting the openings that make it even harder unless you have mounts/forms, you pretty much have to take traits/professions that ensure the early advantage to keep up with it. Right now I'm at a point where enemies start with 2(4 with armored)armor, a lot of early game things as a result have to be power played, but mid-late game, assuming you are in the lead, not too much.

I hope the patience to climb further ranks will be rewarded by an achievement(s), since not everyone can do it, let alone the patience to do so.
My last game I was beating unstable portals at +200 hostility lol

I had it set up so that each time I beat an unstable portal another spawned with +1 hostility. So I basically just rapid fired them for the last month of my game to see how high I could get. Near the end I was actually having to use all my characters, not just one or two. But it did make the final portal and the alt-ending bosses all seem really, really easy lol

The reward for beating challenge rank 10 is an incredibly OP profession. There's also a really good reward for beating +600% difficulty.


Aug 29, 2017
That's way too much work to pick up meteor storm lol
You can use skill combinations by fusing fire spirits to get it for free. Fireball -> Firestorm -> Meteor -> Meteor Storm

You can't force firestorm onto a kitsune though. I have a feeling lightning and meteor storms are exclusive with each other. Probably because you can combine lightning storm with meteor to create meteor storm as well. But it's good to have one lightning based spell to counter act anyone who's got too strong of a resistance.

As for the levels, I ended up maxing out at around level 125 lol

There's a rare/legendary essence called Angel Potential that lets you convert 50 stamina (current, not max) into +1 max level. It's by far the most broken essence and super fun lol
Fire spirits are free. LightTanids are probably a bit stronger and much easier to get as a mage, but nephilim is worth breeding just because it's rare, and very powerful.
Nephilim is one of the best non-elite all rounder units in the game. It lacks the mana drain of the lighttanid but it's got more mana. Since they've got flying move type and agile, glowing, 1.5 mana and mg atk growth and 1 for everything else except strength (0.8). It's a flying healer (heal and protect) that can take on two attack skills (spells) like or you can tack on telekinetic to use with its true damage and agile, to create a powerful front line attacker with skills like backstab or do both.

Thinking back, you're right, it was way too much effort. The original goal was to create an all flying team hatched in aquatic or lava environments to use in all environments.

Angel Potential. Dang, wish I had better luck with essences. They seem completely random.
That actually makes a lot of sense since even divine favours only gives 5 levels per 2 and there's so many other uses for those.
Last edited:


May 4, 2017
I'm kinda wondering if you could reliably abuse the Beasttaur, giving them the claws trait so they do true damage and don't care at all about armor. They naturally have poison and an arc on their attack, with taur charge movement, so it seems like a reliable way to get an abusively powerful team with much lower effort. Especially if you can get them set with Wild and Savage (so that there's no reliance on gear or MP).


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Fire spirits are free. LightTanids are probably a bit stronger and much easier to get as a mage, but nephilim is worth breeding just because it's rare, and very powerful.
Nephilim is one of the best non-elite all rounder units in the game. It lacks the mana drain of the lighttanid but it's got more mana. Since they've got flying move type and agile, glowing, 1.5 mana and mg atk growth and 1 for everything else except strength (0.8). It's a flying healer (heal and protect) that can take on two attack skills (spells) like or you can tack on telekinetic to use with its true damage and agile, to create a powerful front line attacker with skills like backstab or do both.

Thinking back, you're right, it was way too much effort. The original goal was to create an all flying team hatched in aquatic or lava environments to use in all environments.

Angel Potential. Dang, wish I had better luck with essences. They seem completely random.
That actually makes a lot of sense since even divine favours only gives 5 levels per 2 and there's so many other uses for those.
I'm going to be honest, I picked the light tandid at random lol

All of the mages were just randomly picked magic types, because at the stat levels I was working with it just didn't matter. That's a cool goal though. I just swapped out one character for a mount whenever I needed one instead. It was a very lazy build. I think I had a light tandid, fire tandid, and the magic robot type or something.

