For the scene, as you said, Myriam sub whore and Myriam fun whore brought you to a scene, which could follow through or Myriam can go in (next is for the coming update), then after that, she could go and try herself being a dom (no need for her to have been a dom) or avoid staying (again, follow up on the coming update).Zorlun, curiosity, without spoilers , for the continuation of the pool scene, will matter only if one was on the Myriam sub whore, Myriam fun whore, or Myriam dom path, and whether something happened in the pool, or will also the value of some variables (I thinking things like submissiveness, willpower, domination, lust) also matter ?
I am asking because I was thinking something (though probably some will not like my thinking) whether something happened or not, something could still happen in the house, as you already hinted.
But at the same time, from one side, even if she is in the "dom" situation, she left herself go when she allowed Nick to get in her ass; from the other, even if she is in the "sub whore", but even more in the "fun whore", she may still be able to at least try to stop things .
So, in theory, if the values for the different variable were high enough (and low enough, depending on the variable), maybe it could be possible that even in a 'fun whore" (or maybe even in a "sub whore" situation, she may still have the option to say "no" to something or let it continue (rather than having it continue automatically).
And even in a situation where she is supposedly in a dom path, if she has lust and submsiveness high enough and at the same time willpower lower enough, she may end up letting herself get in a situation where she is not really in control, or she has the choice between getting the control and stop, or let go and let the boys (or Marc ?) have their way.
This aside the possiblity of being full dom even inside (again, I am thinking about the variables, with the rights variables, it could be an automatic choice), although even that does not mean she may not do stuff with both, lust level and/or other kinks allowing.
Even while being in dom path, she says more than once she has to regain the control or she will lose it, and viceversa, even while being in sub whore or fun whore path, she can still go back inside (though that alone does not mean nothing will happen inside, as you already indicated).
The stats in themselves were not used this time in the scene (well, just a tad), the goal here was to funnel everything back to end the duo of scenes in three possible ways, after that stats will be reused in next scenes with Marc if need be.
The scene was more about preparing for the plot line around Marc for this chapter than modeling Myriam's desires.
But I think you'll get a better view once played the second part.