upgrade your ram 16 is not ''too little'' but its definitely below avarage these days close your broswer during gameplay and check with task manager if its actuly closed or just leaching in the background.
good practice for any game really
eh no, the only programs or games that go above 5gb ram for me are indie porn games and heavily modded games like skyrim and minecraft. Aka unoptimized games, most games hover in the 1-4gb range, 5gb is for newer games that are huge. (open-world stuff)
Haven't really tried any super new AAA games tho, but they are notoriously buggy and unoptimized today as they follow the "fix it later" mantra. The latest AAA I played was CP77.
My only thing I have on my pc besides games that go high in ram is firefox and it's due to a ton of extensions, without them, maybe 1gb tops.
So unless you like playing modded games, need some work from an app that eats ram (for good reason), and don't play unoptimized shit, then 16gb is still good. Speed of the ram is of greater concern imo.