Aaaaaand here you go! Update version ch2.06a is out! (Or will be as soon as the moderators update the first post, thanks for their help as always.)
Like announced before, here what's new:
Dialogues reviewed up to date, thanks always to the wonderful help of Kyla Angel, who also adds some more flavor with the Texan touch for our dear Myriam when she has a little bit too much to drink. ^^- Around a whooping 6300+ lines of code (so double a usual update) and 373 new renders (biggest so far).
- 1 really big scene (with around 7 subscenes and 5 naughty scenes).
- 1 new character introduced.
- 1 new weird event.
- Around 30+ choices to make Myriam more your own (so one third of the full chapter 2).
- Some new variables for Myriam (Addiction, Drinks and Drugs).
- Some more naughty content.
Only one big scene (with lots of subscenes), but it's the biggest so far, with the most renders, the most naughty scenes (6 different scenes), the most choices (30+, so a third of all the choices of chapter 2), the most lines of code (a whooping 6300+, so double the average (but being fair, a lots of repeat for pseudo animation and sex talk ^^ )). So lot's of things to do and redo, since there is a few variations depending on choices made.
About the new variables, "Drinks" and "Drugs" will serve as a gauge during events to measure her state of intoxication, but they will work a bit differently, since they will be resetting to 0 when Myriam have them out of her system. "Addiction", on another hand, will not reset and will serve to measure Myriam's taste/addiction to mind altering substances like drugs in general, but also alcohol when she pushed too much.
Here you go, I won't say too much and let you enjoy this update while I go back to work on the next one (which sorry in advance, but will be a little less of a fuck fest... come on, don't be like that, she needs a breather from time to time ^^ ).
Enjoy! ^^
PS: And realized that I shared this new free public update one day early, it should have been on the 6th... I'm getting old and forgetful... ^^
(Sorry to my higher tiers patrons for this error, but the deed is already done...)