Hmm, I think we will have to wait and see, because I can see different understanding from different people.
When there had been the conversation of guidelines etc., it had been indicated (I admit I was one of those pointing that out) that based on the F95 guidelines, the fact the boys in question can be sexually stimulated and have a conscius full erection and full mature sperm ejaculation, would be enough to be on the safe side, i.e. they were not "undeveloped", so much that there was the scene in 3.07 (or was it 3.06 ?) - true, they did not
do an orgy with her
, but that would have been jumping a bit too fast. Zorlun is trying to keep a pace even in the sexual event. Even with Marc, despite being foreseen from the start to "do stuff", they did not jump directly to the stuff at school, there was a path and escalation.
But at the same time, masturbating to Myriam's body and covering her in part with sperm like the boys did, cannot be said is not something sexual, and was done by those boys.
So, it is to be seen.
Even because don't forget one of the three activities for Myriam was to deal with young people as a kind of "social worker" - that pretty much translates to adolescents, which can cover from the start of adolescence, till right before 18.
The moment they become 18, does not mean there may not be still a form of social assistance, but it will be different - effectively, Aiden, if caught, would be tried as a full adult (actually, in more than one jurisdiction, it is not even true that the "tried as an adult" applies only from 18, for some things in some jurisdictions may apply before, even if then they are anyway put in juvenile institutions or anywy given the possibility to avoid jail).