Fan Art Power Vacuum: Fan art and Assets


Mar 6, 2018
2. What if the american government mandates every white family in america to participate in a social activity to "fight racism". Sterling harem get taken away from him by a professional agent sent to his house to "familiarise" the family? (Interracial + NTR)

In this what if? Hunter is dead, gone, he has dissapeared after a time, whatever the reason he is not present. But the drugs is still in uses in the house.

The idea is to explore a new fetish that was teased by Ophelia a few chapter before, interracial. And it is also an excellent opportunity for comedy and make jokes about government, society, twitter, etc. I mean the point of the premise is very ridiculous so the developper can took full advantage of it for humor purpose.

The agent would come to the house and explain to them that this is a very serious program that the government is enforcing in order to make citizen to be conscious about biggotry and the history of racism in the USA.

At first it would seem completely innocent as the agent would be explaing them the basic principles... but then the tone would shift a bit and the agent would require to meet every member of the family in private. And he would start with Sterling and ask him if he would mind if any member of his family would be dating a black man.

Sterling would say that he does not mind as he is not in a position to reveal that he has been getting sex with his family and he wouldn't like it if ANY men would seduce them... But he realise that if he is honest, it would sound either racist or at least very weird that he wants no man getting intimate with them.

So he answer that he does not mind... but the agent quickly catches that Sterling is NOT fully honest. He says that Streling can leave for now and once Sterling is out, he tells himself that he would makes sure to "test" his words. And he will make sure he is alone with his test subject whenever it's required.

Afterwards, Ophelia would speak with Sterling and admit that the financial situation is getting worst and Sterling is now going to have torubles helping her with that while being part of the program. Ophelia tell him that she might have to take difficult decision and make Sterling swear to understand if she does. Sterling begrugingly agrees but tell her he will find a way.

A) The agent would first meet Brenna. The agent would say that they need to know each other before proceeding and he ask her what does she do to gain money. Brenna would be evasive but the agent would remind her that lying to a government agent is a felony but as long as what she does is legal, there is nothing wrong with it, everything would remain confidential.

Brenna admits that she has an onlyfans channel and that is how she has been using her body to make money. The agent would ask more personal question about said occupation and she would admit that while her fans likes her content, they have been asking for something new, something fresh. The agent would ask if her fans would like to see her doing interracial stuff?

Brenna is a bit taken a back by such a suggestion and say that she didn't think about it but she would have to find the good person for such a job. The agent would tell her that he wouldn't mind "helping" her. Brenna would tell him that she wouldn't dare as he is a serious government representatives. But the agent would tell her that nobody will know and even if they did, this program allows him to do so in order to fight racism.

Brenna would be uncomfortable but the agent would tell that he is suspicious that she might be biggoted because she refuse to do her onlyfans with a black man while she was fine doing the same with a white man... Brenna is taken a back but she quickly fight back by saying that her customers will only like it if the penis of the man she is "acting" with is HUGE. The agent would reveal his size and Brenna would be amazed that he is bigger than Sterling.

Brenna would "begrundgingly" accept his offer and when her fans would ask for her more during the activity, the agent would take the lead and Brenna would become addicted...

B) Then the agent would meet Ophelia and he would ask her about her occupation. Ophelia would admit that she does not do much apart of being a mother and that she sometimes ask herself if she could have done more... The agent would tell her that there is nothing wrong with being a mother at home. Taking care of her kids is a noble goal. Ophelia would thank him for these words.

The agent would follow by saying that the new program of the US government is not just to fight racism but at the same time encourage the birth rates and heal american demography. Any mixed-raced race baby or baby of color that is being born will receive significant amount of money. And white women who agrees to carry a mixed race baby are not even forced to raise them herself if she does not want but simply accepts of being a surrogate mother.

Ophelia would say that while this is good for the people who are in these kind of relationship, she ask why does this help does not extend to the white couples? The agents that it's due to systemic racism for so long that the government trying to do a bit more to catch up and at the time fix the racism as much as possible... Ophelia is a bit uncomfortable at that part and the agents notices that.

He tell her that considering her financial situation, this program would solve any money problems she has if she agrees to carry a mixed race child. Ophelia would say that she is not THAT desperate and the agents would ask her what does she man by "THAT" desperate, subtly accusing her of biggotry.

