
New Member
Jul 31, 2019
On the Party/Home screen there is a sorting tab for "Power" in between "Morale" and "Br. Val." It also seems to be abbreviated as "Pw" in the character portrait summary between "En" and "V." What exactly is this stat and how is it calculated?


Nov 7, 2018
You need to extract the file outside of the Data folder (that you get from the main linux download) and then set PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux.x86_64 as an executable. View attachment 1035846
Alright, got it fixed. I might have had a bad download because I initially downloaded the Linux version from the OP which didn’t work, I then downloaded the linuxother files and overwrote with them which also didn’t work. Finally deleted all my files and downloaded the Linux files from a few posts up and after making sure that the folder structure was right it now works. Thanks for the help


Jan 15, 2018

LOL, why I have a super gigantic mouse cursor hahaha

Now, where I can change the size or disable the in-game cursor ?, don't find any...


Feb 19, 2019
I have no idea if this has been asked or not but i'm gonna ask it anyway. Doesn't this technically deserve the pregnancy tag? I mean last i checked (which was around version 12 maybe 13) there is a fertility stat and a virility stat that are used to calculate whether or not you make a new monster (i.e. makin' babies). But i think the game goes through a different explanation as well as a different process for makin' these babies (not gonna lie probably remembering this last part wrong).


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I have no idea if this has been asked or not but i'm gonna ask it anyway. Doesn't this technically deserve the pregnancy tag? I mean last i checked (which was around version 12 maybe 13) there is a fertility stat and a virility stat that are used to calculate whether or not you make a new monster (i.e. makin' babies). But i think the game goes through a different explanation as well as a different process for makin' these babies (not gonna lie probably remembering this last part wrong).
No, I think the tags are meant for things that are explicitly shown. Somebody with a preg kink would be disappointed by this, just take a look at all the people in the thread asking for "legit" pregnancy, lol. The "pregnancy" content is all implied/non sexualized. It's all egg laying (Not physically shown) as far as I know. Pregnancy is considered a "sexual" tag, so if it's not sexualized, I don't see why the tag would apply.

The tag FAQ does say "The act of impregnating", does also apply, but I think context is necessary, or you could put a pregnancy tag on pretty much any game. There's no guarantee that characters aren't impregnated in almost any game with intercourse unless proven otherwise. If anything, there should be a separate tag for impregnation rather than trying to lump it into pregnancy, two different things.

Not like everybody follows the damn tag descriptions here on this forum (Or the review rules for that matter) >.>
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Jul 8, 2018
Fot linux users: files LinuxPlayer_s.debug, PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux.x86_64,, UnityPlayer_s.debug should be outside of PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux_Data folder.


Jan 15, 2018
Fot linux users: files LinuxPlayer_s.debug, PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux.x86_64,, UnityPlayer_s.debug should be outside of PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux_Data folder.
I give my 2cents, this is the folder structure that is needed to run the game.

PortalOfPhereon_v15           # Change this folder name with whatever you like
├── LinuxPlayer_s.debug       #
├── PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux_Data  #
│   ├──
│   ├── boot.config
│   ├── data.unity3d
│   ├── Managed
│   ├── MonoBleedingEdge
│   ├── Resources
│   └── saveData
├── PoP_V0.15.0.1_linux.x86_64 # change permission to executable
├── UnityPlayer_s.debug        #
└──             #
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Feb 19, 2019
No, I think the tags are meant for things that are explicitly shown. Somebody with a preg kink would be disappointed by this, just take a look at all the people in the thread asking for "legit" pregnancy, lol. The "pregnancy" content is all implied/non sexualized. It's all egg laying (Not physically shown) as far as I know. Pregnancy is considered a "sexual" tag, so if it's not sexualized, I don't see why the tag would apply.
I would normally be satisfied by this answer if it weren't for the game Horny Bunny Hanna. Really no pregnancy or belly just implications. (Edit: unless they changed it...)

