
Oct 10, 2017
Druid is the game's HARD mode.
I really have to disagree. Evo is probably stronger, but biologist druid is not hard at all.
You start out with 10ex seedlings which you can sell, removing early game money problems. In a new patch, so everyone can do it with new summons, but for 20ex. You can also evolve your seedlings into free strong durable flying mount. You can also save-scum mutagen. And you have a decent strength and access to all of the skills and early double attack and backstab. Jump/Blink + backstab + greatsword + swipe make you a monster. Not as much of a monster as god-mode lightning storm evo, but still. Creation is harder, I think.
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New Member
Dec 18, 2018
As for my own question: anybody got the SuperHybrid? Between the seedling girls and the Giants girls in the gallery? I can't figure that one out, and I want 100% :cry:
You will get a potion from Castalia for registering 60 hybrids, use it on a non-main-character to transform them.
If you try to use it on the MC it will just vanish without any changes.
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
You will get a potion from Castalia for registering 60 hybrids, use it on a non-main-character to transform them.
If you try to use it on the MC it will just vanish without any changes.
Thanks a bunch! I noticed the "?" in the brothel quests, but not this one...

edit: this thing is ridiculous... It even works on beasts (or liferoots ftm)! Now for a non-Crea game, to test this on a Kraken or lavafish :cool: kitsune it is.

edit2: I've finally noticed the 'Hatcher' job works on all eggs. If you have 100 eggs and a magic power 20 hatcher, you can directly hatch all 100 eggs after 5 days. Nifty.
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Jan 9, 2018
uh, i hope i'm doing this correctly, but heres 0.9.7 (or at least it says it is) i do know its a newer version because of the gallery and updated fusion (if its possible to find the version number in the game, then i'm failing hard at that), for the scan of it and for the actual game (compressed down from 1gig)

Enjoy ♥
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Jul 24, 2017
From the patreon page

Saves from previous version should be compatible, but you won't get to choose some new starting things.




- new events + pictures for some older scenes
- some more interactive scenes/imagesets
- experimental x-ray thing for those scenes (hover over pic to show x-ray version around cursor)(currently only the sylvie scene)
- can increase lewdity twice per date. Increasing lewdity lowers lust a lot
- passive lewdity based lust change is halved

- elemental affinity: choose between grass/fire/water for various starting bonuses (evolvable spirit summon, new versatile skills, specialtrait, statbonus)
- difficulty modifiers: can toggle various rules that make things harder for a flat percentage increase to difficulty.

- 12 new species/spirits for starting affinity (mostly creatures)
- Spirits are mostly fusion based and can be fused with any non-spirit. They have a new unique genetic trait
Fusing a character with a spirit only considers the species of the non-spirit for the result
Evolutions work similar to seedlings, but you can choose various skill/leveltype sets.
- some art changes
- lizard now also has variable bodypart sizes/clothes (all basespecies now)

- genes are generally assigned in totals, randomly spread and not separately per gene. (not only for wild characters).
- Some characters' genes now scale based on gametime (hired through events/brothel etc.)
- stat increases are no longer random. (hidden progressbar for each stat, that increases based on genes/leveltype).
- Leveltypes/levels matter more even for characters with low genes
- unique characters gain more stats/progress on levelup
- randomencounter chance scales more fluidly for everything (stealth,hivecount,distance to portal)(instead of various thresholds).
- new achievement + unlockable profession
- many things have predetermined outcomes (reloading and doing the same thing will have the same result (events,summons,fusion etc.))
- removed morale requirement for quick-fusion

- generally levels should increase stats more on average, but less extreme for high genes (balancing stat gains etc should be easier)
- mana increases slower (more like str/mg instead of hp)
- max amount of enemies globally decreased
- base movementcost through water decreased to 15 (from 20)
- gene adapter doesn't work on mc (genes are more meaningful in character creation)(specialform/summons requirements lowered to be achievable anyway)
- busty/petite pointcost is now 0 (neither is really positive or negative)
- fused characters maxlevel/exhaustion is the average of both characters.
- seedlings (trait, not just the starting species) don't need food
- a resulting species' basevalue for bodysizes etc. has a higher weight for determining their value in fusion/hatching
- many other small adjustments to adapt to other changes

