Collection Video Puppetmaster Collection [2023-11-05] [Puppetmaster]

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Feb 17, 2018

The second time to sell old videos in a new wrapper. :WeSmart:


May 28, 2017
dude is delusionnal, once again looking at numbers of pirated stuff, and thinking "oh my, these should be buying customers I'm losing money here"
and he says he's losing money, compared to before but did he even consider how he changed his workflow so it's more confortable for him ? people want quality, they don't care about the well being of creators, most of them are just hit and runners, and will come back for a next release.
when I speak of workflow, that's obviously what everyone saw for more than a year, renders were simplified to captured real time rendered, and that sucked big time compared to previous works. but does he consider that ? no of course not, that's the meany pirates that are stealing his money... dude, get to work and go get some paying customers instead of whining and paying for services that anyone even with a single eye could have told you for free, pirates will continue to pirates, even shitty content, because most of the time it's just about getting something for free they couln't affort anyway which is very satisfying in this capitalist world. if it sucks it's deleted right away.

also people are not blind, buying stuff multiple times under different names or forms will not get you anywhere, that movie player or whatever the name is is pure garbage, there's literally nothing new to see inside, that's mostly a ripoff, customers will remember that, except for your regular cock suckers over at patreon who are fans, remember it comes from fanatics, they'd suck your turd in a plate.
Aug 10, 2020
Piracy is getting worse for him because the quality of his content has fucking plummeted. I've previously paid for some of his stuff but all his new shit looks objectively worse. In your endless fight against piracy you've fucked over your actual paying fans and STILL haven't stopped piracy. It's like fucking Denuvo. It ONLY hurts paying customers. Piss off.
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Dec 11, 2022
dude is delusionnal, once again looking at numbers of pirated stuff, and thinking "oh my, these should be buying customers I'm losing money here"
and he says he's losing money, compared to before but did he even consider how he changed his workflow so it's more confortable for him ? people want quality, they don't care about the well being of creators, most of them are just hit and runners, and will come back for a next release.
when I speak of workflow, that's obviously what everyone saw for more than a year, renders were simplified to captured real time rendered, and that sucked big time compared to previous works. but does he consider that ? no of course not, that's the meany pirates that are stealing his money... dude, get to work and go get some paying customers instead of whining and paying for services that anyone even with a single eye could have told you for free, pirates will continue to pirates, even shitty content, because most of the time it's just about getting something for free they couln't affort anyway which is very satisfying in this capitalist world. if it sucks it's deleted right away.

also people are not blind, buying stuff multiple times under different names or forms will not get you anywhere, that movie player or whatever the name is is pure garbage, there's literally nothing new to see inside, that's mostly a ripoff, customers will remember that, except for your regular cock suckers over at patreon who are fans, remember it comes from fanatics, they'd suck your turd in a plate.
You did read the description of the MovieViewer, right? Just saying, no offense...
Mar 29, 2023
Company paid by creators to protect them against piracy finds staggering amount of piracy. Shocking.

He is spouting (or believing) the same fallacy the movie industry has been peddling for years. A pirated view does not equal a lost sale. Not by a longshot. The vast majority of people pirating content can't or wouldn't pay for it. If it wasn't available they simply wouldn't watch it at all.


Dec 11, 2022
Company paid by creators to protect them against piracy finds staggering amount of piracy. Shocking.

He is spouting (or believing) the same fallacy the movie industry has been peddling for years. A pirated view does not equal a lost sale. Not by a longshot. The vast majority of people pirating content can't or wouldn't pay for it. If it wasn't available they simply wouldn't watch it at all.
He did not say those should be paying customers. In my opinion that dude definitely has the right to complain to his direct userbase. I mean, it´s behind a paywall and not "to the world" if you will. Obviously with that cool webpage B639T shared (thanks again ) that is also neglectable. And even if he did it more in public (Twitter or whatever) it´s also no biggie. Let´s not overthink that and rather focus on the original idea of this thread which is sharing links to his stuff. Because we can be whining all day about a dude whining, but it won´t really change anything.

