
Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Alright, by now I'm guessing this is yet another game with no actual fucking femdom in it, right? Seems every choice that raises her dominance stat is the non-sexual option and the sex positive responses boost her submissiveness or exhibitionism. Every guy who's not her asshole husband just has to have a big dick, including her son. Who by the way turns out to be a cheeky brat because of course we can't not have shotadom in this, now can we? Meanwhile her dog just raped her. This is not the kind of bullshit I signed up for when I came in here for the incest or bestiality.
There is a little bit, but it is very limited. As you say, most of the dominant options are refusing sexual situations. Myriam can be sort-of softly dominant with Marc in one or two scenes and that's about it.

There is another female character introduced who is explicitly dominant, and in the latest update Myriam can agree to a date with her. But the way it is presented Myriam seems likely to once again be on the submissive end.

The tag rules say that any content in the game gets tagged, and there is a smattering of very light femdom, so the tag is accurate. Storywise, the justification is that Myriam has been trapped in an abusive relationship for years and is only just starting to spread her wings and explore her own sexual desires, so submission comes much easier to her than seizing control. You don't have to buy it, but that's the pitch.
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Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
There is a little bit, but it is very limited. As you say, most of the dominant options are refusing sexual situations. Myriam can be sort-of softly dominant with Marc in one or two scenes and that's about it.

There is another female character introduced who is explicitly dominant, and in the latest update Myriam can agree to a date with her. But the way it is presented Myriam seems likely to once again be on the submissive end.

The tag rules say that any content in the game gets tagged, and there is a smattering of very light femdom, so the tag is accurate. Storywise, the justification is that Myriam has been trapped in an abusive relationship for years and is only just starting to spread her wings and explore her own sexual desires, so submission comes much easier to her than seizing control. You don't have to buy it, but that's the pitch.
I commend the so-called player agency of tailoring Myriam to be the kind of character we want her to be, given all the choices. I know that took a lot of effort and it's impressive for someone's first game. But this has a bad case of men writing women. And when that happens, we usually get women being portrayed as one-dimensional characters who can't do two things at once. Like be dominant and horny at the same time. Much less be dominating someone and getting off at the same time. What makes it worse is something I mentioned earlier, the real stink of a male writer. And that's how even though it's a female protagonist, we still have to read all the perverted thoughts of the men around her. Because I guess they matter, huh? How many times do we need to see some dude going "Oh man, look at those tits! I wanna grab that ass so bad," etc. Rinse and repeat as if her sex appeal needs to be reinforced by them every five minutes. It's annoying as hell and totally unnecessary. This is supposed to be her story, not theirs.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
Your comments sounds borderline man-bashing. Why don't you send suggestions from a female perspective on Zorlun's Discord account if you want a different perspective. As it sounds now, you're statements are inciteful. Also keep it mind, it is his First time doing this. He's learning as he goes and he's been Very nice in his responses to his audience. Sly insults and man-hating certainly does you no good for a favorable outcome.
And as I said a few pages earlier in this thread, he can't Possibly please everybody. If the games that you have come across have storylines That offensive to you, why not do what I've seen a couple of females do: start your own story and introduce it here. That way, you can tell and display a plot and story the way You want. I fear that all of you unhappy people are going to make Zorlun go exclusively private with this on SubscribeStar and Patreon. Once again, keep in mind, he's nice enough to Share his work here. He doesn't get paid here to take yours or anyone else's abuse.


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
Six0 ; It is nearly imposible for a Male, to write a Female character out of the sight of a woman, there are games where this is achieved with good storys and nice renders, in those mostly the significant other of the creator has and active roleo or influence , or there are woman in the team, which asses and help to mold the story,
Other good games are writen and produced by women straight away.
I feel that doccop63 sugetion that you contact the dev and offer him suggestions from your perspective is the best,
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Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
As understandable as this may be in "a modern woke world" as Disney is propagating it these days, it's definitely not what I expect from a hardcore porn game that started like Project Myriam did. You were presenting us a naturally submissive Myriam (I may remind you of the high school scene with her teacher) and you offered us with every update "new choices to make Myriam more our own and write her story". But this doesn't really feel true any more. Myriam is departing from the submissive path no matter what our choices are. She gets way too confident, even too dominant for my taste. With every new chapter you are heading away from the original Myriam. She even submitted to the judge not because this is her nature but to "get back" Marc. Character development is important, but it should follow the player's choices.


There is quite some difference between "full on asshole" and that whiney wimp Marc has recently become. Even the dog has more balls than him...

"Project Myriam" is a great game and I am very impressed by and grateful for your seemingly unlimited dedication, Zorlun, but I don't like the direction Project Myriam is heading to. I understand it's difficult to please everyone's taste but why offering the choices to shape Myriam's development if she's getting one of those modern "strong women" anyway?
Don't know what to say, despite all I can put in a game, I can't stop players understand it or feel it in their own way, as I said, Marc has some character development but his done yet, as usual player choices will make things evolve differently, having the possibility to have him go back to being more assertive or submissive in his relationship with Myriam.