And yeah, the essences are pretty damn random. I actually got angel potential while playing on ascended once. My game started crashing after I power leveled a bit too hard. The combination of "increase and completely fill stamina" mixed with "spend 50 stamina to gain 1 max level" let me go a bit nuts. Eventually every two favors I'd spend was getting me like +50 max level.

I think I eventually had a variable overflow or something, because after leveling them a bit my save started crashing on load.

I'm kinda wondering if you could reliably abuse the Beasttaur, giving them the claws trait so they do true damage and don't care at all about armor. They naturally have poison and an arc on their attack, with taur charge movement, so it seems like a reliable way to get an abusively powerful team with much lower effort. Especially if you can get them set with Wild and Savage (so that there's no reliance on gear or MP).
It wouldn't be the most OP thing in the world, but you could definitely make it work. I can't say whether it'd handle some of the harder boss mobs, but you could easily clear the normal game with that. You can pretty reliably clear the normal game with any build if you're not doing anything to make the game significantly harder.


May 4, 2017
It wouldn't be the most OP thing in the world, but you could definitely make it work. I can't say whether it'd handle some of the harder boss mobs, but you could easily clear the normal game with that. You can pretty reliably clear the normal game with any build if you're not doing anything to make the game significantly harder.
I tend to have atrocious luck. Like one game I decided to focus on Floral types for the 'no food upkeep', aiming to leverage that into snowballing wealth. Lava types EVERYWHERE, spamming fire-damage one-shots.

Or step onto a forest tile and get thrown into combat with a force only slightly less dangerous than the Kitsune boss...on day 4. Where I just stared at the Enormous Beastaur that was ten levels higher than any of my units, and the two magic deer supporting it and went 'You've got to be kidding me.'

I've also done runs where I focused on powerful casters and then suddenly just get barraged by constant and brutal MP drains.

Thus why I've started looking towards 'this is foolproof' for grinding my way through achievements so I can get a start viable for doing harder achievements.

In the process of trying that, I learned 'swarm of deathflies' may be strong, but it's completely annihilated if you run into a lymean-based enemy force. Shadow spirit types and radiant damage are not friends.


Jun 21, 2020
It's based on max level. Higher max level gets you more progress towards the Cas' quest.
Is that so? I submitted a light for of lvl 1/9 and another after a quick load of lvl 12/12, the first gets me 6 points and the latter gives me 17 points. That 11 points difference fits to well with the current lvl difference that I don't think max level matters.

Pretty sure they also give more income, but I could be wrong.
Can confirm that it doesn't change the income.


Feb 20, 2021
How do you get OP with fire spirit anyway? You fuse them and get meteor storm and then what? You fuse them off to something else?
Oct 5, 2020
How do you get OP with fire spirit anyway? You fuse them and get meteor storm and then what? You fuse them off to something else?
Fire spirits are free, but it works with anything that has fireball and derived spells.

First, you select two characters with a fireball spell to fuse. During fusion, make sure you select fireball spells. They should become Flamestrike. Next, you combine Flamestrike with another to get Meteor. Then combine Meteor with another or Lightning Stike and... Yep, Meteor Storm!

You can get there on fire spirits easily, then you fuse them to a mage with very high magic.

When fusing, be sure to explore combinations! Claw + Claw becomes Slice, which can further be upgraded to the deadly Swipe. Add Jump + Jump for LongJump, which is longer range jump (who knew?). Very useful early on!


Nov 10, 2019
Is that so? I submitted a light for of lvl 1/9 and another after a quick load of lvl 12/12, the first gets me 6 points and the latter gives me 17 points. That 11 points difference fits to well with the current lvl difference that I don't think max level matters.

Can confirm that it doesn't change the income.
You get [5+current level] progress, the remuneration won't change.

when you give units to the NPC tho (strong+4str gene for aila, 5 lust gene for flora, intelligent+5mana gene for castalia) the current level of the unit will give you more money, +50/lvl iirc but it's a one time payment.


