- Jul 30, 2018
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Yeah absolutely, also we need more VFX and SFX for the abilities we do have to let players know right off the bat that something was meatier/more dangerous, etcmore party members without a fleshed out combat system would be just clutter.
the game has a really good groundwork for a great turn based combat, but with most abilities being lackluster, not fully implemented, no fledged consumables and so on...
Ayyy.Oh hello Valaska! Since you're active in this thread (for the moment at least) I was wondering if there's plans for you and the team to add a mod compatibility once the game (Gold & Sand) comes out on Steam? There's a lot of untapped potential there.
Also, is there a lore compendium for all the worldbuilding from the comic and the game combined? I was a bit miffed having to switch from the website Wiki and opening the game to read the lore inside. (FYI, I'm making a fanfic of it, and am worried I might get details wrong lol)
Thanks for the game btw, really upped my creativity when writing my works.
I think that the game is currently moddable, we have provided dialogue and quest editor to help/aid the process. If you hit F10 it'll bring it up.
Our Wiki, but it's neglected as my browsers... lose the discord cert and I lose EVERYTHING. I went to try and edit/proof read everything and make the articles just nicer and even wrote a few new ones and then when I hit save on them... nope. All of them didn't commit because some reason my browsers drop the cert. I have NO idea why. We need some other log-in/verification system but Deck doesn't have the spare time or resources to make it...a nd I don't want to edit anything or write new articles until I can do so without everything I do being compeltely impossible to commit.
Thanks a ton! That means a lot, seeing others get inspired is really cool.
Aww, that sucks :C Well, I think you can move some of the stuff from your Wiki into the game so the lore is completed in one place instead of two.Our Wiki, but it's neglected as my browsers... lose the discord cert and I lose EVERYTHING. I went to try and edit/proof read everything and make the articles just nicer and even wrote a few new ones and then when I hit save on them... nope. All of them didn't commit because some reason my browsers drop the cert. I have NO idea why. We need some other log-in/verification system but Deck doesn't have the spare time or resources to make it...a nd I don't want to edit anything or write new articles until I can do so without everything I do being compeltely impossible to commit.
So that means the future of modded Gold & Sand to have Peter Griffin and Louis in place of the protags in the game while the enemies I fight are fall guys/amongus crewmen are possible lmao.I think that the game is currently moddable, we have provided dialogue and quest editor to help/aid the process. If you hit F10 it'll bring it up.
Really I should be the one thanking you, I've written like, 40k words for the PFF universe in the first draft, and it is set in the Galar Nua region with an Isekai'd protagonist from the modern era.Thanks a ton! That means a lot, seeing others get inspired is really cool.
Aww, that sucks :C Well, I think you can move some of the stuff from your Wiki into the game so the lore is completed in one place instead of two.
So that means the future of modded Gold & Sand to have Peter Griffin and Louis in place of the protags in the game while the enemies I fight are fall guys/amongus crewmen are possible lmao.
Oh, does that also mean you can create custom story quests? That'd be neat! Makes me think of other quests that can be of use in the game, either for funsies, lore, or fanon routes.
Oh shit that sounds super cool! Galar Nua does nee d abunch more lore, we are kinda radiating lore from the Atlathkan Coast outwards at the moment, but we do have some lore for the region!Really I should be the one thanking you, I've written like, 40k words for the PFF universe in the first draft, and it is set in the Galar Nua region with an Isekai'd protagonist from the modern era.
Unfortunately though, I decided to re-make the draft and make it so the protag is from the 1980-90's-esque guy, so he doesn't know what elves and ogres and stuff, basically fantastical elements he doesn't know yet and hasn't even heard of D&D yet.
And don't worry, he won't get OP early on, but he will get a training arc lol, I might post the fic on AO3 if it comes to be, and obviously, it has interspecies smut in it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). (Maybe the best pairings my protag will have is an elf or a kobold, considering how he is masculine in a way... Though if you'd like, you can recommend/suggest some possible race pairings for the guy!)
I'll let you know I posted the AO3 link but right now I'm focused on another work, and thanks for replying to the thread!
