what i think this game or type of game needs to be more fun is just a rouge like aspect
this one is already better in gameplay than monster black market
like more focused on combat with the breeding being there to make money and better units, in monster black market i only did better monsters because i was bored and had nothing to do
but here the upgraded mosters stats could and should be important to actually win on later waves and have 2 type of stat category:
one for combat like you can make monsters to have more health, defense ecc, wich by breeding enough will get more stats with no cap, like +200 health for first time and his son will have 250 and his son will have 300 and so on, until like idk at 1000 he will evolve from goblin to ogree and have a bonus on his stats that go from 200 to 300 to 400 instead of just 50 more
the other:
for money, where we can build a brother or something like in monster black market upstairs, money wich we can use for upgrades better weapons for goblins better defense for base ecc
the stats would be like the first one faster breeding (this game is way to slow i am always pressing on speed up) faster sex faster everything, also more money and more popularity so we get more customers
and at one point they might also evolve, like humans become succubus and elves dark elves or dryads or something like that, maybe small fairy race too who can only breed with other small races like humans and goblins, no ogree or idk
also remove goblins as enemy in the waves, would be good if we the mc sided with mosters against humanity and they are raiding our ass to stop us before we become demon king or something like that
maybe have random upgrades option after every wave like in rouge like style, something something either more time between waves (wich we can skip if we are ready so we dont have to wait) or stuff like that
would be cool if we could use skills like in that one google game we all used to play as kids were we start as cave mans on the left against cave man on the right and we "evolve" to stone age and enemy can to and goes on to futuristic fights with laser guns ecc until on dies
here it would be cool to have like skills like if we could put something like dryads in the fild, and use a skill to make them summon a tree to fight for them or something like that, that costs mana that you have to build up by idk "removing" dead humans or mosters like you removed them in monster black market for pixies, which this game needs i want them
idk if the game was like this i would play a lot more but being a porn game and the rule says all porn game have to be dogshit absolute low quality 200 euro budget i guess it wont and it will get an update once every 20 years until it gets forgoten
i want tripple A hentai games like dave the diver, terraria, amnesia, idk maybe omori or IB
i dont want cheap indie games like no man sky, cyberpunk 2077 or starfield...