Noteworthy bugfixes:
- lily(plantaur) event never triggered
- kraken tentacles weren't removed after using its skill when recruited
- flying or swimming characters could move on deepWater but not a mix. (flying can't move over deepWater)
- geneadapter didnt cost any money?
- farm potions that trigger on egg creation cost equal to the partners item
- stabilized portals could be closed (regarding the individual return home button)
- Brothel: characters lost virginity during group shows. Rich guest amount didnt increase when it ever got too low.
- Tips in single-guest/orgy rooms were way too high (multiplied by character count in addition to another multiplier)
- lustpotions couldn't be used

Summary/Expected Effect:
- faster pacing through higher focus on fusions/more early options
- can move on to higher hostility portals sooner
- stats feel actually based on genes/leveltype instead of being mostly random
- easier to switch species in your main team (you don't just end up with slightly different/upgraded versions of the same 2 species forever)
- more flexible/interesting start.
- the way genes are distributed onto characters gives them clearer advantages/purposes
- more control over difficulty.
- easier to come back from early mistakes/losses

- new skilltree replacing the current "C" menu with lots of more interesting things/choices
- more events/dating stuff
- story events/paths/endings


Active Member
May 7, 2019
That's the changelog from July 10th, right?
To be clear: the game is free to download from
I'll quote one of the all-times best line I've ever read from a dev:
Syvaron said:
The game will always be free, because I find it quite weird not to. It feels like if something isnt free, patrons dont really pay to get something, but instead pay so others dont get it, which is quite a weird concept.
To sum it up, the game currently (as of v0.9.7.0) features:
- 3 MCs
- 11 base breedable species
- 55 breedable hybrids
- 9 special breedable hybrids
- 19 unique, recruitable NPCs
- 6 rare breedable species
- 10+ 'impure' species
- 5 world bosses (2 being breedable)
- about 30 non-breedable creatures

TL/DR: almost 150 different PCs so far. Also, 67 unlockable CGs.


Jan 22, 2018
Haven't played this for quite some time. Is the king still annoying us with a timer?
Apr 28, 2018
This game is so confusing, I can't really recall any other time I had so much of a hard time figuring out how to do anything. This game's oblique interface and controls can be compared to Hearts of Iron III. Not IV or II, but III.

For starters, how do you even assign girls to the brothel anyway? The option isn't clear to me.

EDIT: D'oh I figured it out. Have to click on home to assign characters.
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A Common Crab

Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
This game is so confusing, I can't really recall any other time I had so much of a hard time figuring out how to do anything. This game's oblique interface and controls can be compared to Hearts of Iron III. Not IV or II, but III.

For starters, how do you even assign girls to the brothel anyway? The option isn't clear to me.

EDIT: D'oh I figured it out. Have to click on home to assign characters.
Exactly! It's exactly like Hearts of Iron III.

Me: "Aight, I don't understand crap. This shit is confusing."
Also me: "I can't stop playing (or trying to) it!"
Me, later: "Feckin' heel mucker, thes jobby is sae confusin' it hurts mah brains! aam e'en becomin' scottie!"
Me, again: "Oh, so that's how that works, my aneurism is getting better ay"
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Apr 28, 2018
Well to be fair the game looks like it had a lot of effort put into it and features a good amount of content. Also I appriceate this type of sandbox management game far more than the numberless googly eyed Daz3d VNs about fucking your stepcousin's stepmother in some shithole Midwest town.

It's just that everything is so hard to figure out and counterintuitive that I can't quite bring myself to get into it. Compare to this game, the equally clunky but still viable buttsex simulator Tales of Androgyny plays out like Risk.


Jul 24, 2017
The tutorial isn't really a tutorial either. This game really needs a wiki or the very least a basic guide. The CG is nice, but the difficulty curve is still annoying as ever. It really explains why the game never got that much traction, despite having such nice art. Game feels too punishing. :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
It’s just one of those games that’s more of a mess around kind, play it to just have fun. Sadly I do find it to be the only good monster breeding game left, to me cloud meadow updates like a snail and never adds anything fun, while breeders of the nephilim is just... dull I guess would be how I feel


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Sorry for the double post but here is the new special hybrid, Batgirl is Shadowwing(Shadow+Harpy) and Beastgirl so anyone know Anglerfish


May 6, 2019
Maybe is a bit early to ask but, someone has the unlockable.sav 100%?
Not completely 100%, but as much as i could unlock.

Make sure the file is named only Unlockables.sav after downloading. Delete all numbers and special characters before the word Unlockables.
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4.10 star(s) 85 Votes