I replayed the game and have some remarks:
Myriam is not just one thing, either slut or prude, no, like a lot of people, she's an amalgame of a lof of things, and if she can be submissive in some condition, she will be dominant in others, for the example you give with Marc, even if she has been submissive before, there is a moment where enough is enough, and the dominant part comes out to put Marc in place.
For the continuity error, with the gala, I've missed a line with ellipse, where Myriam decide to go to unwind and have a good night (not talking about sex here).
For the numerous people, sorry, but we'll agree to disagree, again, I don't want my game to be the same old game already done numerous time, with one MC and his/her harem of five people to romance, I want the game to feel alive and not a deserted island with only 5 people in the world (I know it's a caricature, but it's just to illustrate my feeling).
still no lesbian sex

Next update as I said a few times already, with the end of the chapter (I'm on the scene right now as I write this).
Yep, and she can make love to herself, so the MC can make love to the mom. ^^
Anyone know how to trigger the Marc having sex with Miriam unconscious, and the Miriam slaping Marc after waking up scenes?
Marc needs to be
a "dom" with no intervention from Myriam and of course she needs to be shitfaced. For the slap
Myriam need to have a high willpower, then she'll make another intervention.
For willing sex wit Marc you need the path with the driver ? I tried with the student and Marc is being slapped by Myriam on the morning lol.
Nope, the driver has nothing to do with it,
for the sex in the morning, you need Marc either as a "dom" or on "trust" road (with no intervention) and Myriam to be shitfaced.