I'll give credit where credit is due. I was initially REALLY skeptical of this game (and still am, for a few reasons), as per my previous post. But I'm impressed at how much you've turned it around.
Your Patreon took a complete 180 from being an obvious scam to being a seemingly reputable project. The grammar/writing is much more improved (though not perfect), you've removed the asinine pricing tiers to more respectable ones, and the game engine/graphics look by far better than most games on this site, let alone anything in production now. If you can add some sex scenes and content, you can probably get many more people talking.
As a huge fan of Bioasshard, I think this game could give it a run for its money. The biggest problem I think is that you're a single dev making a game of this caliber. If this isn't a typical Patreon scam and you're serious about seeing this through, I think you'll struggle with funding and being overworked eventually. Most games this aesthetic usually have an entire team dedicated to it. Even Bioasshard has at least two people on it (and it takes literally half a year to a year for an update, which they openly admit to). Therefore, I'm concerned your project is ambitious, and while I absolutely don't wish you to fail, I worry you'll need more help in the future.
Anyway, kudos to proving me very wrong about you (at least for the time being). I hope you can drop a demo soon and get more support on this site.