Not like everybody follows the damn tag descriptions here on this forum (Or the review rules for that matter) >.>
This satisfies me more due to the fact that I, too, am incredibly lazy and no not the rules.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2019
I can't even beat my first fight but I inevitably will...someday...
Since update 15.0.1, the AI has changed its behaviour in combat. When before it just chucked everything at whichever member of your party was [the closest]+[the weakest in hp/armour], now the AI actually thinks a bit and goes for more favourable matchups for itself.
For example : early game, one or two points of armour is enough for the AI to ignore that character completely if you have another who has no armour. Effectively, the AI will chase that "weak character" and go to engage it in combat (adjascent hexagon). So now your "weak guy" is engaged, but you still have 1 AP... flee. Your other characters are probably not engaged in the fight since the AI is focusing going for the weak, so those have 2 AP, run up and hit stuff. It'll engage the Ai characters in combat, so THEY will only have 1 AP next turn... which they now often use to either defend, or continue chasing the "weak guy", and not attack. If your runner has enough hp, don't be afraid to pass his turn so he defends (-50% damage received, often 1 or 2 early game, very easily healed back).

I'm doing this with a light spirit who has something like 13hp when monsters now hit for 8-20 where i'm at, and i've had him from the start of the game with permadeath on.

Tbh, it was harder to tank before this update because the AI isn't hitting you as much anymore, while you can now kite it even better (or continue lobotomizing them with lust). The reworked status effects and affinities are dangerous, though.

The other very important factor to keep track of is terrain/type of attacks and the associated debuffs, and debuffs in general: if it's not a specific type of creature, standing in water is bad, standing in lava is bad, standing in shadow is bad... you get it, stay on dirt/grass/rock to begin with. Curse (shadow) nukes your attack and defenses, soaked (water) nukes your attack and physical defense, lust (getting seduced) nukes your attack and makes you vulnerable to damage.

Yeah, the combat can be a bit hard to get into overall, and it takes a lot of trying at first, but once you've got it right (meaning you've found one of the many ways to cheese the AI) it becomes very, very easy. Get a healer, a tanker/hitter, a runner, a seducer, and you're good to start. if you have trouble at the start of the game, make your starters work the brothel for money (you can cap their sex stats in one or two sessions each for reasy money).

And take that from someone who finished the Lone Wolf campaign (enter portals with hero only, always.), it works. GL if you want to get into it, this game is a great game even with its imperfections (shop UI, ugh >.<).
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Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Since update 15.0.1, the AI has changed its behaviour in combat. When before it just chucked everything at whichever member of your party was [the closest]+[the weakest in hp/armour], now the AI actually thinks a bit and goes for more favourable matchups for itself.
For example : early game, one or two points of armour is enough for the AI to ignore that character completely if you have another who has no armour. Effectively, the AI will chase that "weak character" and go to engage it in combat (adjascent hexagon). So now your "weak guy" is engaged, but you still have 1 AP... flee. Your other characters are probably not engaged in the fight since the AI is focusing going for the weak, so those have 2 AP, run up and hit stuff. It'll engage the Ai characters in combat, so THEY will only have 1 AP next turn... which they now often use to either defend, or continue chasing the "weak guy", and not attack. If your runner has enough hp, don't be afraid to pass his turn so he defends (-50% damage received, often 1 or 2 early game, very easily healed back).

I'm doing this with a light spirit who has something like 13hp when monsters now hit for 8-20 where i'm at, and i've had him from the start of the game with permadeath on.

Tbh, it was harder to tank before this update because the AI isn't hitting you as much anymore, while you can now kite it even better (or continue lobotomizing them with lust). The reworked status effects and affinities are dangerous, though.

The other very important factor to keep track of is terrain/type of attacks and the associated debuffs, and debuffs in general: if it's not a specific type of creature, standing in water is bad, standing in lava is bad, standing in shadow is bad... you get it, stay on dirt/grass/rock to begin with. Curse (shadow) nukes your attack and defenses, soaked (water) nukes your attack and physical defense, lust (getting seduced) nukes your attack and makes you vulnerable to damage.