Ophelia would defend herself that she is not racist. The agents would remind her that one baby and she would have more than enough to fix her problems, so why does she refuse? Ophelia would say that she is not that kind of girl that carries babies without having sex and choosing her partner very carefully. It needs to be someone that will be good for her...

And the agents would show her his HUGE dong. At the same time as the drugs of Hunter are still in effect, Ophelia is amazed at the agents size. And him reminding her that she would do this for the good of her family, Ophelia accepts the deal...

C) Then the agent would meet Catherine during her gym activity and would ask her what she knows about interracial relaionship (not necessarly sexual). Catherine would be mistrustful because she does not trust government agent, but she isn't the smartest and the agent would quickly uses her gulible nature to get more friendly with her.

Time passes and the agent would speak to her about the importance of not being racist to people who have suffered from systemic racism. He ask her how many of her friends were black. Catherine would say that there isn't. The agent would tell her that this is very bad. Immediatly Catherine would ask why this is bad and the agents would answer that it's because it means she knows very little about the experience and the biggotry black people suffer from.

And she needs to open her horizon in order to know about the difficult situation of black people. He also ask her if she ever had a loving relationship with a black man. Catherine would admit that she didn't because she could not connect with any of the black men she met so she basically told herself that she wouldn't date a black man in the future.

The agents would tell her that excluding an entire ethnicity of her dating life is indeed racist... but if she wants he can familiarise her with that to "fix" her racism. Catherine being gulible say that she absolutely will do anything to avoid being a biggot. The agent would then offer himself and he would show his Penis. Under the influence of the drug being gassed in the house, Catherine told herself that she is fighting racism and she "accepts" the agents help...

Weeks later, Sterling realise that the girls are very different and they are very evasive when he tries to initiate sex encounter with them. They either refuses or find excuse to avoid him whenever he gets too touchy or clingly. Eventually, the agent would tell him that Sterling will have to participate in the experience, he will have to work in the "field" (outside around the pool doing manual labor).

During the job Sterling has to do, the agents would tell him about this place and how it used to be manage by an evil white slaver who forced black men to work around his house while he enjoyed taking casual pleasure while they forced to work seven days a week... And at the same time while he is telling him about the story of this ground, unkown to Sterling, the agent is either fucking Brenna, receiving a Paizuri from Ophelia or getting a Blowjob From Catherine.

Sterling would quickly say that he is sure it was horrible but he is glad that slavery is gone. The agent would agree but then he will tell him about how much these black men suffered while not only working under extreme temperature but they had to look at these gorgeous white women walking in front of them and they as slave could never touch or be intimate with them while the slave master got both the pleasure AND their work and giving them nothing in return... Wouldn't that be a terrible thing to live throught?...

And Sterling would agree again while continuing his work and the agents would be satisfied with his answer...

Months later, the agents would tell Sterling that the program is nearly done and soon they could go back to their normal life. He would just need one final thing to do tonight, Sterling would be glad that this is nearly over.

At night, the agents would require everyone to be around the table and would tell all of the family that they have done wonderfull and they passed every test as a family firmly set against racism. But there is a big announcment that he needs to do before... and Ophelia would be smiling. They would announce that soon the agents and her will be getting married.

Sterling is Taken a back by this revelation, especially as the agents and his mother are kissing passionetely. Ophelia would reveal that she is pregnant. Sterling is asking what the hell is going on. And the agents would ask why he seems upset that his mother has found love after the death of her husband? Or is he racist that his new stepfather in question is black? Sterling cannot find a counter-argument as he cannot reveal that he desired his own mother, so he quickly has to reisgn himself even if he is clearly uncomfortable about it.

But then Brenna and Catherine would admit that they are not outside this relationship and they are also both pregnant with the agent's kids. Sterling gets even more upset and reask what the hell is going on and the girl would defend themselves by asking why was Sterling allowed to have sex with so many women but apparently he should be the only one being allowed to be promiscuous? Aren't the women allowed to have other sex partner or is he the only one who can? And Ophelia would remind him that Sterling said he would understand the necessity to solve their financial situation.

At this moment, having mixed-raced kids allows them to solve all of those problems, shouldn't be happy about it? Sterling realise that he cannot really counter these arguments and after a time he resigns himself.

Months passes and Sterling has to help raise the kids in the house. The girls are still nice to him... but they no longer have sex with him and tell him how great he is as an uncle/brother to his new siblings...

