v1.2.8b Sandbox Mode:
* Some explanation appeared on screen, but before I had time to study it, it disappeared from the screen, leaving me at a loss.
* Add close buttons to interactions
* The camera is screwed up; I can have it fall through th floor with Q and C, but it's impossible to set it right.
* When I try to have sex with the Oni, the pov switches to him for some obscure reason. And in the other interactions, like the kitty cage, he just sits there without interacting with Emiko. The indication "humiliation" is therefore highly exegarated, unless I count completely being ignored while trying to be sexy.
I'm playing this game since v0.0.5, and it still has those issues. And that was years ago already!
The overll impression shouts out that someone wrote this game to be played by himself, and not by an audience.