So what was released??Working as hard as possible to release something ortomorrow.(today)
Episode 1 rework, and episode 2 and proof of concept. But... since episode 2 is HEAVY... at least from my PoV as a developer, it will take several updates to make it completed. This means 19 rooms and 5 planned endings. Planned but not implemented. In the end, If there is a time pressure, there might be only 3.What is coming update about? PoVesti or Ritual?
zar nije vec izasla epzioda 3 na patreonu i to pre 10 dana? idalje niko nije leak-ovao?What pressure? If your patrons want a good Episode 2 they shall let you do your thing as long as it takes. Creating a good update takes time.
Thanks a lot for your hard work bro. I really appreciate the hard work you put into making this, can't wait to see what you put up nextEpisode 1 rework, and episode 2 and proof of concept. But... since episode 2 is HEAVY... at least from my PoV as a developer, it will take several updates to make it completed. This means 19 rooms and 5 planned endings. Planned but not implemented. In the end, If there is a time pressure, there might be only 3.
when?Working as hard as possible to release something ortomorrow.(today)