Yeah, the combat can be a bit hard to get into overall, and it takes a lot of trying at first, but once you've got it right (meaning you've found one of the many ways to cheese the AI) it becomes very, very easy. Get a healer, a tanker/hitter, a runner, a seducer, and you're good to start. if you have trouble at the start of the game, make your starters work the brothel for money (you can cap their sex stats in one or two sessions each for reasy money).

And take that from someone who finished the Lone Wolf campaign (enter portals with hero only, always.), it works. GL if you want to get into it, this game is a great game even with its imperfections (shop UI, ugh >.<).
Huh, time to start my cheese strats.


Dec 7, 2017
So i've beaten this game twice (only with druid, creations seems way to confusing and havent tried female playthrough yet), on the third challenge and it always seem like the limiting factor is the strength of my monsters. in the beginning i picked fusion but now im leaning more towards breeding. on a short game length (30+ days) is it feasible to get a monster to level 20 with +10 in genetics? Honestly it seems like healingflames or eruption with a phoenix is the most op abilities but they both scale off of mg, so i try to fuse or breed characters with high magic genetics but even when i get some monsters to like 6+ mg it seems when they level they never gain mg in their actual stats. a wiki or guide outside of the knowledge they provide in game at the library would be a huge help.


Nov 10, 2019
So i've beaten this game twice (only with druid, creations seems way to confusing and havent tried female playthrough yet), on the third challenge and it always seem like the limiting factor is the strength of my monsters. in the beginning i picked fusion but now im leaning more towards breeding. on a short game length (30+ days) is it feasible to get a monster to level 20 with +10 in genetics? Honestly it seems like healingflames or eruption with a phoenix is the most op abilities but they both scale off of mg, so i try to fuse or breed characters with high magic genetics but even when i get some monsters to like 6+ mg it seems when they level they never gain mg in their actual stats. a wiki or guide outside of the knowledge they provide in game at the library would be a huge help.
Yes, it's possible to get some lvl 20 with 10 genes in a short time. I've gotten there at around day 24-26, more than enough to actually level up afterwards. It's become even easier than before if you pick the "breeding focus" in the farm, or the starting "farmer" profession (boosts number of rolls for stats too, huuuuuge help).
My personal favourite is to go in a portal with capture nets and get 2 baby dragons from a mountain event (you can't capture the adult in the egg ambush), then breed them together. Doable on day three to five usually. The lava eggs mature very quickly, so if you're lucky with the stats rolls and have some crystals to spare for stability (for dragons i only aim for level, health, strength; magic is optional but good to have).
To accelerate the process, you can farm spirits on the side to get a big early max-level boost by fusion. If your summoner has high base magic power, the spirits will also have more base genes.

Scaling is geometrical in value by adding valuable traits to your minions (easiest on Evolution). A dragon with 6 health gene, 7 strength for example, will get 20-22 STR at lvl 19-20, more if you rank him up in the arena. Add "strong" trait, goes to 25-27 (+25%). Get "potential" from birth on top and it's now 32... get the "hatcher" start bonus and he'll have the loyal trait buff, and now it's 36 str, all at the same level.
Note that if you really farm the dragonwelps to genLVL 20, when you evolve them you'll get lvl 30 max dragons! (only way to unlock a particular trait as starter).

Another factor to consider is the species you're trying to give each role to. Each species has different scaling for every stat, which is added to the leveling type (support, dex, magic...) that tweak the level-up value. For example, getting HP gene 10 on a species that has HP scaling at x0.5 is not bad, but you're better off with it on someone else that has a HP scaling of 1.7 for example. Not every monster can be a mage, not every monster can be a tank or a fighter.

The last is the creature's size, with a stat multiplier ranging from 0.5 to 2.0. Just keep in mind that portals are restricted to certain sizes, most can take large creatures but above that is more rare (see portal info before entering).

Finally, all that information is easily accessible in the stat page of your units. Hover your cursor over their lvl and current xp and you'll see the species scaling for each stat. Hover your cursor over the LvType and you'll see the level-up bonus baseline for the class. Hover over their size and you'll see the stat multiplier and food cost.

As a player, i haven't tried to dig in the game files to know the exact impact of genes, and the level-up scaling formula, so i'm not sure how much genes matter. i just know the impact is noticeable and haven't tried to measure it comparatively with a 1.0 scaling species somewhere.
Now about the different characters...
Evolution is by far the most powerful on her own, the ability to transform is both versatile and powerful. It's also much easier to perform the rituals, because you can change her sex to whatever you want on the fly. On my latest run i went for an early lust transformation (20+ per seduce around lvl 10), then changed to mage type. Now i'm lvl 25 with Evolution, have NOT maxed either transformations or rituals, and i've got... 86 magic power. Yup. 45 base+level mult+traits+items. The ability to copy/paste traits from one monster to another is completely OP, you can make an army of optimized minions very quickly. Evolution's power curve is fast overall, and slower towards the end when you're farming the last transformations, but her personal power is unmatched. End-game in god-form, with the lightning shower spell and a mage built, you can literally nuke 90+ damage on the whole enemy team every turn, with Evo alone.

Creation is harder to play, because her genes actually matter. You have to pay for it with your starter points pre-game, you can't boost them during the game whatsoever, and you're gonna need to breed/corrupt some slime monsters early to change your LvType from "average" to "mage/endurance/support". She's much weaker as a unit throughout the whole game. Her main advantage lies in being able to create the monsters you want or need if you've done a ritual with them once, and to choose their spells and passives, sex/size etc... The start is slow, you're better off earning money in the arena and brothel to get some base species going, after which you can breed every combination easily on your own. The power curve is much slower at the start, but by endgame all your summons will be gene-maxed...except that if you've been breeding stuff on the side, your summons will have the stats but not the traits so they'll be strong but farm from OP.
The slime talents tree can bring some personal power and global utility (like removing the restriction on partner sex for rituals), but you won't reach a godlike level of power with Creation herself. Slime are a bit like Shadow monsters, in that the more you have in the team the better, but if you only use one it's gonna have a hard time.
Creation's concept is cool, and her personal quests have much more grit and intensity than the others, but her powers fall a bit short of the fantasy, tbh. Her mechanics are eclipsed by the base game mechanics (creating/corrupting vs breeding/fusing mostly), the late-game power fantasy isn't really there.

Druid is the classic-RPG character, nothing much to say about his leveling. His personal power won't skyrocket, but it's very easy for him to get powerful seedlings very early. Evolve a seedling to a seedling-dragon asap so you have an all-purpose large flying mount to reduce travel time, it's powerful even at lvl 5 with trash genes. He's got some interesting gimmicks with grass surfaces, and later in the game with blood fairies if you go that route (you monster), but in the end you'll still rely on breeding to get a good end-game team. Personal early strat is to train with Aila in the evenings until i get the gene bonus to seedlings in the talents trees.

Conclusion : holy fuck i wrote a whole lot, didn't i.

EDIT : each character has unique endings, with unique consequences for future playthroughs. You might wanna look into that.
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2017
Yes, it's possible to get some lvl 20 with 10 genes in a short time. I've gotten there at around day 24-26, more than enough to actually level up afterwards. It's become even easier than before if you pick the "breeding focus" in the farm, or the starting "farmer" profession (boosts number of rolls for stats too, huuuuuge help).
My personal favourite is to go in a portal with capture nets and get 2 baby dragons from a mountain event (you can't capture the adult in the egg ambush), then breed them together. Doable on day three to five usually. The lava eggs mature very quickly, so if you're lucky with the stats rolls and have some crystals to spare for stability (for dragons i only aim for level, health, strength; magic is optional but good to have).
To accelerate the process, you can farm spirits on the side to get a big early max-level boost by fusion. If your summoner has high base magic power, the spirits will also have more base genes.

Scaling is geometrical in value by adding valuable traits to your minions (easiest on Evolution). A dragon with 6 health gene, 7 strength for example, will get 20-22 STR at lvl 19-20, more if you rank him up in the arena. Add "strong" trait, goes to 25-27 (+25%). Get "potential" from birth on top and it's now 32... get the "hatcher" start bonus and he'll have the loyal trait buff, and now it's 36 str, all at the same level.
Note that if you really farm the dragonwelps to genLVL 20, when you evolve them you'll get lvl 30 max dragons! (only way to unlock a particular trait as starter).

Another factor to consider is the species you're trying to give each role to. Each species has different scaling for every stat, which is added to the leveling type (support, dex, magic...) that tweak the level-up value. For example, getting HP gene 10 on a species that has HP scaling at x0.5 is not bad, but you're better off with it on someone else that has a HP scaling of 1.7 for example. Not every monster can be a mage, not every monster can be a tank or a fighter.

The last is the creature's size, with a stat multiplier ranging from 0.5 to 2.0. Just keep in mind that portals are restricted to certain sizes, most can take large creatures but above that is more rare (see portal info before entering).

Finally, all that information is easily accessible in the stat page of your units. Hover your cursor over their lvl and current xp and you'll see the species scaling for each stat. Hover your cursor over the LvType and you'll see the level-up bonus baseline for the class. Hover over their size and you'll see the stat multiplier and food cost.

As a player, i haven't tried to dig in the game files to know the exact impact of genes, and the level-up scaling formula, so i'm not sure how much genes matter. i just know the impact is noticeable and haven't tried to measure it comparatively with a 1.0 scaling species somewhere.
Now about the different characters...
Evolution is by far the most powerful on her own, the ability to transform is both versatile and powerful. It's also much easier to perform the rituals, because you can change her sex to whatever you want on the fly. On my latest run i went for an early lust transformation (20+ per seduce around lvl 10), then changed to mage type. Now i'm lvl 25 with Evolution, have NOT maxed either transformations or rituals, and i've got... 86 magic power. Yup. 45 base+level mult+traits+items. The ability to copy/paste traits from one monster to another is completely OP, you can make an army of optimized minions very quickly. Evolution's power curve is fast overall, and slower towards the end when you're farming the last transformations, but her personal power is unmatched. End-game in god-form, with the lightning shower spell and a mage built, you can literally nuke 90+ damage on the whole enemy team every turn, with Evo alone.

Creation is harder to play, because her genes actually matter. You have to pay for it with your starter points pre-game, you can't boost them during the game whatsoever, and you're gonna need to breed/corrupt some slime monsters early to change your LvType from "average" to "mage/endurance/support". She's much weaker as a unit throughout the whole game. Her main advantage lies in being able to create the monsters you want or need if you've done a ritual with them once, and to choose their spells and passives, sex/size etc... The start is slow, you're better off earning money in the arena and brothel to get some base species going, after which you can breed every combination easily on your own. The power curve is much slower at the start, but by endgame all your summons will be gene-maxed...except that if you've been breeding stuff on the side, your summons will have the stats but not the traits so they'll be strong but farm from OP.
The slime talents tree can bring some personal power and global utility (like removing the restriction on partner sex for rituals), but you won't reach a godlike level of power with Creation herself. Slime are a bit like Shadow monsters, in that the more you have in the team the better, but if you only use one it's gonna have a hard time.
Creation's concept is cool, and her personal quests have much more grit and intensity than the others, but her powers fall a bit short of the fantasy, tbh. Her mechanics are eclipsed by the base game mechanics (creating/corrupting vs breeding/fusing mostly), the late-game power fantasy isn't really there.

Druid is the classic-RPG character, nothing much to say about his leveling. His personal power won't skyrocket, but it's very easy for him to get powerful seedlings very early. Evolve a seedling to a seedling-dragon asap so you have an all-purpose large flying mount to reduce travel time, it's powerful even at lvl 5 with trash genes. He's got some interesting gimmicks with grass surfaces, and later in the game with blood fairies if you go that route (you monster), but in the end you'll still rely on breeding to get a good end-game team. Personal early strat is to train with Aila in the evenings until i get the gene bonus to seedlings in the talents trees.

Conclusion : holy fuck i wrote a whole lot, didn't i.

Thank you for all this information, i may give evolution another try because that also seemed a bit overwhelming to me and i couldn't really get the power i looked for from her transformations. I suppose one thing i overlooked is species stat development as i was under the impression you could breed any type of monster to fit any type of role. Ill have to look more into that. I usually never use seedlings or summons but it seems ill have to start utilizing their benefits aswell. Again appreciate you taking the time to write and explain all of that out in an easy to digest manner. This game is a lot of fun but without the game knowledge and understanding of mechanics you really do get overwhelmed and feel like its an uphill battle.

Also that conclusion had me dying laughing.


Nov 10, 2019
To give you an idea of what is achievable with a bit of planning, here's some screenshots of my final 30-day team with Evolution. I finished both final fights in two turns each with a 4-man team, so there's still room for improvement.
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Aug 30, 2018
I Find creation easer to play/cheese word ...Spore pop1.PNG

Yes, it's possible to get some lvl 20 with 10 genes in a short time. I've gotten there at around day 24-26, more than enough to actually level up afterwards. It's become even easier than before if you pick the "breeding focus" in the farm, or the starting "farmer" profession (boosts number of rolls for stats too, huuuuuge help).
My personal favourite is to go in a portal with capture nets and get 2 baby dragons from a mountain event (you can't capture the adult in the egg ambush), then breed them together. Doable on day three to five usually. The lava eggs mature very quickly, so if you're lucky with the stats rolls and have some crystals to spare for stability (for dragons i only aim for level, health, strength; magic is optional but good to have).
To accelerate the process, you can farm spirits on the side to get a big early max-level boost by fusion. If your summoner has high base magic power, the spirits will also have more base genes.

Scaling is geometrical in value by adding valuable traits to your minions (easiest on Evolution). A dragon with 6 health gene, 7 strength for example, will get 20-22 STR at lvl 19-20, more if you rank him up in the arena. Add "strong" trait, goes to 25-27 (+25%). Get "potential" from birth on top and it's now 32... get the "hatcher" start bonus and he'll have the loyal trait buff, and now it's 36 str, all at the same level.
Note that if you really farm the dragonwelps to genLVL 20, when you evolve them you'll get lvl 30 max dragons! (only way to unlock a particular trait as starter).

Another factor to consider is the species you're trying to give each role to. Each species has different scaling for every stat, which is added to the leveling type (support, dex, magic...) that tweak the level-up value. For example, getting HP gene 10 on a species that has HP scaling at x0.5 is not bad, but you're better off with it on someone else that has a HP scaling of 1.7 for example. Not every monster can be a mage, not every monster can be a tank or a fighter.

The last is the creature's size, with a stat multiplier ranging from 0.5 to 2.0. Just keep in mind that portals are restricted to certain sizes, most can take large creatures but above that is more rare (see portal info before entering).

Finally, all that information is easily accessible in the stat page of your units. Hover your cursor over their lvl and current xp and you'll see the species scaling for each stat. Hover your cursor over the LvType and you'll see the level-up bonus baseline for the class. Hover over their size and you'll see the stat multiplier and food cost.

As a player, i haven't tried to dig in the game files to know the exact impact of genes, and the level-up scaling formula, so i'm not sure how much genes matter. i just know the impact is noticeable and haven't tried to measure it comparatively with a 1.0 scaling species somewhere.
Now about the different characters...
Evolution is by far the most powerful on her own, the ability to transform is both versatile and powerful. It's also much easier to perform the rituals, because you can change her sex to whatever you want on the fly. On my latest run i went for an early lust transformation (20+ per seduce around lvl 10), then changed to mage type. Now i'm lvl 25 with Evolution, have NOT maxed either transformations or rituals, and i've got... 86 magic power. Yup. 45 base+level mult+traits+items. The ability to copy/paste traits from one monster to another is completely OP, you can make an army of optimized minions very quickly. Evolution's power curve is fast overall, and slower towards the end when you're farming the last transformations, but her personal power is unmatched. End-game in god-form, with the lightning shower spell and a mage built, you can literally nuke 90+ damage on the whole enemy team every turn, with Evo alone.

Creation is harder to play, because her genes actually matter. You have to pay for it with your starter points pre-game, you can't boost them during the game whatsoever, and you're gonna need to breed/corrupt some slime monsters early to change your LvType from "average" to "mage/endurance/support". She's much weaker as a unit throughout the whole game. Her main advantage lies in being able to create the monsters you want or need if you've done a ritual with them once, and to choose their spells and passives, sex/size etc... The start is slow, you're better off earning money in the arena and brothel to get some base species going, after which you can breed every combination easily on your own. The power curve is much slower at the start, but by endgame all your summons will be gene-maxed...except that if you've been breeding stuff on the side, your summons will have the stats but not the traits so they'll be strong but farm from OP.
The slime talents tree can bring some personal power and global utility (like removing the restriction on partner sex for rituals), but you won't reach a godlike level of power with Creation herself. Slime are a bit like Shadow monsters, in that the more you have in the team the better, but if you only use one it's gonna have a hard time.
Creation's concept is cool, and her personal quests have much more grit and intensity than the others, but her powers fall a bit short of the fantasy, tbh. Her mechanics are eclipsed by the base game mechanics (creating/corrupting vs breeding/fusing mostly), the late-game power fantasy isn't really there.

Druid is the classic-RPG character, nothing much to say about his leveling. His personal power won't skyrocket, but it's very easy for him to get powerful seedlings very early. Evolve a seedling to a seedling-dragon asap so you have an all-purpose large flying mount to reduce travel time, it's powerful even at lvl 5 with trash genes. He's got some interesting gimmicks with grass surfaces, and later in the game with blood fairies if you go that route (you monster), but in the end you'll still rely on breeding to get a good end-game team. Personal early strat is to train with Aila in the evenings until i get the gene bonus to seedlings in the talents trees.

Conclusion : holy fuck i wrote a whole lot, didn't i.

EDIT : each character has unique endings, with unique consequences for future playthroughs. You might wanna look into that.
Last edited:


Aug 12, 2017
Does anyone know if of any guides for raising town npc lewdness during dates? I figured out a few but Aila is stuck at 7 no matter what I do.


Mar 18, 2019
Does anyone know if of any guides for raising town npc lewdness during dates? I figured out a few but Aila is stuck at 7 no matter what I do.
dont have a notes for 8+
often it's the same public sex. same for all npcs
Last edited:


Dec 17, 2020
I just started playing this game about a week ago or something and I am finding it difficult to unlock stuff and I suck when it comes to the rescue stuff, and I honestly do not do well in the combat stuff. I started in the freeplay but didn't know I could only unlock them in as 100% or more so I tried again with Creation with a 100% freeplay and even with some of the tips in here, I am still having a good amount of issues getting hybrids to level 10+ for one reason or another, even if I am not losing them in the Portals.


Oct 14, 2019
I just started playing this game about a week ago or something and I am finding it difficult to unlock stuff and I suck when it comes to the rescue stuff, and I honestly do not do well in the combat stuff. I started in the freeplay but didn't know I could only unlock them in as 100% or more so I tried again with Creation with a 100% freeplay and even with some of the tips in here, I am still having a good amount of issues getting hybrids to level 10+ for one reason or another, even if I am not losing them in the Portals.
This is the difficulty I use for 100% difficulty freeplay runs, it allows my characters to hit 0 HP without issue. If you're the type that likes to save in portals you could do unlimited saving and take the wasteful bonus.
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4.10 star(s) 85 Votes