Which brings me to the point: could someone be so kind and update the EP7 links? For both versions? Mega maybe?
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Aug 23, 2022
He did not say those should be paying customers. In my opinion that dude definitely has the right to complain to his direct userbase. I mean, it´s behind a paywall and not "to the world" if you will. Obviously with that cool webpage B639T shared (thanks again ) that is also neglectable. And even if he did it more in public (Twitter or whatever) it´s also no biggie. Let´s not overthink that and rather focus on the original idea of this thread which is sharing links to his stuff. Because we can be whining all day about a dude whining, but it won´t really change anything.

Which brings me to the point: could someone be so kind and update the EP7 links? For both versions? Mega maybe?
Responses like that are why I no longer post any thoughts on this forum. Seriously why are there so many people here that worry so much about critiques others share that they want it to stop?! I want you guys telling the rest of us to shutup (nicely or not nicely) to STOP, and allow conversations to flow! One thing is for sure, there is no ONE purpose to an OPEN FORUM, especially if the dialog is ON TOPIC. Between you guys and the moderators, this forum is only for a select few, and bucking the norm is basically not tolerated. The rest are shat on. You don't tell me what kind of porn I like or why I like it, so you sure as hell don't tell me what critiques to share or why.
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  • Red Heart
Reactions: BananaJackson


Dec 11, 2022
Responses like that are why I no longer post any thoughts on this forum. Seriously why are there so many people here that worry so much about critiques others share that they want it to stop?! I want you guys telling the rest of us to shutup (nicely or not nicely) to STOP, and allow conversations to flow! One thing is for sure, there is no ONE purpose to an OPEN FORUM, especially if the dialog is ON TOPIC. Between you guys and the admins, this forum is only for a select few commenters that are tolerated who buck the norm. The rest are shat on.
So you tell me to stop writing my thoughs because you don´t like what I write? Isn´t that like 1-way censorship? Somehow reminds me of a troll I once knew...

The longer this thread becomes the more people focus on the subjective (!) negative. I for myself like the new stuff a lot more than his Puppetmasters old stuff. EP5 & 6 are horrible, but EP1-4 are for my taste not as good as EP7. And EP8 looks also very promising. The only thing I like more about previous Episodes is the beginning of EP4. That was fucking amazing!

But nobody, literally nobody, seems happy that he still creates stuff. If you don´t like it, why bother? I mean, those screenshots from the beach? Fucking hell I wanna spend my holidays there. I love it!

And whining in a piracy forum, instead of directly addressing the creator, is just lame. And the idea of a piracy forum is, well: Piracy!

I mean, has anyone ever tried talking to him directly? I wrote him on Twitter once. It took 2 weeks for him to reply, but at least I got an answer. But whining here, hoping he reads the stuff and then miraculously things will get better... Come on... Rather invest the energy in restoring the links.

I don´t tell anyone to stop anything. I just suggest being less negative and more productive. If that is a bad thing, well... Whatever floats your boat.

At least I don´t need to insult anyone.
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Aug 23, 2022
So you tell me to stop writing my thoughs because you don´t like what I write? Isn´t that like 1-way censorship? Somehow reminds me of a troll I once knew...


At least I don´t need to insult anyone.
Yes, I am telling you to STOP telling people to stop sharing their criticisms. You can try to turn that around on me anyway you like, but your further comments are clearly not self-aware. You are the censor, and you want to continue it. Your idea of enforcing a bar of "productivity" in commenting is irrelevant and all your own. It is not your job to moderate this forum. Also, you took the brunt of the comment, however I hope you realized I wasn't just referring to YOU, this thread, this artist, etc.