Same with Myriam, there is character development, but nothing set and done yet, she just passed an ordeal, and now she's going back into a phase of exploration, with a new found acceptance in her sexuality and desires, after that, the player's choices will lead to different roads and different Myriam.

But the trouble with character development is that it takes time, as do the game, so with all the different things happening in the game, it's bound to have some times when any player feel that he doesn't have his preferred content served. So I understand the disappointment, but all I can say is be patient and I hope you keep enjoying the game as it grow. And in the end I know it's hard to find the exact game for any one as a player, it was kind of what pushed me to try my own in the first place. ^^
Alright, by now I'm guessing this is yet another game with no actual fucking femdom in it, right? Seems every choice that raises her dominance stat is the non-sexual option and the sex positive responses boost her submissiveness or exhibitionism. Every guy who's not her asshole husband just has to have a big dick, including her son. Who by the way turns out to be a cheeky brat because of course we can't not have shotadom in this, now can we? Meanwhile her dog just raped her. This is not the kind of bullshit I signed up for when I came in here for the incest or bestiality.
The game start with a MC very submissive at start, so any femdom from her point of view will take time to come up, as all the lesbian content did as she start with a man at first.

So again, all I can say is patience.
I commend the so-called player agency of tailoring Myriam to be the kind of character we want her to be, given all the choices. I know that took a lot of effort and it's impressive for someone's first game. But this has a bad case of men writing women. And when that happens, we usually get women being portrayed as one-dimensional characters who can't do two things at once. Like be dominant and horny at the same time. Much less be dominating someone and getting off at the same time. What makes it worse is something I mentioned earlier, the real stink of a male writer. And that's how even though it's a female protagonist, we still have to read all the perverted thoughts of the men around her. Because I guess they matter, huh? How many times do we need to see some dude going "Oh man, look at those tits! I wanna grab that ass so bad," etc. Rinse and repeat as if her sex appeal needs to be reinforced by them every five minutes. It's annoying as hell and totally unnecessary. This is supposed to be her story, not theirs.
One of the goals was actually to make her more complicated than just slutty, prude, submissive or dominant, and be able to have her be a mix of those, enjoying one time to be submissive and another enjoying to be in the boots of the dom; to be able to be slutty when she wish and slap the shit out of someone another time.

For the extra thoughts coming from other characters, it happens with males or females, and just serve to build the ambiance, but I get that it can be felt as annoying when you only wish to view the game via the MC.


I can't say I have the same understanding of what I do than what was expressed here by people, but I must say it's always interesting and help refine the game and my process later on. It brings me back to my irl life, as an artist and gallery manager, it's often funny to see the difference in a creation, what the artist made and put in it and what the spectators feel and see.

Thank you all for the food for thoughts and I hope you keep enjoying the game despite all, Project Myriam stay my first game and is very experimental, don't hesitate to pm me if you have some thoughts or questions.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
I'm totally fine with Marc not going full-on asshole to the extent that Anthony did. I had no problem with Anthony's content, and would have no objection to more content with him in the future,
How could you let Anthony back with Myriam? He tried to murder her and shot her in the face! But that’s ok with you cause you miss him beating and choking and raping your ass right? You think he’s the only one that can give her rough sex, if she meets him again, it better be in jail or the morgue, cause he deserves Texas chainsaw massacre treatment!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
Zorlun, I commend you. You are a helluva lot more gracious than I could ever be. At a certain point with all of this griping, I'd announce that I was packing up my toys and taking the exclusive route but not before leaving some very choice words for the gripers. Your response alone makes you one of the Greatest devs in this forum. I wish you continued success as you go forward. Bravo.


Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
Zorlun, I commend you. You are a helluva lot more gracious than I could ever be. At a certain point with all of this griping, I'd announce that I was packing up my toys and taking the exclusive route but not before leaving some very choice words for the gripers. Your response alone makes you one of the Greatest devs in this forum. I wish you continued success as you go forward. Bravo.
Trying to be in any way... ^^

But even if I'm not of the same opinion, when things are written down politely and not just meant to get a raise out of me, I don't have much reasons to be an asshole. I understand that players tend to make the game their own, even more so when your goal is to make the player more involved with how the heroine act.
Sure without a doubt I like positive returns (who doesn't like a good polish ^^ ), but critical ones are also interesting (in small dose please ^^ ) to help you work, I changed a few things in the game by listening to returns and advices I got since I started the game. That doesn't mean I won't be doing what I want with the game, but listening in at least never hurt.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
Trying to be in any way... ^^

