
Feb 20, 2021
Dude... 95 Max Lvl potion on a single character? that's next level grind right there >.>
What a fkin flex!

Edit: or does the unlimiter pre-game modifier let you breed over MaxLvl20...and genes too, since with vanilla stat lines achieving +3Magic/level should be close to impossible... but with those traits...hmmm... Never tried it so not sure. Amazing flex anyway.
The Ascended achievement unlocked Ascended profession which can increase all of your unit stat growth by 0.3 every two dayz or increase their max level by 5 every 2 days. After you unlock it, everything become a big joke


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Found this game after seeing the artist's work on other sites and wondering what they were up to. It's proving to be fun, but fuck I'm confused. I've been going through the thread at random looking for tips and tore through the wiki, but most of what I'm finding looks like super late game info or stuff that's super basic and kind of leaves you at a wall. 90% of what I'm seeing in this thread is so over my heads its scary lol

So time to do what ever scrub does and ask a bunch of questions that are probably super basic.

Anyone know if there's a more complete guide out there that explains how to progress beyond the fist couple portals? I'm finding myself hitting a difficulty wall with level 5+ enemies. Everything either has 4x my highest character's HP or hits hard enough to roll through me. It's feeling like I need to start breeding for stat boosts super early, but then I don't have anything leveled enough to the second portal.

Also, how the heck does Evolution actually work lol

Are all perks from all trees applied at all times? Or do you only get the perks from a given tree when one of your two base species are using that tree's species? And does this have any connection whatsoever with the advance form stuff? Because it seems to let me modify myself way beyond that two base species.

And is there some less painful way to level new characters to catch them up to your current party without having to backtrack through difficulties? The student/teacher thing seems really slow compared to grinding it out.

Is there a trick for boosting your characters' stats beyond breeding for +1 gains and then pushing the eggs as much as you can? That loop seems to be take like 5-7 in-game days for minor increases, which doesn't feel nearly fast enough to keep up with the difficulty curve.

This is feeling like one of those games where if I get past the wall I've run into, I'll be happily breaking the game with you all soon enough lol


Nov 10, 2019
Found this game after seeing the artist's work on other sites and wondering what they were up to. It's proving to be fun, but fuck I'm confused. I've been going through the thread at random looking for tips and tore through the wiki, but most of what I'm finding looks like super late game info or stuff that's super basic and kind of leaves you at a wall. 90% of what I'm seeing in this thread is so over my heads its scary lol

So time to do what ever scrub does and ask a bunch of questions that are probably super basic.

Anyone know if there's a more complete guide out there that explains how to progress beyond the fist couple portals? I'm finding myself hitting a difficulty wall with level 5+ enemies. Everything either has 4x my highest character's HP or hits hard enough to roll through me. It's feeling like I need to start breeding for stat boosts super early, but then I don't have anything leveled enough to the second portal.

Also, how the heck does Evolution actually work lol

Are all perks from all trees applied at all times? Or do you only get the perks from a given tree when one of your two base species are using that tree's species? And does this have any connection whatsoever with the advance form stuff? Because it seems to let me modify myself way beyond that two base species.

And is there some less painful way to level new characters to catch them up to your current party without having to backtrack through difficulties? The student/teacher thing seems really slow compared to grinding it out.

Is there a trick for boosting your characters' stats beyond breeding for +1 gains and then pushing the eggs as much as you can? That loop seems to be take like 5-7 in-game days for minor increases, which doesn't feel nearly fast enough to keep up with the difficulty curve.

This is feeling like one of those games where if I get past the wall I've run into, I'll be happily breaking the game with you all soon enough lol
No shame in asking.

Couple first portals are great to get some early resources like wood, and a few crystals in overworld events, and you don't really need to try and recruit in there.

You can win fights with underpowered units with good knowledge of the ai and mechanics, but your starter/early units will probably find more use in moneymaking or getting resources than fighting. Brothel, hunting, fishing, crafting resources, that kind of stuff.
With that early money and portal resources you can hire new stronger units at the tavern and complete quests there.

You're hitting a wall in combat because there is one, really. But you can avoid fights and still explore the map for rewards.