Jun 21, 2020
That math makes so much sense.
I am honestly still surprise at how much detail is put into every aspect of the game. The mechanics the maths. And the amount of knowledge the game it self gave without actually needing to go through game files to understand how things work is astonishing. You just have to know where to hover the mouse lol. Like I just learn that I can see the growth rate and progress of each monster girls by hovering on the lvl. I would never have known if not from this thread. Cause it looks so simple, "lvl1/7 0/10 exp". Like why would I ever think that there is more info beneath that line lol.
So much props to the dev.
Oct 5, 2020
The amount of mechanics in this game is overwhelming, yes... I have to focus on the objective and path to the objective, otherwise I get sidetracked and get overwhelmed.

For example deciding to quickly breed some hybrids for points and then getting all the stamina eaten by rituals and realizing a legendary essence portal is about to expire but you have no stamina left.

Essences are easy, by the way, as long as you can escape all the battles. I just take the MC that has sufficient stamina or at least a fast harpy with me (ideally with coward trait) and just run through, escaping all the battles, to tap the essence at end.

This might get "fixed", though, if the dev catches wind of it...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Thus why I've started looking towards 'this is foolproof' for grinding my way through achievements so I can get a start viable for doing harder achievements.
If you just want foolproof and a way to make silly comps work, just push for the challenge rank 10 achievement. With the reward from that the game is basically easy mode no matter how stupid you try to play lol

But the real answer is just being choosy. I tend to fight very little unless I know I'm going to win. And from there the path to game breaking is pretty short lol

How do you get OP with fire spirit anyway? You fuse them and get meteor storm and then what? You fuse them off to something else?
Pretty much. Combine them using fusion mastery to increase their genes, perks, and create whatever spell you want. Then fuse them with another character to make something silly and broken.

There were a couple walk throughs two or three pages back, and I'm sure someone wouldn't mind going really in depth if needed. But that's the gist.

Essences are easy, by the way, as long as you can escape all the battles. I just take the MC that has sufficient stamina or at least a fast harpy with me (ideally with coward trait) and just run through, escaping all the battles, to tap the essence at end.

This might get "fixed", though, if the dev catches wind of it...
You can escape essence fights? I figured they were inescapable lol


Aug 29, 2017
The amount of mechanics in this game is overwhelming, yes... I have to focus on the objective and path to the objective, otherwise I get sidetracked and get overwhelmed.

For example deciding to quickly breed some hybrids for points and then getting all the stamina eaten by rituals and realizing a legendary essence portal is about to expire but you have no stamina left.

Essences are easy, by the way, as long as you can escape all the battles. I just take the MC that has sufficient stamina or at least a fast harpy with me (ideally with coward trait) and just run through, escaping all the battles, to tap the essence at end.

This might get "fixed", though, if the dev catches wind of it...
This will off many hours from a long run.
Oct 5, 2020
Oh, if you don't have a coward, any animal will work - their morale doesn't get affected. Especially that seal you start with when you only choose the blue starting straits - this is important for essence runs because it has the Lucky trait which gives you +1 essence pick!

Combine that with the Scientist trait for another +1 essence pick.

Just be careful as the seal may not be able to escape easily enough on stone / huge maps.

Now I wonder if I could fuse that Lucky trait ... Hmm. One way to find out!

Sheepy Cloud

Active Member
Apr 22, 2020
And yeah, the essences are pretty damn random. I actually got angel potential while playing on ascended once. My game started crashing after I power leveled a bit too hard. The combination of "increase and completely fill stamina" mixed with "spend 50 stamina to gain 1 max level" let me go a bit nuts. Eventually every two favors I'd spend was getting me like +50 max level.

I think I eventually had a variable overflow or something, because after leveling them a bit my save started crashing on load.
You can probably bypass that (Variable overload & crashing) by editing your save, and just giving them 2Bil EXP to bypass the grind.

My first game I used save editing to just give everything I came across Lv1000 max, which is pretty standard for me in new games that are possible to cheat it and don't have the potential to ban you for it.
(Mainly just to check out the game without the need to grind, see what there is to do, see the story, etc etc.)

