This one is the best one ever. Matched only by Karryn's Prison, this game knows how to make sex and gameplay integrate in such a perfect way along with its addictive platform gameplay.
Is it a good game?
Definitelly! This is a normal sidescrolling action game but with some tweaks. The parrying system is really nice and it feels good to do the counter strike, also all the enemies are fun to fight and this being a 0.3 version it has a lot of variety! One melee, one ranged, a shield barrier, a granadier and a boss. Even if you're not looking to jerk off or something and just want a good side scrolling action this is for you.
But... is it good porn?
Ooh, yes! It is! Sex is perfectly integrated as I said before and here it works as a healing skill. When you hit enough enemies you get a heart icon and that means that the sex scene will heal you. You can start sex with anyone just by pressing the Z key, although some enemies do have shields so you have to hit them before trying to seduce them.
Sex heals you so you don't need to actually avoid it! Isn't it genius? Most porn games punish you for having sex, here it is an advantage and that's is how good this game's devs know this nich. We want to jerk off and have fun, we don't need tons of dialogue and a stupid gameplay that make you avoid sex.
But what about the visuals and sound?
They are both really good but the sound can get a little better with more moaning and stuff during the sex scenes. the screenshots show how good this game looks but only playing and seeing the animation you will have the complete experience of it.
Overall it is a great game and I'm completely in love with the characters! The first porn game that I actually payed the patreon service and I suggest that if you can and want you should do it too!
10/10 - A Porn Masterpiece
Is it a good game?
Definitelly! This is a normal sidescrolling action game but with some tweaks. The parrying system is really nice and it feels good to do the counter strike, also all the enemies are fun to fight and this being a 0.3 version it has a lot of variety! One melee, one ranged, a shield barrier, a granadier and a boss. Even if you're not looking to jerk off or something and just want a good side scrolling action this is for you.
But... is it good porn?
Ooh, yes! It is! Sex is perfectly integrated as I said before and here it works as a healing skill. When you hit enough enemies you get a heart icon and that means that the sex scene will heal you. You can start sex with anyone just by pressing the Z key, although some enemies do have shields so you have to hit them before trying to seduce them.
Sex heals you so you don't need to actually avoid it! Isn't it genius? Most porn games punish you for having sex, here it is an advantage and that's is how good this game's devs know this nich. We want to jerk off and have fun, we don't need tons of dialogue and a stupid gameplay that make you avoid sex.
But what about the visuals and sound?
They are both really good but the sound can get a little better with more moaning and stuff during the sex scenes. the screenshots show how good this game looks but only playing and seeing the animation you will have the complete experience of it.
Overall it is a great game and I'm completely in love with the characters! The first porn game that I actually payed the patreon service and I suggest that if you can and want you should do it too!
10/10 - A Porn Masterpiece