But even if I'm not of the same opinion, when things are written down politely and not just meant to get a raise out of me, I don't have much reasons to be an asshole. I understand that players tend to make the game their own, even more so when your goal is to make the player more involved with how the heroin act.
Sure without a doubt I like positive returns (who doesn't like a good polish ^^ ), but critical ones are also interesting (in small dose please ^^ ) to help you work, I changed a few things in the game by listening to returns and advices I got since I started the game. That doesn't mean I won't be doing what I want with the game, but listening in at least never hurt.
*Heroine. Heroine = female hero. Heroin = illegal drug.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
Six0 ; It is nearly imposible for a Male, to write a Female character out of the sight of a woman, there are games where this is achieved with good storys and nice renders, in those mostly the significant other of the creator has and active roleo or influence , or there are woman in the team, which asses and help to mold the story,
Other good games are writen and produced by women straight away.
I feel that doccop63 sugetion that you contact the dev and offer him suggestions from your perspective is the best,
A good writer can write any kind of character. Man, woman, trans, black, white, asian, etc. All you have to do is a bit of research and most of all, avoid stereotypes. When you put them in a box is when you start showing your true colors. Like a writer who thinks women are beneath males will portray her as being submissive to them regardless of power dynamics. Animals don't rape humans, therefore a dog should not be dominating one. Nor should a boy be dominating a grown woman (especially his mother).

The game start with a MC very submissive at start, so any femdom from her point of view will take time to come up, as all the lesbian content did as she start with a man at first.

So again, all I can say is patience.
One of the goals was actually to make her more complicated than just slutty, prude, submissive or dominant, and be able to have her be a mix of those, enjoying one time to be submissive and another enjoying to be in the boots of the dom; to be able to be slutty when she wish and slap the shit out of someone another time.

For the extra thoughts coming from other characters, it happens with males or females, and just serve to build the ambiance, but I get that it can be felt as annoying when you only wish to view the game via the MC.
Sorry, but I have little faith in how you're going to handle femdom from Myriam's point of view. The fact that you make the options that boost her dominance the non-sexual ones speaks volumes. It tells me you're the kind of person who thinks femdom means footjobs and CBT instead of facesitting and cunnilingus.

Your comments sounds borderline man-bashing. Why don't you send suggestions from a female perspective on Zorlun's Discord account if you want a different perspective. As it sounds now, you're statements are inciteful. Also keep it mind, it is his First time doing this. He's learning as he goes and he's been Very nice in his responses to his audience. Sly insults and man-hating certainly does you no good for a favorable outcome.
And as I said a few pages earlier in this thread, he can't Possibly please everybody. If the games that you have come across have storylines That offensive to you, why not do what I've seen a couple of females do: start your own story and introduce it here. That way, you can tell and display a plot and story the way You want. I fear that all of you unhappy people are going to make Zorlun go exclusively private with this on SubscribeStar and Patreon. Once again, keep in mind, he's nice enough to Share his work here. He doesn't get paid here to take yours or anyone else's abuse.
And there it is, like clockwork. There's always the guy who thinks anybody advocating for better female characters, or doesn't jive with the male characters presented, must be a woman. And one who hates men. :rolleyes: Well that's where you're wrong. I'm not a woman, but I do hate men. And I hate whenever a female protagonists has to share her story with them. Which happens all too often via writers illustrating what every man who crosses her path is thinking. You don't see that happening often with male protagonists. So it's particularly egregious when a female protag has to momentarily relinquish the agency she has over her own story to a nobody like the pizza guy or that spying store clerk.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Will there ever be a romance path with Marc that isn't submissive or dominant does anyone know because i like the thought of Marc and Myriam
Being in more of a loving relationship
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Power Broker

Jan 9, 2018
Marc contrary to his father had a glimmer of hope of not becoming a full on asshole.
Anthony abused Myriam in order to boost his own ego, he needed her natural submissive nature to get what he wants- the moment he screwed up or she showed a glimmer of resistance and spine, he fell apart and turned into a pathethic beggar and liar. That's not the kind of behaviour I would consider to be "in control" or "confident", let alone "dominant".
I think the question should not be about "assholery", because being an asshole is sometimes necessary and good, and sometimes just a question of taste or viewpoint. It should be about character traits and personality.