It's definitely very... time consuming the further into the game you get though, especially if you want precision.
Still though, it might work to prevent the crashing, as I never had that kind of issue.


May 15, 2018
Oh, if you don't have a coward, any animal will work - their morale doesn't get affected. Especially that seal you start with when you only choose the blue starting straits - this is important for essence runs because it has the Lucky trait which gives you +1 essence pick!

Combine that with the Scientist trait for another +1 essence pick.

Just be careful as the seal may not be able to escape easily enough on stone / huge maps.

Now I wonder if I could fuse that Lucky trait ... Hmm. One way to find out!
Special abilities, like wild characters "gifted" and others such as champion from reaching S rank in arena or prestigious from breeding such never inherit - that seal is pretty much only way to have 2 extra choices under correct conditions, yet late game due to bad genes, it is pretty much guaranteed to be an thing that has to be protected, at very least it has some support abilities that are helpful at all game stages. I admit starting a game as a novice with it is a good starting point, because of an extra party member that is very likely to have support abilities such as focus when your support doesn't have.

I did tried a while ago when I got a second seal - they do not inherit it at all for obvious reasons, but they are really good source of cheap full heal when you really start mass producing them and equipping said bracelets on your characters - 2 uses, but if you use on another who also has it, then it turns from 10 heal into a full heal, which is really good. Obviously you need like, level 20 ones because of level-up bonuses to their breeding, but it's worth it.

Anyway, I noticed that completing a tavern objective that gives 2 luxury rooms also gives an random legendary item - is it intended or not? The dialogue has no mentions of such item being given to me. In comparison, the mermaid shopkeeper despite the random rare/legendary statements, always gives a specific one, a healing staff and a shaper staff or something I don't remember exactly, but I sincerely hope it will be corrected.

I tried the ascended, which is basically knowing trait, but your entire focus - on one hand, it is very flexible considering you can do many things with it, like getting skillpoints which makes biologist obsolete and quickly get what you want, including rushing the game, but on other, you still lack other needs, like most importantly, making your main character actually being able to handle late-game seducers, because while your other characters grow their max lust, the main character, excluding the summoner protagonist, is stuck with what they have - the purity trait alone is not enough to stop late-game problems, and is pretty much must have in many situations. I could mention other weaknesses, but they should be obvious.


Feb 20, 2021
And how is that worse than any other job considering they have the same flaw and are even worse? The only shake up that is arguably better than ascended in one aspect is Noble which solve money issues completely


Sep 23, 2018
No matter how many times I put this game down something draws me back. I'm not even good at it, but it's still so fun.


May 15, 2018
Noble profession is already questionable because "madam"(should have its name changed, because the male character case should be called pimp, but it doesn't)profession, assuming you do the right steps, generates much, much more both in short and the long run, by far. Heck, its one of those unlocked at the start, I might point it out - under normal conditions takes a while to truly show off, but considering most high end runs involve recruiting the brothel lady and ranking her up in the arena, turning a handful of money into thousands, then into tens of thousands and then...you get the idea. Turns out training beautiful arena fighters as opposed to accumulating money via interest brings money much quicker both in the short and long run. And more characters to train in the arena, which means more money and combat ready characters.

Not to mention some of simpler ones like merchant, which solves loot problems, like a lot of loot related things if you engage in combat a lot, allowing to complete tasks that require items consistently, but also helps with getting very nice items like stamina potions which are too good to not have for yourself.

As for "profession that boosts main character stats to be viable in late-game" job, I would correct it is called God, yes the one that is rewarded for the hero profession run, that makes starters at their max level, allowing you to max their levels, if not at very least close to, in a single day of ranked arena battles - so far, it is the profession that makes your hero you know, not be weak late-game, and is pretty much also the recommended way to climb the challenges if you don't know what to do, purely because of how good it is.

Oh and manipulation+ option for some reason still gives the main character only 2 max stat uses...I'm not saying how bad ascended is, it is good for same reasons knowing trait is, but compared to knowing trait itself, which is a very flexible back-up option no matter the job, it lacks that flexibility.
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