About the base stat/gene farming, it's good to begin early, but leveling up spirits is a quicker alternative for the first generations. They're weak but easy to level up: in portals you can keep them on the bench and they still get 75%xp (which is then doubled because they're spirits), you can pay Aila for training twice a day (relationship >20, just gift her a bit of gold if you don't wanna fight in arena), or craft xp potions.
When they hit max lvl, spirits can be reshaped to return to lvl 1 for +3 max level and +2 random genes. You can do that quickly multiple times a day! Then fuse the spirit with his new higher genes to the unit you'd like to raise. Or, evolve the spirit to a form that can breed, make a second one, and make your own spirit breeding farm with innately high genes.

Beyond the gene boost, breeding is more about finding desirable traits for your units. Strong+heavy+resilient will net you 45% bonus strength and health for example. Great for a fighter. Similar combos exist for supports and mages or seducers.

Something very important to keep in mind to build a team: every species scales each stat differently, on top of having diferent growth types. A centaur with 3 health gene will grow hp faster than a harpy with 10! The point being not every unit can fit every role. Hover your cursor on the unit's level to see the species scaling, and on the lvltype for the class scaling.

Finally, let's tackle Evolution. Everything you unlock in the skill trees is active, yes! Don't bother buying gene upgrades for Evo herself if you don't need to use her for breeding, better unlock a special form early or get some flat stats.
Transforming into an unlocked species is useful to cross breed and create specific units or access specific spells before unlocking them in the skill tree.
The chimera form is different though, you unlock new parts by performing rituals with different species. Ritual a Lymean and you'll get their mana cap, granting you mana and the heal spell. Ritual a seer, get their special magical eyes as a power (magic sight trait)! Some powerful parts are unlockable through the skill trees, but they're not mandatory. Get a harpy's wings to change your move type from normal to flying and ignore terrain move penalties! A lizardgirl's scaled for bonus armor! A succubus' bloody halo! Etc... Each part comes with bonuses and maluses in stats, some grant you bonus spells too.
Evolution is versatility incarnate, and she's able to fill any fighting or breeding role at any time.
And finally her most OP power: copy/pasting traits from one unit to another, Evolution herself included! Evo can learn any trait she encounters one your units, and give one of them to each unit; it's a gold mine for breeding powerful units and accumulate specialized traits over the generations. The most OP part is the ability to do that on any creature; Creation and Druid have the same ability, but very restricted to their own special units.

Welcome to the game-breakers club!
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Apr 23, 2020
Man, I would appreciate a filter system on this game, it would be easier for me to find a specific kind of monster instead of navigate through 120 monsters


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
No shame in asking.
You say that, but I'm always waiting for someone to get mad that I didn't go through all 70 pages lol

Thank you for the answer!

Couple first portals are great to get some early resources like wood, and a few crystals in overworld events, and you don't really need to try and recruit in there.

You can win fights with underpowered units with good knowledge of the ai and mechanics, but your starter/early units will probably find more use in moneymaking or getting resources than fighting. Brothel, hunting, fishing, crafting resources, that kind of stuff.
With that early money and portal resources you can hire new stronger units at the tavern and complete quests there.

You're hitting a wall in combat because there is one, really. But you can avoid fights and still explore the map for rewards.
Okay, I should switch my focus then. I knew I could blitz the king's quest exploration, but then hit the wall immediately after. Sounds like instead of trying to go crazy trying to level my early party, I should get the money and breeding rolling early instead and just rely on that. Makes sense.

About the base stat/gene farming, it's good to begin early, but leveling up spirits is a quicker alternative for the first generations.
Shit, I kind of didn't touch spirits at all. During low level combat they seemed so useless that I pushed them out of the group entirely. And I didn't realize you could keep them on the bench like that.

Finally, let's tackle Evolution. Everything you unlock in the skill trees is active, yes! Don't bother buying gene upgrades for Evo herself if you don't need to use her for breeding, better unlock a special form early or get some flat stats.
When you say special forms, are you talking the special drop down bellow the two species dropdowns on the transformation page? On my current save I unlocked forest stalker, and on a previous one I unlocked the robot, but I didn't see any stat changes when selecting them. I thought they were cosmetic, shit. Looking at it now, it looks like they give unique skills. Is that their main benefit?

I was using the MC as straight damage and I didn't use forest stalker for backstab or pierce, both of which looks strong as fuck.

