Yep, something in that line (though I admit, not as radical as the killing), was already tossed around, to be seen if Zorlun decides to pick it up or not.Here's an idea, just kill Anthony off and Myriam can adopt Marc legally, or have Anthony jailed for what he did to his secretary as it was basically sexual assault and rape, plus Myriam's daddy does have a lot of money to make that happen, then the court could award Myriam custody of Marc as her ward. That would probably be the easiest way to work that in to the storyline. That way he could always start to call her 'mom' again.
I personally would like it, but the Marc supporter/incest supporters are quite a dedicated, but at times flaming group, so, Zorlun may be afraid they end up trying to "kidnap" the game, wanting new content for that with every update.
Though "mom" was ruled out already. Patreon was very explicit, anything that suggest any kind of direct connection, even "step-mom", is out of the question.
The incest patch can do that and something else, because it is not done by Zorlun, and it is done by someone who does not have Patreon.
I like to have it still on, because it was there at the start and contributes to the mess poor Myriam is in, is one of her lost, or maybe not lost (you never know how she may sort out her life in a way she likes in the end), causes, thus also contributing to her changes over time, and I am making the incest patch - but I think if the game became too much focused on the Marc/Myriam line, it would lose a big part of its appeal (which in part is linked to the fact there is a bit for everybody).
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