Also question: How many races are there in the PFF-verse? Asking so I won't just magically conjur new races from other fantasy medias into PFF without conflicting with the original lore.
Also Also do you guys have a Discord? I wanna join so I can understand the PFF-universe better with y'all help.
That's good to know! I hope someone already has a story there, 'cause I don't know how to do make one in the game. :rivercrying_emoji:lol yeah we have a custom quest maker built just for PFF in modules for unity, Deck made the entire thing because it sped up how he programmed/inputted/implemented quests, then he made a more GUI friendly version and its there! People could make quests in it right now actually.
Oooh so Galar Nua is only inhabited by (closeted furry) elves, humans and (although rare) kobolds? Does this mean other lizardfolk like Nagas/etc, are not in the region yet?Oh shit that sounds super cool! Galar Nua does nee d abunch more lore, we are kinda radiating lore from the Atlathkan Coast outwards at the moment, but we do have some lore for the region!
I thiiiiink kobolds are a bit rarer in the region but we aren't settled whether Saurians have spread to the continent of Jor but like... we are really spiraling and spinning on Saurians... I think I want them on the western sub-continent still, but they might be on the coasts of Jor. A lot of people are hesistant/depopulated from Jor due to the Rotten King. The furry eared elves are down there of course, and humans. Though there are furry/fluffy kobolds in the extreme climate regions there.
Archive Of Our Own! Thus AO3 because of the triple Os lol. It is a fic archive website. I'm planning to post it there. I can't post it on other websites like Wattpad (cause of stupid ol' NSFW regulations) and others.AO3?
Wooow these are a lot of races, thanks! Also what do the Nampalas look like? Do you have art/concept of them somewhere? (My brain is a visual learner and doesn't imagine things well)Currently there are, each root is the base and I am listing most of their subsets
- Humans
- Ohmish - A subset of humans who are on average tall, very pale, stronger than average, their women are virtually on parity with men in terms of strength if they are equal in weight pound for pound. They have a large dominance in ginger hair, chestnut, and some brunettes and are the only place where blood red hair is natural. Blood red hair being indicative of some connection in blood to the noble lines of Anemas or their cousin families. Some Ohmish are the same size as Ogres, namely the Graff region, Haubres Valley, along the eastern side of Ohmes.
- Giants - A susbet of human which are massive, taller than ogres, stronger, massive. We don't have much on them yet but they are fairly rare as is.
- Aeyl - Elven or Human, these are persons born with animalistic features seemingly from complete random. In some places they are seen as vile ill-omens, like in the Kazahd Sultanate where the infants would be executed at birth... though this practice has been stopped when Ohmes threatened invasion of Kazahd unless they ended this practice... no one knows why Ohmes took such offense to this, but they complied.
- Elves
- Novencian - Dark skinned elves with skin from a purplish violet, grey, and sometimes black. They are famed for mercantile exploits, have gifted mages who are known for their ability to work with magic with little to no adverse effects. They are seen as exotic, beautiful, their women are most often very plump and are lovingly referred to as "Plums" by the Ohmish, or Grape Elves for their famous wine. Though this can be used in a racist connotation, too, so they are going to look at you funny if you call them that and they don't know if you mean it in a positive way or not.
- Island - Island Elves are a very sea-fairing race, and like other elves have a better sense of balance, but this is even more-so for the Island Elves. Capable of remaining right and true in some of the worst conditions when most peoples would lose their balance. It's not silly levels of balance like Legolas in the movies, but they are certainly better at balance.
- Pale Elves - Typically a cross breed of elf. Most base elves are a tawny complexion such as those from the Kazahd Sultanate, but these are fair skinned elves.
- Aeyl - Elven or Human, these are persons born with animalistic features seemingly from complete random. In some places they are seen as vile ill-omens, like in the Kazahd Sultanate where the infants would be executed at birth... though this practice has been stopped when Ohmes threatened invasion of Kazahd unless they ended this practice... no one knows why Ohmes took such offense to this, but they complied.
- Galan - Larger set elves with ears that have thick furlike lines ears, almost exclusively on Jor.
