
Active Member
Jul 28, 2020
The 95% you qualify as "pseudonumber" is comprised of B+C
That is the dumbest thing i ever heard, good lord lol
why would you have C who have not said anything? You can't just assumed "yes" when there is no solid input. If i gave a survey to 1000 people on this site asking if they were +18 and only 100 said yes, 200 said no, and 700 gave no answer am i going to assume 900 are +18? see how dumb that sounds? This why age verification is a requirement and not a choice, they need a definitive answer. Group C is not a definitive answer, so why are you assuming answers? You say i "strawman" and yet this is exactly what you are doing. "they give no answer. i count them as yes to make my number make sense." Group C also is composed of different memberships, to be on Discord you would have to be part of Inner Circle which is $10. Not everyone is paying that amount, you can still receive game updates at $5 but will not have access to Inner circle which is Discord. It says all this on their page how do you miss such an obvious thing? Who are the $5 members going to say no to? They'll show it by staying and without having to say anything. That means if i stayed on Patreon you would have classified me as a "sleeper" had i not voiced my opinion to you here, are you starting to see how ridiculous your logic is? You expect everyone who says to no come here so you get to see and only then becomes true? But even if we dig deeper into group C those who didn't answer probably didn't know of the SubStar campaign. After that, between that group you then have to see which truly didn't know and which are completely out of touch, those who are completely out of touch are most likely the true "Sleepers" because their lack of awareness exceed more than the SubStar campaign. Had this been a majority vote then yes, you favor the bigger side out of the total votes you recieve. However, that is not the case, he's not looking for a definitive "no" he is looking for a definitive "yes" which is why there is a goal meaning nothing is set in stone until the limit is reached. If you have interest you switch, and if you don't then you dismiss it. Ero said the game will continue either way meaning this is not a urge thing.
-I did read what you wrote you're saying its slower but by what metric? If you don't know these are the step on how content is made:
1.Concept art
2.High res sculpt
3.Low poly model
4.Materials and textures
8.Tons of testing for a real time action game with dynamic body morphs, visual damage, and real-time in-game H scenes

So the content that was added in 2022 was not on step 1, it instead had to revise step 6. For this year step 1 for Ring Girl didn't start that long ago, same with Spider enemies, it hasn't even been a year. I already went over this (again you don't listen) that content that is released is usually started from a year before. Characters like FemCop and Chain Splicers were re-released on 2022 but were already worked on 2021. Ring Girl doesn't have long history, Spider doesn't either, Bunny Oynx scene doesn't either, i was there seeing their first concept arts you can't tell me otherwise. The new Lab boss which is literally from our "Fan Suggestions" channel is now being worked on. So just because you don't get the content you wanted doesn't mean they aren't working, they are doing many things at once.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2019
another cash grab perhaps... will be ready in 4 to never years.
guys, what are you fighting over, the j***** was called out on the very first page of this thread lol, lmao even.

This should already be fait accompli long ago


Feb 25, 2021
That is the dumbest thing i ever heard, good lord lol
why would you have C who have not said anything? You can't just assumed "yes" when there is no solid input.
It doesn't make you look smart, it makes you seem to have a problem with basic comprehension. Perhaps english is not your 1st language?

I already explained that Subscribestar means cheaper, uncensored and faster development. It's not that those who didn't say/do anything mean yes, it's that they probably still believe they're supporting MatM. If they didn't voice their opinion, they're sleeping. But they still pay, and that's their "solid input".

If i gave a survey to 1000 people on this site asking if they were +18 and only 100 said yes, 200 said no, and 700 gave no answer am i going to assume 900 are +18? see how dumb that sounds? This why age verification is a requirement and not a choice, they need a definitive answer.
No, it would mean that 700 people didn't read the survey or didn't care to answer it.

Group C is not a definitive answer, so why are you assuming answers? You say i "strawman" and yet this is exactly what you are doing. "they give no answer. i count them as yes to make my number make sense." Group C also is composed of different memberships, to be on Discord you would have to be part of Inner Circle which is $10. Not everyone is paying that amount, you can still receive game updates at $5 but will not have access to Inner circle which is Discord. It says all this on their page how do you miss such an obvious thing? Who are the $5 members going to say no to? They'll show it by staying and without having to say anything. That means if i stayed on Patreon you would have classified me as a "sleeper" had i not voiced my opinion to you here, are you starting to see how ridiculous your logic is? You expect everyone who says to no come here so you get to see and only then becomes true?
I didn't miss the Inner Circle stuff. I don't expect anything. I didn't say any of that. You're arguing with yourself.