If Marcs character development was intented to make him less of an asshole, I think this would be the wrong motivation. It should be more about making him confident, competent and in control, first of himself and only after that of Myriam (and the other women around him). From there, there are many paths possible (from nice to abusive), but making him weak and pathetic in order to not make him an asshole is a bad direction to take.
It's just character development
It's more like character assassination. Dom Marc was interesting because he was NOT the sniveling, whiny boy that exist in every porn game with younger characters, and he was interesting because he dominated his mother and was not dependend on her cuddling and affirmation. Unfortunately, he turned into this cliche and was stripped of all what made him interesting.
but things can always shift as I work and get inspired).
Well, I have an idea for Marc and how to get him back on track, and also for Cassius, just let me know if you are interested. But I don't have Discord and I'm a dirty pirate, so no subscription either.
For the cop dates, depending on choices made during the first double date, the situation can evolve in four manners,
I never encountered the single dates.
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Power Broker

Jan 9, 2018
Well, I admit I tried even to probe Zorlun about a visit from Myriam to the boys in hospital (with potential "consolation", of course :p :)), but no luck, they were meant only as a plot element.
Pity, this would have been a great way for character development, as in "Myriam doesn't date losers who can't control themselves, she is more interested in bold teenagers than in wannabe doms who beat up weaker people".
Oh yeah, I hope the cops lost their job due to this incident. ;)

Power Broker

Jan 9, 2018
Funny enough "Heroin" is missing the "e" because it is actually the German version.
Well, no. It's German, but it's a merger from the Greek heroios ("hero" or "strong") and the suffix "-in" for pharmaceutical drugs (as in "Aspirin" or "Penicillin"). No e's were hurt during the creation of this word ;).


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Well, no. It's German, but it's a merger from the Greek heroios ("hero" or "strong") and the suffix "-in" for pharmaceutical drugs (as in "Aspirin" or "Penicillin"). No e's were hurt during the creation of this word ;).
It is the German version as in "you don't speak it with an e, so you don't write it with an e".
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Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
Sorry, but I have little faith in how you're going to handle femdom from Myriam's point of view. The fact that you make the options that boost her dominance the non-sexual ones speaks volumes. It tells me you're the kind of person who thinks femdom means footjobs and CBT instead of facesitting and cunnilingus.
Again, Myriam start the game as submissive, very, so at start the dominance choices for her is when she's able to say no and affirm herself, and not going straight to smothering the guy's face with her pussy, but as the lesbian relations took time, the femdom will take time, she start light and it will build up. Again, time.
Anthony abused Myriam in order to boost his own ego, he needed her natural submissive nature to get what he wants- the moment he screwed up or she showed a glimmer of resistance and spine, he fell apart and turned into a pathethic beggar and liar. That's not the kind of behaviour I would consider to be "in control" or "confident", let alone "dominant".
I think the question should not be about "assholery", because being an asshole is sometimes necessary and good, and sometimes just a question of taste or viewpoint. It should be about character traits and personality.

If Marcs character development was intented to make him less of an asshole, I think this would be the wrong motivation. It should be more about making him confident, competent and in control, first of himself and only after that of Myriam (and the other women around him). From there, there are many paths possible (from nice to abusive), but making him weak and pathetic in order to not make him an asshole is a bad direction to take.
It's more like character assassination. Dom Marc was interesting because he was NOT the sniveling, whiny boy that exist in every porn game with younger characters, and he was interesting because he dominated his mother and was not dependend on her cuddling and affirmation. Unfortunately, he turned into this cliche and was stripped of all what made him interesting.
Well, I have an idea for Marc and how to get him back on track, and also for Cassius, just let me know if you are interested. But I don't have Discord and I'm a dirty pirate, so no subscription either.
I never encountered the single dates.
I don't see it that way, but again I guess it's a question of taste and perspective, sorry to say but best I can say now is still wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2023
Anthony abused Myriam in order to boost his own ego, he needed her natural submissive nature to get what he wants- the moment he screwed up or she showed a glimmer of resistance and spine, he fell apart and turned into a pathethic beggar and liar. That's not the kind of behaviour I would consider to be "in control" or "confident", let alone "dominant".
I think the question should not be about "assholery", because being an asshole is sometimes necessary and good, and sometimes just a question of taste or viewpoint. It should be about character traits and personality.

If Marcs character development was intented to make him less of an asshole, I think this would be the wrong motivation. It should be more about making him confident, competent and in control, first of himself and only after that of Myriam (and the other women around him). From there, there are many paths possible (from nice to abusive), but making him weak and pathetic in order to not make him an asshole is a bad direction to take.
It's more like character assassination. Dom Marc was interesting because he was NOT the sniveling, whiny boy that exist in every porn game with younger characters, and he was interesting because he dominated his mother and was not dependend on her cuddling and affirmation. Unfortunately, he turned into this cliche and was stripped of all what made him interesting.
Well, I have an idea for Marc and how to get him back on track, and also for Cassius, just let me know if you are interested. But I don't have Discord and I'm a dirty pirate, so no subscription either.
I never encountered the single dates.
I'm curious. Have you or someone close to you ever gone through a traumatic event like having a gun pointed at you or someone you love? Fired at someone you love? I ask because I have, and Marc's reaction here seems very natural and mirrored what my friends and I all went through.
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