- Ogres
- Half Ogres - are human/elven mixes who are typically shorter than ogers, but have some form of horn though they may be dimunitive compared to a typical ogre.
- Lizard Folk
- Kobolds - Are a very dimunitive smaller version of Saurians, who many races assumed were children on first contact... until they noted they were clearly adults. Most kobolds are just under a human's chest on average, with the tallest specimens of being about shoulder height. These kobolds are much more often confused as Saurians by other races, but they are never mistaken for Saurian by other lizard folk. They are VERY often disadvantaged in other cultures/societies, as they are smaller and weaker they struggle to find gainful labour employment... so poor kobolds tend to be EXTREMELY impoverished, often taking extremely dangerous/unwanted jobs of other peoples. This leads to a lot of bigoted thought towards kobolds, and they often end up in areas of crime to get by, too.
- Saurians - The most widespread lizardfolk around, man height on average and in general the same in terms of build and capabilities. Their scales can give them a bit of extra protection from the elements, and they have a higher tolerance to wet/humid conditions, and a much greater lung strength and swimming capability in water. They, like most lizardfolk, are much longer lived than humanity on average... sometimes reaching two hundred years old even! They tend to not age very much after adulthood until rapidly aging in their very late-life.
- Lizard-kin - A human mix, almost always with scales, at times with horns, many even have large tails and clawed feet. Some even have clawed hands. They sometimes inherent the long-lived properties of Saurians, but not to the same extent.
- Naga - Large snaking lizard folk, weighing hundreds of kilograms with powerful tails. They are regarded as elegant and intelligent by the lizard folk, though this is more a stereotype than reality, as they are in actuality no smarter than the average Saurian or Kobold, but many of them are wealthy individuals from influential families. They are fairly uncommon eve in their homeland.
- Kobold-kin - Human and kobold pairings are pretty common especially in terms of prostitution as many kobolds are forced into the life due to a lack of opportunity... the often unwanted children of these pairings can be smaller on average.
- Kraat - mangy and reviled kobold offshoot, vermin like.
- Zahra
- There are many subtypes and phenotypes of this peculiar race of animalistic people. They are rare outside their lands, and sometimes viewed as wild-animals that are mimicking/parroting society. They are often feared, especially since most contact outside of their homelands are with the exiled members of their soceity who often enature bestial and violent tendencies...
- Undead
- They are a parasitic race, which can be placed into any recently deceased body, to varying degrees of intelligence/sapience in a very random and misunderstood process to wit only the most educated and oldest of the liches understand. Some liches retain an air of enigmatic beauty to deal with outsiders, or at least, shape and create "liaisons" or "emissaries" who are maintained to be beautiful front facing entities. The treatment of undead varies wildly from nation to nation, person to person... the Ohmish approach them in a pragmatic sense, though retain some wariness. The Einadians are vehemently opposed to the undead and meetings often end in violence... with the Einadians living up to their fames martial prowess and the undead becoming testaments to that skill.
- Demons
- Hooo boi.
- Kyot
- Crab people.
- Nampala
- Mollusk like creatures... living seemingly impossibly long lives and emerging rarely from their underwater cities. They are unknown entities, rarely speaking common. Most only know of them from mentions by Kyot who are not very receptive or kind about what they say, as the Kyot and Nampala are bitter enemies having once been trapped underground in one massive underwater cavern network fighting and vying for space until they managed to dig themselves out again and find the surface world. Nampala sightings have popped up more and more of late, with surface peoples mystified by the strange beings.
Pendings/Undecided and should not be considered a part of this world until you see them: Harpeis, Moth/Insectoids, dwarf/halflings, Your mom, goblins?
Humans can breed/intermix with elves and giants easily, and ogers.
Lizardfolk can breed with almost anyone, they... avoid testing this with non sapien species.
Does this mean Aeyl's are implied to have incestuous backgrounds? Interesting...Zahra and the Elven/Humans (the root form is Elf) don't seem to be able to mix, normally... though for some reason there are rumours of Aeyl randomly being produced from their pairings? Probably just urban myths and lies from Kazahdians to foment distrust of the Zahra...
