vendor trash.What are scrolls good for ?
we dont plan expanding public build CG content. Game is planned to be released on steam eventually, so that would be alternative non-pirate way to unlock themHavent played this in a while and never got around to playing it through, is the stuff in the gallery marked 'patreon only' stuff thats upcoming that will eventually be publically released, or are those things that will ALWAYS remain patreon only?
Whole main cast is already introduced to the game, so are the conflicts, but we're not at the culmination of the story yet. We have a clear plan for main questline, but i cant uncover it for spoiler reasons.How close is the story to completion?
I played it a few years ago and despite the game having a lot of writing and quite a few scenes it all felt like an introduction. Has anything changed since then? Bc I liked the game and want only to play it when the story is finished or close to it.
As mentioned before development is hard to measure but its past half-way. Hopefully it wont take another 6 years as we grew more experienced, slightly expanded the team and have big bulk of fundamentals and visual contents stuff done. Plus we kinda want to make other, new games in the future not to be stuck developing 1 game forever.Sooo how far are we into development?
I saw the update on the page and remembered this game from years ago and it looked fun and ambitious but forgot it again since I am one of the rare souls that wait for a games completion before playing it xD
Development began 6 years ago. So my mentality bites me in the ass again
For a dedicated dev team of several people, who are presumably working full time with the amount of money they are making, this is a long time.
I think the question when the game is being finished is genuine and not intended to stir up drama.
Just curious after all this time.
Right click on a skill upgrade there a way to undo you skill point
This doesn't workSince release 30 the game kind of works with BepInEx again as it uses Unity 2022.3. This means:
Download: Mega
- Those interested in Machine Translating the game with XUnity.AutoTranslator might attempt to do so again (note that the game supports some other languages, check it out in the options). I did a short test and it seemed to be working partially: hotkeys like Alt+0 don't work but most text seems to be translating.
- I'll release the Patreon Crack as a BepInEx plugin as it requires less effort to maintain.
You must be registered to see the links
Q: What is this?
It's a crack that enables patreon content and removes the code to unlock the gallery.
Q: How do I use it?
Place all files in the root game folder (same folder as PriceForFreedom.exe). If you see a console window when you start the game you installed it correctly. The first time you launch the game or when you update the game it will take longer to load as BepInEx is doing its thing.
Q: Can I use this on Mac/Linux?
No, works on Windows x64 only. You might be able to get it to work with Wine/Crossover/Proton/VM. But no plan to support more platforms from my side.
Q: Can you help me with ...?
No. Cracks are provided as is. If you have any issues consider supporting the Devs and their work. Free version with locked content is totally playable.
works perfectly fine with me, even after the automatic updateThis doesn't work
Yes there will probably be a separate SFW version of the game (same story but skips the scenes). Hopefully we can make it good enough to stand on its own legs.just want to ask, do you will make like sfw mode or like stream mode or something like that (idk) in the future?
Download the game here without doing any modification:I practically can't play whenever I get into a fight the background of the game turns completely black and my character can't walk, he just attacks and a bunch of red text appears on the BeplnEX console. This problem even occurred in the tutorial fight and as it was my first time playing I thought it was normal. The only way to fight normally is to close the game during the fight and open the game again, then the ground stops being black and my characters can walk.
This issue occurs with or without Patreon Crack.
View attachment 3095810
I put the entire game folder in order not to check it with the antivirus in addition to running the game in administrator mode but the problem still persists.
log from BepInEx\LogOutput.log
[Message: Preloader] BepInEx 6.0.0-be.674 - PriceForFreedom
[Message: Preloader] Built from commit 82077ec7c91c97f0e5f8ada5d178fd7ece6c0099
[Info : BepInEx] System platform: Windows 10 64-bit
[Info : BepInEx] Process bitness: 64-bit (x64)
[Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity 2022.3.12f1
[Info : BepInEx] Runtime version: 6.0.7
[Info : BepInEx] Runtime information: .NET 6.0.7
[Info : Preloader] 0 patcher plugins loaded
[Info : Preloader] 0 assemblies discovered
[Message:AssemblyPatcher] Executing 0 patch(es)
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader initialized
[Warning:Il2CppInterop] Class::Init signatures have been exhausted, using a substitute!
[Info :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type Il2CppInterop.Runtime.DelegateSupport+Il2CppToMonoDelegateReference in il2cpp domain
[Info : BepInEx] 1 plugin to load
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [PFFPatch 1.0.0]
[Info : PFFPatch] Plugin PFFPatch is loaded!
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
log from BepInEx\ErrorLog.log is empty
The problem no longer appears, my game version was still 30.1 and even though I had just extracted the game and hadn't made any changes, the problem persisted.Download the game here without doing any modification:You must be registered to see the links
And if you have this issue again send a bug report (bottom left button in the main menu).
Price for freedom folder icon.ico
wherever you want then right-click on the main game folder and selectProperties > Customize > Change Icon... >
and select the folder Icon that you extracted and click Apply > OK
should refresh to see the change you are done.