Don't alter the original files.
There's a simpler way where you do not alter any pre-existing files.
Create a new text file named whatever you want, I name it "console.rpy".
In it, add the following lines...
init 999 python:
config.console = True
Make certain the second line of that is indented as that is how Python works (Ren'PY is based on t he Python scripting language).
Make certain you use the case you see as programming languages are sensitive. "true" doesn't equal "True" all the time for example.
Make certain you save it with a .rpy extension and nothing else (not .txt).
Save it in your game folder and run the game. It will compile it into "console.rpyc" automatically and once in the game, you can press "SHIFT+O" to enter console mode. You can check the values of variables in there try typing "config.console" all by itself and press ENTER and it will tell you it is "True". You can change variable in there (do that with caution as you never know how the dev programmed things).