The chimera form is different though, you unlock new parts by performing rituals with different species.
Okay, sounds like I figured that system out at least.

And finally her most OP power: copy/pasting traits from one unit to another, Evolution herself included! Evo can learn any trait she encounters one your units, and give one of them to each unit; it's a gold mine for breeding powerful units and accumulate specialized traits over the generations. The most OP part is the ability to do that on any creature; Creation and Druid have the same ability, but very restricted to their own special units.
Okay, yeah. That part I was doing right at least. I just hadn't taken it far enough, early enough. And using fusion, it seems like you can drop traits as well. So, in theory so far, I imagine you can use the MC to breed (mostly) duplicates of the species/stats you want, and then use a combination of fusion and adapt to force the perk combos I want on the exact species combo I'd want.

I think if I switch up my early game focus I might be able to make this work,

Welcome to the game-breakers club!
Thanks! And thanks again for all the help.


Nov 10, 2019
When you say special forms, are you talking the special drop down bellow the two species dropdowns on the transformation page? On my current save I unlocked forest stalker, and on a previous one I unlocked the robot, but I didn't see any stat changes when selecting them. I thought they were cosmetic, shit. Looking at it now, it looks like they give unique skills. Is that their main benefit?

I was using the MC as straight damage and I didn't use forest stalker for backstab or pierce, both of which looks strong as fuck.
Yes, special forms refer to the drop-down list. But that list also includes super hybrids (a few precise combinations of 3 species) and impure species.
Evolution has her own special forms that you unlock in the skill trees: strength form, speed form, support form, lust form, magic form, and god form (unlocked when you learn the other special forms). Those are unique and powerful, with their own stats and spells, very good early-mid game while you're learning new chimera parts.

Tldr: chimera best form for versatility and late game specialisation (and/or fashion), special forms for strong early-mid game, god-form is powerful all-rounder with special spells.


Dec 17, 2020
to note: for example you are in god mode when you breed with anyone, God mode can also pass down Thunder (Forgot it's name) and something else. the thunder one is the best thing to get in my opinion. good damage while being able to hit 5 foes. the only drawback is 15 Mana and using up stamina as well, which I do not mind. absolutely broken in my opinion for arena or training (If you need a tavern quest to have specific level based request with any basic species).

and I know there are people out there who already know this.


Feb 20, 2021
question where do i get crystal framents?
Try Stable Portal, they have a chance to spawn Crystal on the map, they gave 4 crystals when harvest as well as 2 Crystal Fragments.

The Druid is very easy to play this update. At first, you can simply ignore everything and train in the Arena until you get enough Strength point to upgrade the Seedling evolution. Then you switch to Dex and train until you get the other Seedlings upgrade. Optionally, you can also go all in in Dex to get Adaptation from the skill tree, but you are very much done with the skill tree.

Then, spawn a fuck ton of Seedlings, optionally, you can try the tavern to see if there are any unit with good traits you want for your Seedlings, like Potential, Ancient Power, Strong, Heavy, Resilient, Wild, etc.

Choose Fusion focus at farm.

Fuse 2 Seedling together from all the fodders you have until you have at least a good 6 Strength Seedlings and decent HP. Then, you adapt two or three Seedlings with good trait and fuse them together with the 6 Strength Seedling so that it has those good trait. Getting a 6 Strength Seedlings are really quick, easily before day 12.

Get at least 2 Strength 6 Seedlings, with one male and one female through fusing

Then, you can train them at the Arena, and evolve them into their Stronger base form a few times. In my opinion, 2 level 12 Seedlings with good traits are easily enough for the very short and short game.

At around level 8, even a base seedling with good gene and trait can solo Training map for EXP. Anyway, you should get at least a level 6/12 Seedlings Dragon and a level 6/12 Seedling Monster for the artifact map, now the artifact map become your farming ground as they level your Seedling extremely quick.

That can get you through the short game. Seedlings level also scale exponentially, so you can get a level 20 Seedling Dragons later on if you wish, you can also have the two Seedling Dragons breed in the farm too (with Bloodline because Fusion focus mean Breeding suck) and output Giga dragons that can decimate the long game.

But a short game is enough for the first game.

Important: You should kill at least one world boss in the game map with Seedlings such as the Mushroom and the Kitsune. The Kraken and Liferoot are not suitable for Seedlings dragons. This is so that you unlock Giant Slayer achievement for later perk.