This is very useful historical information, I shall use it! Thanks again for sharing!Ohmish are considered normal humans by most... but they are very much a cousin to humans similar to how Antecessor was the root of Neandethalensis, heidelbergensis, and sapiens... the Ohmish are their own branch of the family and were an isolated population. They aren't as distance as Habilis or Rudolfensis, those would be giants btw (and Giants are a bit difficult to conceive a child with/from) but they are their own branch of the tree. Later in the setting as time progresses the world will understand how this works and that Ohmish are technically not the same human as the common human. Homo-Ohme have an easier time conceiving with giants than average Homo-Sapiens. Ohmish mercenaries fetch a high price, often only matched by Einad, even outpricing Ogres.
There are undead down there too, island elves will sail there from time to time, there are old Ohmish colonies but they wre mandated back to the locals at one point. Jor isn't as fleshed out and planned as Lovania yet. It is where the Rotten King came from, Galar Nua is there, the very south of it is a very mineral rich but extremely hard to inhabit area and its mentioned in Samara's boat quest! Elsemere or Essemer? I forget the name I gave it haha. There might be a cold-weather inhabiting people down there, likely humans or maybe giants? Jor is still WIP though there's some stuff planned out for it already. Yurjhat is almost a blank slate currently.Oooh so Galar Nua is only inhabited by (closeted furry) elves, humans and (although rare) kobolds? Does this mean other lizardfolk like Nagas/etc, are not in the region yet?
Wooow these are a lot of races, thanks! Also what do the Nampalas look like? Do you have art/concept of them somewhere? (My brain is a visual learner and doesn't imagine things well)
Oh neat! Link it to us when we are gone. We have concepts for the Nampala yeah. And I get that, I used to be able to have full fantasia-mental imaging, but then I took a nerve pain medication which made me a partial Aphant... sucks lol.Archive Of Our Own! Thus AO3 because of the triple Os lol. It is a fic archive website. I'm planning to post it there. I can't post it on other websites like Wattpad (cause of stupid ol' NSFW regulations) and others.
Wooow these are a lot of races, thanks! Also what do the Nampalas look like? Do you have art/concept of them somewhere? (My brain is a visual learner and doesn't imagine things well)
- Are you implying the lizardfolk in PFF did bestiality/zoophilia at some point? Sheesh.
- Does this mean Aeyl's are implied to have incestuous backgrounds? Interesting...
1. Is magic common in this world? I did see Magic Stones in the comic but never seen them get used in the other panels, just for a brief second. Like, do mages/wizard exist? Are things powered by the magic stones as well and not hard technology? (Like, for example, are cannons powered by magic to shoot the cannon ball rather than black powder?)
2. I don't recall the world having a name yet, does the world in PFF have a name yet? Or is it base name like Earth?
3. Also do you or others have a map of PFF yet? I haven't been able to find any in the wiki and was wondering if there's a detailed cartographical chart of the entire world?
4. Also Also, do guns exist in this world? Like the higher level of it to be specific? I've seen things like muskets in the comic but I assume rifles/bolt-action rifles are not produced/invented yet, right? I wonder what level of the tech tree they are on right now?
5. Also Also Also (That's a lot of Alsos) are condoms/sex products invented yet? I don't want my protag getting fantasy STDs unless I make some goddess/god gave him the blessing of being immune from said diseases. (Wink wink Yela Wink wink) Oh and talking about gods, what deities are there in PFF? There's Yela but I haven't heard other gods yet.
Really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions lol, never thought I'd chat with one of the guys behind the game.
Perfect! Just what I need to add my little tidbits of head canon lore into the world, thanks!There are undead down there too, island elves will sail there from time to time, there are old Ohmish colonies but they wre mandated back to the locals at one point. Jor isn't as fleshed out and planned as Lovania yet. It is where the Rotten King came from, Galar Nua is there, the very south of it is a very mineral rich but extremely hard to inhabit area and its mentioned in Samara's boat quest! Elsemere or Essemer? I forget the name I gave it haha. There might be a cold-weather inhabiting people down there, likely humans or maybe giants? Jor is still WIP though there's some stuff planned out for it already. Yurjhat is almost a blank slate currently.