What I want for me and others is to be able to make comments and criticisms without others attempting to shut conversations down because of some invisible value system they attempt to force on others. I'll continue to fight a-holes wherever they pop up, in any setting, and for any reason if their intent is to stifle conversation. What a miserable life it must be telling people to stop talking and thinking and sharing their opinions. So far none of this is a really an insult, but in my opinion they can be useful to stop behavior that is egregious. Its generally what society has done as the first step over the centuries to disapprove of bad behavior, so realize if you want to take any of this as an insult instead of a searing critique feel free to do so. Just know you are not immune.
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  • Red Heart
Reactions: BananaJackson


Dec 11, 2022
Yes, I am telling you to STOP telling people to stop sharing their criticisms. You can try to turn that around on me anyway you like, but your further comments are clearly not self-aware. You are the censor, and you want to continue it. Your idea of "productivity" in commenting is irrelevant and all your own. It is not your job to moderate this forum. Also, you took the brunt of the comment, however I hope you realized I wasn't just referring to YOU, this thread, this artist, etc.
Holy cow someone has a bad day...

Ok... Dear Areview, you clearly nailed the point of the "OPEN FORUM" you mentioned before by ORDERING ME to shut up and forcing your invisible value system on me. Well done, I salute you for that. That is definitely the purest definition of self-awareness and proper reflection I have witnessed lately. Thanks for the insight of the human psyche. Definitely goes in my bookmark section for "Best of online tantrum-throwing"

Did you realise that I nicely asked for something? Or was that covered by your anger about my understanding of productivity or my evil approach of "trying to moderate that forum" so we might get working links? Did I ORDER anyone to do anything like you just did? I merely suggested something, but if you choose to be offended by that, that is your decision. I definitely did not censor or order anyone anything. As you said: it´s an OPEN FORUM and I am asking nicely. You are ordering. Do you spot the difference? Spoiler alert: that was a rethorical question. Anyone who can read spots the difference.

So my main point was, to make it perfectly clear: The links for EP7 are still not working (or are horribly slow). Would you mind providing better ones?

PS: I did not mean your comment when I referred to insults ;)

PPS: To cut it short: no, I do not really want to resume the previous topics. I suggested my point of view, I got smashed in the face with yours. All good! If that was real live I would give you a hug and invite you for a coffee and have a talk about what´s really bothering you. And probably suggest that focusing on the positive things in life is better than feeling angry about something in a anonymous online forum. Suggesting, not ordering.

One more hot suggestion, I promise the last one for today:
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Dec 11, 2022
Yes, I am telling you to STOP telling people to stop sharing their criticisms. You can try to turn that around on me anyway you like, but your further comments are clearly not self-aware. You are the censor, and you want to continue it. Your idea of enforcing a bar of "productivity" in commenting is irrelevant and all your own. It is not your job to moderate this forum. Also, you took the brunt of the comment, however I hope you realized I wasn't just referring to YOU, this thread, this artist, etc.

What I want for me and others is to be able to make comments and criticisms without others attempting to shut conversations down because of some invisible value system they attempt to force on others. I'll continue to fight a-holes wherever they pop up, in any setting, and for any reason if their intent is to stifle conversation. What a miserable life it must be telling people to stop talking and thinking and sharing their opinions. So far none of this is a really an insult, but in my opinion they can be useful to stop behavior that is egregious. Its generally what society has done as the first step over the centuries to disapprove of bad behavior, so realize if you want to take any of this as an insult instead of a searing critique feel free to do so. Just know you are not immune.
Ok, honestly I meant it playful and I genuinely hope you can have a laugh, or even two, about my last comment. If that hurt your feelings, I am sorry. Maybe consider it as British Humor ala Monty Pythons. That one always makes me laugh:
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Aug 23, 2022
Let´s not overthink that and rather focus on the original idea of this thread which is sharing links to his stuff. Because we can be whining all day about a dude whining, but it won´t really change anything.
There is no moral or intelligent equivalence in what you've said vs what I've said. Your gas lighting and non-sequitors don't ring true. In one breath you tell people to stop sharing their opinions (whining as you call it), and the next you are the savior of the internets against me who would have you stop your censorious views. You don't bring an intellectual argument to the table if thats all you got. Taking everything I am saying and just turning it back against me almost verbatim is something we all learn to do as children, and suggesting a searing critique of yourself as just someone having a "bad day" is a complete whiff and smacks of fear and anger instead of humility and reflection. Even I wanted to give you more credit than that, so its clear you are out of your depth.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote