
Nov 10, 2019
Are there any comprehensive guide on unlocking traits and profession? I heard there is a new profession called Elementalist, but it would be a chore going in blindly to try and unlock new stuff. I could complete the game at 400% difficulty but man does the author make it hard for post game thing with obfuscation
You can check the wiki, it should have plenty. Other than unit traits unlocked through playing with specific criteria (that you can see in-game once you've encountered them), the unlocks are all gated behind achievements. They don't tell you what you get until you've accomplished it though.
The 600% difficulty achievement for example, gives you a starting bonus trait of +10 points for your MC during character creation.


Feb 20, 2021
Anyway, my own mini guide to the game

Basically, the best money making method is Aila's training. At the start, after you have enough reputation with her, she will train your unit, for a newbie, she can jump their level to 4 in one go. You can hire basic soldier from the king for 500 and return them to him and gain 250 per level. A normal soldier cause 500 + 300 gold to hire and give a 250*4 gold when return, a net 200.

An elite soldier required high rep with the king, and cause 1000 + 300 to train, and return for 500*4 for a net 700 gold. You can do it two times a day, basically free money if you don't need that training

Mind Bender artifact can allow you to mind control bosses, but you need to pack crystal and bring a Lymean with teleport with you


Nov 10, 2019
Anyway, my own mini guide to the game

Basically, the best money making method is Aila's training. At the start, after you have enough reputation with her, she will train your unit, for a newbie, she can jump their level to 4 in one go. You can hire basic soldier from the king for 500 and return them to him and gain 250 per level. A normal soldier cause 500 + 300 gold to hire and give a 250*4 gold when return, a net 200.

An elite soldier required high rep with the king, and cause 1000 + 300 to train, and return for 500*4 for a net 700 gold. You can do it two times a day, basically free money if you don't need that training

Mind Bender artifact can allow you to mind control bosses, but you need to pack crystal and bring a Lymean with teleport with you.
Careful with the soldiers, their upkeep is high, 400 gold per day for 2 normal soldiers is really super low, and training your own fighting units or spirits to evolve is much better for progression. The main benefit to doing this isn't the money, it's relationship with the king to reroll or extend bad quests in a pinch!

For the money, it's brothel all the way, honestly. Even with your 2 starters at 0 points, give them negative traits (but not ugly) to buy "beautiful", choose a base species with high base beauty (hello lymean at 85 average, also provides light type semen for crafts) and after 1 or 2 sex training sessions you'll already be earning 900-1000 a day at level 1. Gift what you earned to Aila to get the >20 relationship and begin the training.
And there you have a solid early game with spending money to build a team and do tavern quests. Find a third brothel worker in the tavern recruits, or even a fourth, and you're set for the whole game about money, even with costs x2 for home improvements or an NG+modifier.

edit : sorry if that read a bit rude or one-sided, i'm just usually straightforward with my own opinion
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Jul 31, 2017
As for trait, stability potion, evolution potion are important. you will make a 10 trait char in no time. My personal trait combo,(Growing, potential, arcane, intelligence, ancient power, light affinity(to counter the ancient power slow xp gain) inner healing, possessed, manbound and resilient) Do not waste time with strong,speed etc for your assassin team. Complete tarven quest for resources, and invest on upgrading farm, you dont need to gather resources.
Playing GM+ My team has Shroom girl, energy girl and the kitsume, always making holy spirits and fusing them to make more powerful monsters. Fusion is best if you invest on crystals. Feed them lava heart, kill the king and use his heart for regenerating, still cant decide who else is strong, used the dragon before yes its powerful, I just don't have it yet.
The game does become very easy eventually, but takes a lot to get there, play the very long version.


Oct 5, 2018
for exp, get a couple fairies to produce fairy dust. Pretty certain they can produce fairy dust while working, so stick them somewhere useful.

This coupled with any regular semen producing monster (2 centaurs in teh farm set to milk?) can produce exp potions with 2-3 uses that requires no relations, and can be used outside of Aila's training. (so you can make more money through flipping soldiers, or use it to boost creatures.)


Aug 14, 2019
I'm wondering if there is a way for other character to learn new move

I'm playing as the druid and he is the only one that learned a new skill plus after training in the arena the game is saying that he learned a new attack but he still has those 5 move so how do you get those other attacks ?


Nov 10, 2019
I'm wondering if there is a way for other character to learn new move

I'm playing as the druid and he is the only one that learned a new skill plus after training in the arena the game is saying that he learned a new attack but he still has those 5 move so how do you get those other attacks ?
Your hero can learn new moves, yes. To change the current setup, open you character panel in town (click your portrait), then click the spell you want to replace and it will give you the list of spells you have available. All 3 player characters have their own way of learning new spells.

Other units can't learn new spells. If you want to get out of the race-based skills you have to rely and breeding and fusing, and hoping that the right skills have been inherited.
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Jan 4, 2020
Does anyone know where can i find more healing silk? I want to craft stability potions and that's the only ingredient i don't know how to get


Nov 10, 2019
Does anyone know where can i find more healing silk? I want to craft stability potions and that's the only ingredient i don't know how to get
I seem to get some naturally every day, but i haven't identified the source precisely. I -think- it's tied to a specific combo of mood and town actions because of how much i have (more than any X type units i have). Could also be part of the "treasure events" in exploration, since it just says "you found treasure".

You'd have too look at the game files to know for sure, sorry.

EDIT : definitely portal treasure! I got 4 in one exploration very early game. So go explore and rack up some of the stuff.
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Feb 20, 2021
I don't know if it's a bug or not but in the new update, when you start breeding two characters, with one of them having Bloodline, you must put the Bloodline characters on the left hand interface or the game will ignore their gene level. The game seems to only consider the gene level from the left characters, not the right

Anyway, I got back to playing some more though I still don't know how to unlock the new ending. I also gave up on cheesing with Spirits and instead cheese it with Kitsune. My favorite traits for them right now is Charging/Infused and Ancient Power. Have the Prince create water/Tsunami to double the lightning damage wet characters take and bam, 160 damage every button press, and I press it 5 time every turn. The only weakness is Ambush lol


New Member
Jan 4, 2020
Thanks clockwinding for trying to help, but i still couldn't find any after exploring quite a bit (idk if i was just unlucky or doing something wrong) but i found another way of acquiring it. In case anyone needs it: unique spidergirl Meira produces healing silk (she's the healer at the market, and she offers to join you after healing 5 injured characters).


Feb 20, 2021
Anyone has any idea on the true ending? The Druid's hint is about using certain Artifact in certain portal but their side is not sure which


Nov 10, 2019
Anyone has any idea on the true ending? The Druid's hint is about using certain Artifact in certain portal but their side is not sure which
You have to play every character, each one has a unique hint that will bring you another part of the answer. Make sure to do the story and artifacts portals!

Thanks clockwinding for trying to help, but i still couldn't find any after exploring quite a bit (idk if i was just unlucky or doing something wrong) but i found another way of acquiring it. In case anyone needs it: unique spidergirl Meira produces healing silk (she's the healer at the market, and she offers to join you after healing 5 injured characters).
I usually play with permadeath on, so I've never even met Meira... also 1/day is so slow! I get 4-10 a day by exploring through portals and picking up treasure >.<
Maybe you'll have better luck with unstable portals? I'm getting them in normals and stabilized though.
But this game has some weird quirks sometimes, i somehow get 1 ice semen/day with 0 ice character in my roster. Some other resources too sometimes, but that may be because i put every idle character to fishing. Maybe it's fishing?


Nov 10, 2019
Quick question for readers here : what's your favorite starting profession for you MC, and why?

At first i went with fighter/magician because it's noob-friendly (MC more powerful gives you more room for early mistakes), but then i quickly realised the potential of "breeder", because it just boosts the speed of your power-ramp so much. I've done my "hero" run, 600%, lone wolf etc... for the achivements/unlocks, only have the newest Alt ending stuff to do now. (been playing since version 0.9.X for the record)

And now, since update 0.15 you can choose a focus on breeding or fusing in the farm, and the breeding focus does almost the same as the starting profession. combining the two doesn't give much more, might as well take architect to get the 4th hatchery upgrade slot, so i've experimented a bit more.
And my new happy place is "Soul Reaper". What it does is give you access to four specific crafting recipes, one of which is the starting soul wand, that can rip souls on 1 hp targets. A bit tricky, but you only need to get 10 to get rolling and it's easy to do in early arena fights, or wild fights in low hostility portals if you've taken the "+2 plants" modifier pre-game.
The other crafts are a gene potion, that gives +2 random genes (except MaxLvl), that i'm using to give +10 genes to my breeders, meaning i'm skipping MANY generations of breeding to reach the result i like and that gives me more time in portals/summoning spirits to hunt for specific traits.
The Soul Orb is an accessory slot equipment that offers you +10 mana, +5 MAG power and can empower you 10 times for 0 AP (+50% MAG power in fight for a turn) for -2 LRes.
And the last is a weapon with swing Aoe (full damage on all 3 tiles, unlike cleave), that has very strong stats (+3 STR, +2 MAG, -2 LRes) and an interesting passive : if a target is alive after being hit, kill it and reap its soul if "leftover hp =/< MAG of weapon wielder". If you're breeding right, or with just a bit of equipment, you can start to AoE wipe fights with any magus type unit, and reap tons of souls for your gene potions. Combined with the "telekinetic" trait, easily obtained from Castalia (200 research points), your scythe wielders will effectively hit for "MAG+kill if leftover =/< MAG". The only other weapon coming close to it damage-wise is the spectral sword, but it's a simple weapon still, whereas the scythe can snowball your breeding and equipment at the same time. The weapon itself also hits as "true damage", ignoring armor and resistances.

Soul Reaper isn't a straightforward combat profession for your MC (no stats bonuses), and it's gate-kept by requiring ectoplasm for crafts (easy for Creation once you've found a single specter though). However in good hands, it's going to give you OP units in no time, and reading the "soul collected" in the combat log after a scythe strike is just so satisfying. I've been able to one-shot bosses (250+ health!!!) playing as Evolution with the scythe, it's just that insane, and it changes from the usual "lightning storm" cheese.

How about you people?
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Oct 14, 2019
I'm a scrub who prefers freeplay over actual games (that way I don't eventually lose in exchange for not being able to win). Of my unlocked professions I prefer Druid/Battlemaster because lots of battle stats without taking any trait slots used, for starting traits I give him fast, strong, beautiful, resilient, and intelligent for Castalia's 200 reward I take Berserker. After I get him set up with levels I slot in Jump, Mind Control, Backstab, and Swipe. I give him the first frost spear I can get my hands on then just let him run wild, fights do take time but I prefer to be able to breeze through 30+ fights without worrying about mana or camping.


Feb 20, 2021
My favorite profession is actually just noble. Sometimes back it was bugged in the exponential department and after a few hundred days, the number counter broke and you have negative money. Outside of that, I don't need anything else with Druid. In the new update, it's extremely easy to play Druid with a fusion focus, considering it's extremely easy to fuse a few STR gene 7/8 or Magic gene 7/8 Seedlings and then evolve them up to level 20 to graft them onto units that need a quick boost


May 3, 2019
Spent few weeks trying to get into how this game works... Haaaaaaaaah... On one hand - this is an absolutely amazing game that manages to succeed where other games of this genre fail (breeding/fusion/battle system, gorgeous art style, and it even gives you some semblance of a story, separated between trio of completely different characters).
On other hand... Playing this game feels like... like when your little nephew saw somebody playing some board game like D&D or MTG, decided to make his own game and forces you to play it... There's a shitton of overly complicated and completely unintuitive systems/interface with little to no explanation on some things (like these freaking dates), broken balance and difficulty that either gives you a walk in a park or rips your ass apart...
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Aug 14, 2019
Your hero can learn new moves, yes. To change the current setup, open you character panel in town (click your portrait), then click the spell you want to replace and it will give you the list of spells you have available. All 3 player characters have their own way of learning new spells.

Other units can't learn new spells. If you want to get out of the race-based skills you have to rely and breeding and fusing, and hoping that the right skills have been inherited.
I misread he only gained skill point not a new skill, but is there a way to train faster or the only way is the training room , and I also wanna know about the level system like what do you need for a character to reach past level 5 I only know the starter you can enpower or use a king potion (does the druid reset his level or it's just a bug) sorry for late reply.
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