Got to day 40, maxed wave difficulty and was just about stable, here are my thoughts:
So there is a way to heal your units. Sisters appear in the upper 2 (maybe three?) tiers of attacks, and while their capture rate seems pretty low (I chilled at max for 8 days and got 2) once you do cap one they actually have a pillory benefit, unlike the normie women. They give regen 1hp per second to the stockade group on that side of the base, but only out of combat. You could heal raider units by rotating them through the stockades if you wanted but I'm always drowning in monsters so I don't bother.
I'm really liking the slower, more balanced progression of stat boosts. The traits are obviously very powerful, but seem to have the same problem that stat boosts did in previous versions: get more than one and you don't have guarenteed inheritance. So the unless you want to massively slow your breeding program with lots of duds due to dropped traits, its gonna be 1 trait per lineage.
I thought HP or Attack would be the best traits for most of my playthough, capping out at +40% at level three, but the best trait is actually cost down, which you get from raiding the biggest villages rarely. Min cost is 1, so regular gobbos don't benefit, but being able to stuff 5 shortstacks and 5 orcs/oni on a single stockade is absurd, especially once you have captive sisters to heal your meatshields.
So yeah, I think the best strat for this version is just to try and max all stats, grab the cost down trait from raiding asap, and have that for all your fighters, focussing on mostly orcs, shortstacks and Oni to get the most benefit from it. Gobbos not needed for breeding can be shoved in raid groups or the standalone raid task thing.
I can see the benefit for a separate lineage for goblins specifically, focussing on the 15/30/60% chance to capture another woman during raids trait, and use that lineage for your raiders, with groups of 10 gobbos. Not sure how it works with multiple mobs carrying the trait, maybe only need one to get the benefit, or maybe it rolls for each instance? I'll try to check, could be very powerful.
Stats that I've seen get boost numbers include HP, attack, Crit chance, Knockback resist, and conception chance. I'm not quite sure what the mechanics are for inheriting stat boosts for offspring of the PC and Monmusu specifically, it isn't strait copy-paste as there seems to be some varience, with offspring stat boosts dropping 1 or 2 at times, but not the degree of varience I'd expect if it was a range of 0 to the mothers stat.
In conclusion, I like this version a lot. the stockades with sister healing are a great benefit, though we still need a non-mod way to repair the base. The new stat system outright encourages branching into as many stat boosts as possible with how slow it is to get boosts beyond +3-5. I'm kinda sad we can't lock in multiple traits with 100% inheritance chance, but in a way that encourages branching out into multiple lineages for different purposes, or making a trade off of slower breeding progress in exchange for grabbing multiple traits on the resulting offspring.
I'm still not certain I've actually seen all the traits, some are certainly only gotten from raiding villages, possibly only raiding specific villages? Doubt anything will beat dropping every mob to 1 cost though.