But even if we dig deeper into group C those who didn't answer probably didn't know of the SubStar campaign. After that, between that group you then have to see which truly didn't know and which are completely out of touch, those who are completely out of touch are most likely the true "Sleepers" because their lack of awareness exceed more than the SubStar campaign. Had this been a majority vote then yes, you favor the bigger side out of the total votes you recieve.
Exactly. He received more "votes" saying yes than "votes" saying no. More people moved to Subscribestar than people refused to move. Those who didn't say anything are sleeping.
And you're still missing the point. EROMANCER DOESN'T HAVE TO LEAVE PATREON. Just say that he's developing XXXIV (or for that matter, going back to MatM) and keep milking that easy money.

Ero said the game will continue either way meaning this is not a urge thing.
No shit! Of course it isn't urgent for him! He can get more money for releasing less content. He's done it for 10 years, so he can keep the facade for 10 more without breaking a sweat

-I did read what you wrote you're saying its slower but by what metric?
Released content. What it can be found in the changelogs is REAL. Enemies, backgrounds, H-animations, UI, gameplay...
Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

If you don't know these are the step on how content is made:
1.Concept art
2.High res sculpt
3.Low poly model
4.Materials and textures
8.Tons of testing for a real time action game with dynamic body morphs, visual damage, and real-time in-game H scenes
Yes, I'm familiar on how it works. You missed 1.5 (3D base model) but for the rest I agree to 1 to 7 for in-game enemies.
But 8? Nope. Tons of testing? That's a laugh!
If you remember, the difference between the $5 and $10 (aside from Discord access) used to be that each month would have 2 releases, one mid- and one end- month.
The mid-month release would have new content (only available for $10 and up) and the end-month would be the polished version of that (available for everyone). He did that for a couple months, but I guess that it was "too much work"
Now he only makes 1 release/month, on the last day, and most of the time he needs to patch a game-breaking bug a week later. EVEN WHEN THE "UPDATE" DIDN'T HAVE ANY REAL CONTENT.
I already posted his "apology" for Apr 2023 "underwhelming" content because he only had 3 weeks to work on it, as the first week was used to patch the Mar 2023 test release.
Also, H-scenes can be done from step 5 on. The Onyx+FemCop+MaleCop was done a year and a half before the MaleCop went through step 6 to 8
And there are dozens of enemies who could have H-animations because they've been on step 5 for years.

So the content that was added in 2022 was not on step 1, it instead had to revise step 6. For this year step 1 for Ring Girl didn't start that long ago, same with Spider enemies, it hasn't even been a year. I already went over this (again you don't listen) that content that is released is usually started from a year before. Characters like FemCop and Chain Splicers were re-released on 2022 but were already worked on 2021. Ring Girl doesn't have long history, Spider doesn't either, Bunny Oynx scene doesn't either, i was there seeing their first concept arts you can't tell me otherwise.
Again, you're arguing with yourself. It doesn't matter when the content goes though the pipeline, it matters when it's in the changelog. The Jan to Apr 2023 changelogs have nothing but smoke. And again, 2023, not 2022.
Also the spiders were an old concept art that was reposted (even the name you so proudly said it was you idea was a repost). Same with the bikers and many others.
And the Ring Girl is a side character for the Semi Boss Fight. And Semi has been AT LEAST in step 5 for 2 years now. Why waste time and money on a side character when the main Boss Fight is frozen indefinitely?
First make the Ring background stage. Then make the fight with Semi, and then, think about adding "more spice" like the Ring Girl.
And there are DOZENS of models that have been in step 5 or 6 FOR YEARS. Like the Splicer Pitbull Eromancer said he couldn't figure out how to set the AI.
There are enemies that have been in those steps for more than 4 years. Where are they?

The new Lab boss which is literally from our "Fan Suggestions" channel is now being worked on. So just because you don't get the content you wanted doesn't mean they aren't working, they are doing many things at once.
What difference does it make? It won't be in game in more than 5 years anyway.
Where is the BadCop Boss announced 4 years ago? And the Robot Boss also announced 4 years ago? And the Spider Boss? And the Semi Ring Boss fight? And the sewers Boss? And the Dominatrix Boss fight?
It's not "the content I want". It's content, any content.
Eromancer keeps posting more "step 1" stuff and gullible people believe they're working on "the new shiny thing", when in reality there are 50+ enemies completely abandoned or "frozen".
And nothing of substance is added to the game. The changelogs don't lie.
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Jul 17, 2018
Yes it involved his input. If he wasn't such an incompetent dev we would never had made fun of him.
Let me rephrase that, then.
The most fun thing Ero has given us wasn't what they intended.

Unless they've been mismanaging their whole project and grifting thousands of people on purpose just so spectators can laugh at the trainwreck. Meh, it's 2023, anythings possible at this point I suppose.


Mar 14, 2022
does newest version have mutiple outfits?
i took glance on changleog and it seems to be no new h content added last 2 years. lol for real? :D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2020
He's screwing 95% of his supporters to please the 5% of "consumers"
You said this! these are your words! You added the people who switched with those who didn't say a word! By default those who didn't saying anything would be closer to "no"! If you walk around asking strangers if they want some water and they don't give an answer by default that is a no, you're not going to force them to take something they didn't even acknowledge. You intentionally misrepresented the data to fit your argument, that by definition is "strawman" why are you using words you don't even understand. Those numbers also aren't even backed by anything you just pulled them out of you ass because that's the one thing you do best.
No, it would mean that 700 people didn't read the survey or didn't care to answer it
Exactly so how would you be screwing them over? You would if you went ahead did whatever it is without their acknowledgement.
No shit! Of course it isn't urgent for him! He can get more money for releasing less content. He's done it for 10 years, so he can keep the facade for 10 more without breaking a sweat
Then wtf are you complaining about?! You keep running into the same brick wall and getting upset about hitting the same wall over and over, that is the definition of stupidity. If the same wall is always going to be there and never change then leave it! At one point you even thought he would come here to read your comment that's how delusional you are. Not once will you catch me complaining about the same game over and over, because the logical thing is to leave it. Here's a quote for you, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" For someone who quoted Mark Twain i don't know you missed such an obvious one.
Released content. What it can be found in the changelogs is REAL. Enemies, backgrounds, H-animations, UI, gameplay...
Everything else is smoke and mirrors
Oki "go from A to D, don't show me B and C that's smoke and mirrors" even tho updates are part of the membership and considered content, but even that aside if you check the changelogs in 2022 up until April there were 74 points of changes made, for 2023 there are 90 points of changes done. Idk how that is slower, even if it was 70, a 4 point difference not much slower. It would have to be at max 60 points, a 14 point difference is without a doubt less work done.
Yes, I'm familiar on how it works. You missed 1.5 (3D base model)
If you were than you would know that is part of sculpting which is 2. Also H-scenes can not be done in 5, do you not understand rigging? During that step models have no way to be controlled (skeleton). You would have to add said "skeleton" first in order to have some form of control over them. Once you finished you can then start manipulating or "animating" said skeleton which is step 6.
And yes i do know his apology i was there, it was old news to me by the time you read it, all months before that had 2 releases but were late so he decided to skip April to catch up and had only one release that month. Just because there is not enough H-scenes (because we all know that is what you really are using as a base to measure) doesn't mean nothing is being done. You are basically asking for a car to be delivered to you even though it has no engine, just purely because it looks nice from the outside. "Cars just roll right? nothing complicated, Oh needs engine? just toss any engine in there i'm sure they are all the same. Games also just play right? just minor animation stuff, oh new animation aren't working? You done many before just copy paste to new model, thats what i do with text and pictures i'm sure entire animations work the same."
The Ring Girl is part of Semi! She is the boss of the next level meaning she requires all the bells and whistles that come with it. Again you are asking for a car without seats, because technically "it still drives without seats, those are just side parts"
What difference does it make? It won't be in game in more than 5 years anyway.
A big difference, you say they are being scammed but ironically if you talk to Ero enough he might actually put your ideas in game. Of course he post step 1, every part of the game started that way! You act as tho finished products fall from the sky, any idiot back then could have made the same claims you make about any character, like the Bunny girls, and look stupid now that they are actually in the game. They too were in Step 1, is that still the case? No, in fact their are getting more scenes now. So if something is not being added maybe is because it's being package with something else ever thought about that? You stare at a cube from one side and call it a square. You really break barriers when it comes to being goofy.
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Active Member
Jul 28, 2020
"Our" channel? Is this the long awaited coming out? Ero, is that you maiboi?
its has fans on the name, meaning its dedicated to the fans, you really need to wear a helmet when you walk, the brain damage is too severe.


New Member
Jan 18, 2023
Another one of these eternal patreon grifts, there has barely been any substancial updates to this game in years. But credit where it's due, the guy knows how to milk his audience dry. Maybe it will be done in 2042.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
its has fans on the name, meaning its dedicated to the fans, you really need to wear a helmet when you walk, the brain damage is too severe.
Last time I checked, quotation mark is a sort of thought separator and the way you used it implies ownership of the channel. Just throwing "fans" into the mix doesn't suddenly change it. might be right. Reading your recent explanations gave me a small stroke.


Jun 7, 2017
You said this! these are your words! You added the people who switched with those who didn't say a word! By default those who didn't saying anything would be closer to "no"! If you walk around asking strangers if they want some water and they don't give an answer by default that is a no, you're not going to force them to take something they didn't even acknowledge. You intentionally misrepresented the data to fit your argument, that by definition is "strawman" why are you using words you don't even understand. Those numbers also aren't even backed by anything you just pulled them out of you ass because that's the one thing you do best.
In my country there is a proverb saying "Silence means consent.". Those who are not saying anything means two things. 1: They don't care at all where they are paying and stay on patreon until it closes. 2: They don't say anything because they are no longer watching the progress and just forgot about their subscription. So silence doesn't mean no nor yes, it means neutrality.
2.90 star(s) 78 Votes