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I dunno if you mean when you're literally gone lol but yeah I'll give it when I post it!Oh neat! Link it to us when we are gone.
Ahh cool bugger! Is this drawn by ArbuzBudesh? Very cool art.We have concepts for the Nampala yeah. And I get that, I used to be able to have full fantasia-mental imaging, but then I took a nerve pain medication which made me a partial Aphant... sucks lol.
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1. Oh, good! Thought lizardfolk were just freaky in general, thanks for clarifying.1. It's not a thing they want to experiment with and culturally rejected as a thing, seen as potentially dangerous and wrong.
2. Nope! The majority of the world have no idea why they happen or when/where. Humans produce them sometimes, and soemtimes elves but its mostly humans. You do not nee dot be related to your partner to produce an Aeyl haha... people just have little to no idea why they happen.
- Magic is pretty common, but expensive. If you are capable of making the magical circuits and getting the energy sources you can do it. But it is fairly expensive so its not used for low-applications. This changes in a place like Novencia which is a much wealthier country, or Ohmes which also is fairly wealthy but they use magic in different ways for different things quite often. Magic can be great for food storage, water heating, etc.
- Eade
- Yeah I actually posted it above before I read this... as for our detailed version, it exists! We post it in our discord from time to time.
Hmm I wonder if there's a future modern version of Eade? Might be an exciting spin-off series set in the future of modern Eade.[*]Yes! Guns exist, match, flint, and wheellock. Speelllock and magilock, too. Bolt action rifles are... basically prototype and concep one offs during the Webcomic times but nothing close to production. There will be experiments towards lever and such as the years progress. Right now the heaviest users of firearms are the Ohmish Dragoons and the Novencian Voltigeurs and Chassuers in the time of the game.
Good to know there's only one god as of the moment, was worried I might've ignored someother gods. Also thanks for the sex lore infodump lol[*]Yes, condom technology is obviously not... super well advanced. It uses intestine skins since plastics and petrochemicals are not a thing. Pesasry's are pretty common in the Atlathkan and Saphire coast, an imported technology from Novencia and Ohmes, albeit it is older and those two countries are using actual IUDs. Some wealthier people import them from Novencia in teh area of the game! Sponges with citric acid as a form of spermicide, sponges in general, caps are used as contraceptives. Unfortuantely tehre are STIs but hygeine is pretty good in our setting so as long as you aren't sticking your dick in some... obviously bad places, you are generally safe. At the moment i think we have only publicly confirmed Yela and The Order which has a patriarchal god.
This is very, very useful! Though I gotta ask, where'd you get this whole info from??? I myself have an abundance of sources (mainly from other people that have a background in military/are military enthusiasts) but have never found such info like the ones you've listed.Oh yeah there are some tinctures and teas used for contraception too, Queen Annes Lace is one, and there's other teas and such. Some are effective, many are wives tales and not really effective but people still do them.
Though this makes me wonder what IUD they were using? In such a setting like PFF there has to be some historical relevancy to our own and how IUD came to be, right?The Ohmish for instance think Thistle tea helps delay their cycle or lessen the effects especially while deployed... but in fact its their IUD which are so effective for prevention and regulation. It was VERY important to Ohmes to keep their soldiers from getting knocked up while deployed.
Uhhh, lots of reading, googling to fill in gaps. Wikipedia is mostly a fine resource for surface or reasonably good information on some stuff, but with alittle more digging you can find blogs, PubMed, or sources from before 2016 tended to be blogs or articles written on bespoke sites for some topics. The one I used to design how our world is progressing through medical science of sepsis, anti-septic, and etc theory, for instance, was a guy who was a doctor who just enjoyed writing the history of the sepsis theory. Sometimes I will buy books and read them like "The Politics of Breastfeeding" and such.This is very, very useful! Though I gotta ask, where'd you get this whole info from??? I myself have an abundance of sources (mainly from other people that have a background in military/are military enthusiasts) but have never found such info like the ones you've listed.
The Ohmish use a cold weather silk worm native to their area and they use that with a copper, silver, or gold ring to implant, and it will have a "tail" to be removed using that silkworm gut, too. The gut is wrapped around the ring to make it easier to accept.Though this makes me wonder what IUD they were using? In such a setting like PFF there has to be some historical relevancy to our own and how IUD came to be, right?
Haha yeah the Shaman is bangin.
Aesthetic equipment would be rough, if we did aesthetic changes it'd be only Redic I think... or maybe after you finish all their quests, but we have no plans atm. But yeah we definitely need to change-up better difine the companions and their roles to be much more standout from one another, but we also need to avoid any of them getting left behind or not-useable.
I thiiiink they are very well fleshed out as characters, but I think you mean visual flair and such??? Then yeah it might be neat! In Final Fantasy Tactics we saw Ramza Beoulve and Delita Heiral change their look over the span of the game which was a cool feature. But I didn't mind that Agrias Oaks had one look since it was so SO good/solid... we can look into some visual changes potentially though in the future. Maybe post-release content.Honestly I wouldn't mind the low companion limit if each of them was fleshed out more. But yes, one big critique I have with the game is even tho the presentation is really good....the combat animations are really not. They feel a bit floaty and don't have as much impact as one feels they should.
Character wise they're all great, I love themSo deck just copy-pasted my post here into our wiki as a wakeup call to write it to the wiki haha... so I went and edited this and added more details and smoothed it out to be more official haha...
I thiiiink they are very well fleshed out as characters, but I think you mean visual flair and such??? Then yeah it might be neat! In Final Fantasy Tactics we saw Ramza Beoulve and Delita Heiral change their look over the span of the game which was a cool feature. But I didn't mind that Agrias Oaks had one look since it was so SO good/solid... we can look into some visual changes potentially though in the future. Maybe post-release content.
Ohhh yeah I get 100% where you are coming from and hopefully we can do something for mid/late game otufit changes or maybe sometihng connected to their story arcs. I can't promise anything because it basically means re-rigging etc... which, imo I think we need to do other than Samara and Hiho for rigging.Character wise they're all great, I love them
I meant more along the lines of gameplay since some characters don't really have a lot of abilities while others do and how we don't really have stuff like dedicated range and healing, hiho is good but I feel it could be so much more. It would also really be cool to see different forms of attack like I mentioned before.
potion/posion throwing
characters that could specialize in area control
characters that specialize in using consumables
Characters that specialize moving allies and enemies
pure support characters
other than that yeah visual stuff either through armor or story is fun.
Yeah, it is a brief-ish window for sure. I am not FULLY settled on the length of the events, but each trip to and from the locations out of town at least take a night or two. Whispering Brook is the span of a week-ish in total for instance. Travelling to Osh'to's tribe takes a while, like a few weeks at least. Scylla's recovery time being about 14 days would be about in line and accurate!I think dialogue in government district w mage explains pretty neatly why you dont encounter mages on the battlefield. Well, 1 shaman in demonstration excluding))
the [not yet implimented] does a toll on skills, anything that seems to be even theoretical useful has this mark. Not to mention that redic`s 1st skill + thrust + MAYBE str skill bonus w speed does the trick w samara and scylla in party.
Also looting that pain jacket from chief rat or buying them somewhere mid-late game or idk, some more protection gear? i mean even leather jackets would do better for characters. Thought ours seems to be agility-related, so to say. And quest-befriended smith to get some bit better weapons.
On other hands give or take, game seems to cover what, 3 month time tops? Only blank is Scylla and Hino Recovery time, for like....idk, 2-3 weeks? Too short for them in getting used to new weapons...
So there should be 3 paths atm but I think only 2 are available. There is;Hi, love this game.
I am replaying this after 1,5 or two years and am about to finish Whispering Brook. Immaculate atmosphere by the way.
There is just one question:
What happens if I accept Mara's bargain?
I know there is a h-scene, but is there a difference mechanically and narratively to just killing Mara?
This question has surely been asked before, but I couldn't find a direct answer over the search-function.
gold and sand is rather prequel2 questions:
On Steam, there is "Gold and Sand", is that suppose to be the sequel to this game?
Do any of those games have a female/futa protag and correlating scenes?