Tell me if I did a mistake there or how I could improve it.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2021
2. What if the american government mandates every white family in america to participate in a social activity to "fight racism". Sterling harem get taken away from him by a professional agent sent to his house to "familiarise" the family? (Interracial + NTR)

In this what if? Hunter is dead, gone, he has dissapeared after a time, whatever the reason he is not present. But the drugs is still in uses in the house.

The idea is to explore a new fetish that was teased by Ophelia a few chapter before, interracial. And it is also an excellent opportunity for comedy and make jokes about government, society, twitter, etc. I mean the point of the premise is very ridiculous so the developper can took full advantage of it for humor purpose.

The agent would come to the house and explain to them that this is a very serious program that the government is enforcing in order to make citizen to be conscious about biggotry and the history of racism in the USA.

At first it would seem completely innocent as the agent would be explaing them the basic principles... but then the tone would shift a bit and the agent would require to meet every member of the family in private. And he would start with Sterling and ask him if he would mind if any member of his family would be dating a black man.

Sterling would say that he does not mind as he is not in a position to reveal that he has been getting sex with his family and he wouldn't like it if ANY men would seduce them... But he realise that if he is honest, it would sound either racist or at least very weird that he wants no man getting intimate with them.

So he answer that he does not mind... but the agent quickly catches that Sterling is NOT fully honest. He says that Streling can leave for now and once Sterling is out, he tells himself that he would makes sure to "test" his words. And he will make sure he is alone with his test subject whenever it's required.

Afterwards, Ophelia would speak with Sterling and admit that the financial situation is getting worst and Sterling is now going to have torubles helping her with that while being part of the program. Ophelia tell him that she might have to take difficult decision and make Sterling swear to understand if she does. Sterling begrugingly agrees but tell her he will find a way.

A) The agent would first meet Brenna. The agent would say that they need to know each other before proceeding and he ask her what does she do to gain money. Brenna would be evasive but the agent would remind her that lying to a government agent is a felony but as long as what she does is legal, there is nothing wrong with it, everything would remain confidential.

Brenna admits that she has an onlyfans channel and that is how she has been using her body to make money. The agent would ask more personal question about said occupation and she would admit that while her fans likes her content, they have been asking for something new, something fresh. The agent would ask if her fans would like to see her doing interracial stuff?

Brenna is a bit taken a back by such a suggestion and say that she didn't think about it but she would have to find the good person for such a job. The agent would tell her that he wouldn't mind "helping" her. Brenna would tell him that she wouldn't dare as he is a serious government representatives. But the agent would tell her that nobody will know and even if they did, this program allows him to do so in order to fight racism.

Brenna would be uncomfortable but the agent would tell that he is suspicious that she might be biggoted because she refuse to do her onlyfans with a black man while she was fine doing the same with a white man... Brenna is taken a back but she quickly fight back by saying that her customers will only like it if the penis of the man she is "acting" with is HUGE. The agent would reveal his size and Brenna would be amazed that he is bigger than Sterling.

Brenna would "begrundgingly" accept his offer and when her fans would ask for her more during the activity, the agent would take the lead and Brenna would become addicted...

B) Then the agent would meet Ophelia and he would ask her about her occupation. Ophelia would admit that she does not do much apart of being a mother and that she sometimes ask herself if she could have done more... The agent would tell her that there is nothing wrong with being a mother at home. Taking care of her kids is a noble goal. Ophelia would thank him for these words.

The agent would follow by saying that the new program of the US government is not just to fight racism but at the same time encourage the birth rates and heal american demography. Any mixed-raced race baby or baby of color that is being born will receive significant amount of money. And white women who agrees to carry a mixed race baby are not even forced to raise them herself if she does not want but simply accepts of being a surrogate mother.

Ophelia would say that while this is good for the people who are in these kind of relationship, she ask why does this help does not extend to the white couples? The agents that it's due to systemic racism for so long that the government trying to do a bit more to catch up and at the time fix the racism as much as possible... Ophelia is a bit uncomfortable at that part and the agents notices that.

He tell her that considering her financial situation, this program would solve any money problems she has if she agrees to carry a mixed race child. Ophelia would say that she is not THAT desperate and the agents would ask her what does she man by "THAT" desperate, subtly accusing her of biggotry.