In all later game, you should take the Giant Slayer perk for the 100 piece of Boss bait, with Boss bait, you can summon Boss monster on the stable map. With level 12s Dragon, you can find Kitsune boss and kill them. Boss Bait help you find them quicker. Kitsune has Thunderstorm which are nice.

Here are the true cheese.

Follow everything like the first game. Kill a Kitsune and hatch a Kitsune eggs.

The Kitsune hatched suck.

However, if you kill the King as Druid, you gain the ability to sacrifice Seedling to give Kitsune the Seedling's gene level. Two level 12 Seedlings Dragons with good gene can kill the King

You could spawn dozens of fodder Seedlings and fuse them up until their Magic is at least 7 or 8. Then, you can take the Seedlings with 7 or 8 magic and the Seedlings Dragons to Evolve the base Seedling to level 20. Optionally you can also look in tavern for good magic trait.

Then, adapt the level 20 Seedlings with Bloodline and sacrifice it to the Kitsune. Take the Kitsune to the farm and breed it, creating a level 20 egg with 7 or 8 magic.

The level 8 magic Kitsune can be upgraded to level 10 magic Kitsune, don't bother with anything else except level, Magic and Mana. Don't bother with Traits, Druid is OP with traits with the sacrifice.

Tah dah, you now have a full team of max level 20 Kitsune with 10 magic gene and Thunderstorm.

You can spawn a bunch of Seedling and start adapting them with traits.

For example, you adapt one Seedling with Arcane, one with Potential, you fuse both of them and focus on Arcane and Potential to get a Seedling with only Arcane and Potential. Then you adapt the new Seedling with Condense and Sacrifice them to a Kitsune.

I can reliably spawn 5 Godlike Kitsune (not that one in my pic) on day 20, and sleep my way to the end.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
The wiki says the requirement for unlocking "Ascended" is "Beat Challenge rank 10": what are these "Challenges"? King quests? "Ranked" arena battles? Something else [that I am blissfully missing due to Free Mode]?


Nov 10, 2019
The wiki says the requirement for unlocking "Ascended" is "Beat Challenge rank 10": what are these "Challenges"? King quests? "Ranked" arena battles? Something else [that I am blissfully missing due to Free Mode]?
Challenge level refers to bonus hardship modifiers in subsequent runs. Beat challenge 0 (base game) and you'll unlock "challenge 1" for the next game. Beat challenge 1 to unlock challenge 2, etc... up to 10. You can go beyond 10 but modifiers just repeat (still add onto each other...). Since you have to complete the game, it's impossible in free play.

It's not too hard to win 30-days runs to climb if you're well-acquainted with the game mechanics, as long as you don't play with high difficulty %.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
To elaborate more on finding the setting, once you beat the game once, there should now be a "Challenge" selection that shows up when setting up a new game near the bottom left of the screen just above the "Confirm/Start" button. It won't appear until you satisfy the requirement of beating the game once though, so don't freak if it's not there yet.
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Aug 14, 2019
To destroy hives do you need to spam combat on the tentacle tiles and is it useful to unlock alchemy (idk how it work)?


Nov 10, 2019
To destroy hives do you need to spam combat on the tentacle tiles and is it useful to unlock alchemy (idk how it work)?
You need to fight on the hive's tile once, then once you're back in the overworld you have the option to "destroy hive", just like you have "cut wood" on a forest tile or "mine rock" on a mountain tile.

Alchemy means potions in the farm, for breeding. The alchemy upgrades are for trait and skill inheritance mostly, but can also help you raise genes (reduce difference between the 2 partners, or boost 1) at the cost of money/day. Some potions are exclusive to overworld events, though (powerful breeding potion, xp potion...).
Aug 19, 2017
Made a basic cheat table for CE, can edit most of characters stats. Doesnt flag savefile as cheated.
Might add more functions to it later if anyone would be interested in it.

Going to be editing this post with updates.

As of the patch 0.19 most of the stuff is broken, might fix it later, but no promises.

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Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
Looks like Cloud Meadow with direction, a focus on things that matter (the fn porn) and real art not just pixels.

Followed. Got a backlog, but this has definitely caught my eye.
4.10 star(s) 85 Votes