About the incest patch, sorry, I was sure in one of my replies to your posts I had said explicitly, but I am a bit active in this forum lately, so probably it was in a reply to someone else's post that I had said.[...]
No real person is actually involved in this depiction of incest. There are literally tens of thousands of games depicting people murdering other people in graphic detail, which in real life is a heinous crime, but in games is apparently ok. So why the contradiction in response from so called moral crusaders?
There has been an incest patch for a couple of versions now, and it is done by me, so no connection with Zorlun.
We have at least two languages in common, and we had exchanged some posts about it, but otherwise, there is no connection between me and Zorlun, we even live in two different countries, and have different citizenships.
To be on the safe side with Patreon, he did not even say "yes go ahead, and people, install it", he only said "I am not stopping anybody from doing mods, just don't make a copy of my game and make a profit from it".
About your point on the moral crusaders, my guess is that someone would say that it can incite or educate people to do it.
Though honestly, the games here have always (AFAIK) a clear indication about being 18+, while the violent games you refer to end up even in the hands of kids, or are actually targeting kids, which is much worst in terms of "educating" or "making look normal".
That 's why then people are shocked that war (especially modern war) means death and destruction - they think in videogame way, reset and "how many lives do I still have" ?
And you can buy access to the "(fake) incest" videos with real people using the same credit cards you can use on Patreon, so the credit cards making problems is also kind of "two weights, two measures" and hypocrite (they will never really cut accepting porn payments support, too much money to make).
So, as far as my two cents are worth, I would agree with your that there is a bit of hypocrisy in some things
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