Ophelia would defend herself that she is not racist. The agents would remind her that one baby and she would have more than enough to fix her problems, so why does she refuse? Ophelia would say that she is not that kind of girl that carries babies without having sex and choosing her partner very carefully. It needs to be someone that will be good for her...

And the agents would show her his HUGE dong. At the same time as the drugs of Hunter are still in effect, Ophelia is amazed at the agents size. And him reminding her that she would do this for the good of her family, Ophelia accepts the deal...

C) Then the agent would meet Catherine during her gym activity and would ask her what she knows about interracial relaionship (not necessarly sexual). Catherine would be mistrustful because she does not trust government agent, but she isn't the smartest and the agent would quickly uses her gulible nature to get more friendly with her.

Time passes and the agent would speak to her about the importance of not being racist to people who have suffered from systemic racism. He ask her how many of her friends were black. Catherine would say that there isn't. The agent would tell her that this is very bad. Immediatly Catherine would ask why this is bad and the agents would answer that it's because it means she knows very little about the experience and the biggotry black people suffer from.

And she needs to open her horizon in order to know about the difficult situation of black people. He also ask her if she ever had a loving relationship with a black man. Catherine would admit that she didn't because she could not connect with any of the black men she met so she basically told herself that she wouldn't date a black man in the future.

The agents would tell her that excluding an entire ethnicity of her dating life is indeed racist... but if she wants he can familiarise her with that to "fix" her racism. Catherine being gulible say that she absolutely will do anything to avoid being a biggot. The agent would then offer himself and he would show his Penis. Under the influence of the drug being gassed in the house, Catherine told herself that she is fighting racism and she "accepts" the agents help...

Weeks later, Sterling realise that the girls are very different and they are very evasive when he tries to initiate sex encounter with them. They either refuses or find excuse to avoid him whenever he gets too touchy or clingly. Eventually, the agent would tell him that Sterling will have to participate in the experience, he will have to work in the "field" (outside around the pool doing manual labor).

During the job Sterling has to do, the agents would tell him about this place and how it used to be manage by an evil white slaver who forced black men to work around his house while he enjoyed taking casual pleasure while they forced to work seven days a week... And at the same time while he is telling him about the story of this ground, unkown to Sterling, the agent is either fucking Brenna, receiving a Paizuri from Ophelia or getting a Blowjob From Catherine.

Sterling would quickly say that he is sure it was horrible but he is glad that slavery is gone. The agent would agree but then he will tell him about how much these black men suffered while not only working under extreme temperature but they had to look at these gorgeous white women walking in front of them and they as slave could never touch or be intimate with them while the slave master got both the pleasure AND their work and giving them nothing in return... Wouldn't that be a terrible thing to live throught?...

And Sterling would agree again while continuing his work and the agents would be satisfied with his answer...

Months later, the agents would tell Sterling that the program is nearly done and soon they could go back to their normal life. He would just need one final thing to do tonight, Sterling would be glad that this is nearly over.

At night, the agents would require everyone to be around the table and would tell all of the family that they have done wonderfull and they passed every test as a family firmly set against racism. But there is a big announcment that he needs to do before... and Ophelia would be smiling. They would announce that soon the agents and her will be getting married.

Sterling is Taken a back by this revelation, especially as the agents and his mother are kissing passionetely. Ophelia would reveal that she is pregnant. Sterling is asking what the hell is going on. And the agents would ask why he seems upset that his mother has found love after the death of her husband? Or is he racist that his new stepfather in question is black? Sterling cannot find a counter-argument as he cannot reveal that he desired his own mother, so he quickly has to reisgn himself even if he is clearly uncomfortable about it.

But then Brenna and Catherine would admit that they are not outside this relationship and they are also both pregnant with the agent's kids. Sterling gets even more upset and reask what the hell is going on and the girl would defend themselves by asking why was Sterling allowed to have sex with so many women but apparently he should be the only one being allowed to be promiscuous? Aren't the women allowed to have other sex partner or is he the only one who can? And Ophelia would remind him that Sterling said he would understand the necessity to solve their financial situation.

At this moment, having mixed-raced kids allows them to solve all of those problems, shouldn't be happy about it? Sterling realise that he cannot really counter these arguments and after a time he resigns himself.

Months passes and Sterling has to help raise the kids in the house. The girls are still nice to him... but they no longer have sex with him and tell him how great he is as an uncle/brother to his new siblings...

Tell me if I did a mistake there or how I could improve it.
I have a few ideas
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